Hogwarts Wizard of the Deep

Chapter 58 Abnormal

Chapter 58 Abnormal
Snape was right, the more proficient you are at a spell, the lower the bar for casting that spell.

This is also the reason why there is a technique of silent casting in advanced magic.At that time, when casting spells, the so-called standard pronunciation and the waving trajectory of the wand will limit the fluency of a person's spellcasting.

He even suspected that a wizard of Dumbledore's level could already say what he said to most spells.

Linde knew this theorem.

But the reason why he still asks is because he wants to delay time.

It is best to finish this class.He just feels like sitting on pins and needles now, feeling uncomfortable all over.

"Augustus, you are very interesting. You haven't exchanged a glance with me since the beginning." Snape looked at Linde, and Linde was quite frightened by what he said.

But he might have underestimated Snape a little, and he didn't expect him to say what he said next.

"It seems that you have some understanding of how to practice Occlumency, but you can rest assured that I will not use Legilimency on you. I respect everyone," Snape said awkwardly.

When Linde heard this, he couldn't believe it, and then he saw Snape's awkward expression, thinking that this was not something he should have said, was it because of Dumbledore's instructions?

However, he didn't know that if Snape was in front of Harry Potter, he would definitely use Legilimency to force Harry to quickly learn Occlumency, but Linde couldn't.The accident a year ago must have been buried in Linde's heart and he didn't want to show it to others.

He had told Dumbledore a few months ago that Linde might be the first blood-cursed orc whose soul was devoured in history, so naturally he couldn't use the Imperius Curse to stimulate him.

But teaching him Occlumency was another attempt by him and Dumbledore to resist the blood-curse spirit on Linde. History has never had an attempt to use Occlumency to restrict the blood-curse.

He couldn't be overly stimulated, and he had to learn Occlumency as much as possible, so Snape had to use other methods to guide Linde.

"I think I've explained the theoretical knowledge clearly!" Snape didn't care what Linde was thinking.

"Then you can get out, but from the moment you walk out of this door, I don't want to see emotions on your face. At the same time, you will give me a diary now next week.

In the diary, write down some big and small things you encountered in Hogwarts, write down the events, and then use an outsider's perspective to objectively evaluate. "Snape gave Linde a task, and then drove him out.

Linde was a little dazed. What he had feared for a long time did not happen. Snape actually said the word "respect".He said goodbye to Snape in a daze, and then left.

When he opened the door, Snape added coldly:
"Of course, you can not write about things that are too private. But I hope you can give me a satisfactory answer next time."

My God, this Snape is fake!He looked back to confirm that it was Snape's office!
Linde felt in his heart that he felt that he was getting more and more confused about this magical world.

Why is Dumbledore giving me face like this? !Even Snape did this to me? !
Linde buried these two questions in his heart, and then began to think about the tasks Snape gave him.

To put it simply, "Don't be happy with things, don't be sad with yourself." Always be an outsider.

Not too difficult!At least in the environment of Hogwarts where I am now, there is no life or death. Most of the things are just fights between little wizards from various colleges. It is naturally impossible to be completely free of emotional fluctuations , but it can be done relatively objectively.

Back in the lounge, the four of Harry surrounded Neville and were talking about something.Linde walked over and heard Neville crying.

"Malfoy," said Neville, in a trembling voice, "I ran into him outside the library. He said he's been looking for someone to practice the Leg Locking Charm."

Just as he was talking, he saw Linde approaching, and hurriedly said to him, "Linde, Malfoy said he will use this spell to teach you a lesson."

Hearing this, Linde felt a little disdainful in his heart, and the corners of his mouth raised.Then he thought of what Snape had said to him, and then returned to his expressionless face: "Okay, thanks for telling me, Neville."

"Go to Professor McGonagall!" Hermione urged Neville: "Sue him!"

Neville shook his head. Harry and Ron looked at Linde with some expectation at first, hoping that he would teach Malfoy a lesson, but then they were a little disappointed when they saw Linde's eyes that seemed to have nothing to do with them.

"I don't want to get into any more trouble," Neville muttered vaguely.

"You've got to be brave against him, Neville!" said Ron. "He's always been domineering, and there's no reason for us to be in front of him..."

"Where is he! Tell me, what happened last time is not over yet!" Jane interrupted Ron!

"Last time? Jane, have you ever been bullied by him?" Neville looked at the little witch who jumped up suddenly with concern.

"The last time he obviously wanted to die by himself, that day...it doesn't matter anyway. The important thing is that I wanted to kill him a long time ago."

Jane blurted out directly, but fortunately, she realized that the incident last time happened when she was on a night outing, and it involved a three-headed dog, so she quickly stopped the conversation.

Hearing Jane's words, Ron also booed: "That's right, tell me! We'll stand up for you, we Gryffindors are not afraid of anything!"

"I'm too timid to be in Gryffindor," Neville choked out, and Ron's words seemed to irritate him.

"Why do you have such an idea?" Hermione asked in disbelief. She pressed Jane and covered her mouth with her hands, lest she say anything about fighting!She asked Neville and gave Ron a look.

Neville sobbed, "I...Malfoy said it, and I think he's right."

Harry reached into his robe pocket and pulled out a Chocolate Frog, the last of the box Hermione had given him for Christmas.Harry handed it to Neville.Neville looked like he was about to cry.

"You're better than a dozen Malfoys," said Harry. "The Sorting Hat chose you for Gryffindor, didn't it? You must have what a Gryffindor needs. Where's Malfoy?" In nasty Slytherin."

Hearing this, Linde touched his nose, a little speechless, I don't have the qualities that Gryffindor needs.Then he quickly stabilized his emotions.

Why didn't I realize that I have so many small thoughts like this before!

Linde suddenly felt that the task Snape gave him was not that simple.

Neville unwrapped the Chocolate Frog, his lips twitching in a feeble smile.

"Thanks, that... I want to go to bed... Harry, do you want a picture? You collect pictures, don't you?"

After Neville left, Harry looked at the famous wizard's picture: "It's Dumbledore again," he said, "the first time I was—"

He gasped, staring at the back of the picture.

"What's wrong?" Ron asked.

"Um...it's nothing, let's talk later!" He turned sideways and winked at Ron.

(End of this chapter)

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