Hogwarts Wizard of the Deep

Chapter 4 Diagon Alley

Chapter 4 Diagon Alley

"Mr. Augustus."

Both Linde and Felix looked at Snape.

"This is Charing Cross Road in London. Next, we are going to a commercial street that belongs to wizards."

"Wizard?" Felix looked at Snape suspiciously.

Snape, who was about to turn around, stopped and stared at Linde's face suspiciously, "I thought Mr. Linde, who received the letter, had explained everything to you.

Of course, I can understand if he takes it as a prank. "

Then, he looked at Felix again, "Please come with me, I will explain to you two on the way."

"On the evening of July 7th, Mr. Linde officially received the admission letter from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and asked the school's owl to send a reply letter that night."

"Magic school?!" Felix followed Linde, looking at Linde suspiciously, but he remembered that Linde was holding an owl that day.

Linde shrugged at him, embarrassed.He never thought that it would be Snape who would take him to school!
Except for Quirrell, the rest of the professors should at least explain well before bringing their children and family to Diagon Alley!

Snape didn't care what the two people behind thought, and continued to lead the way.It seemed that even though he was busy, he still apparated to a place a little way from the Leaky Cauldron, which would make it easier for the two of them to remember the exact location of the Leaky Cauldron.

"Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Witchcraft and Wizardry is the best wizarding school in the UK, responsible for teaching young wizards with magical powers how to use and manage their own magical powers.

Most wizards in England have studied at Hogwarts.And your brother Linde is a man with magical powers in his body.

His name was written on the Hogwarts admission list from birth. "

After saying this, Snape led the way and let Felix brainstorm behind, but it was not too difficult to accept.After all, he had known for a long time that Linde was different from ordinary people, but before that he felt that it was something within superpowers.

Not long after, Snape led the two of them to a dirty, dilapidated bar sandwiched between a bookstore and a record store.

Snape walked in with the two of them, and he could hear Felix muttering behind him, "Can we still have guests like this?!"

Linde also has a black thread when he hears it, you and him are not really colleagues, you complain about what others do.

When the three of them approached the house, they could see several old women sitting in the corner drinking sherry with small cups, and one of them was smoking a long pipe.A little man in a top hat was talking to the barkeeper, whose hair was almost bare and who looked like a blunted walnut.No sooner had they entered than the chattering stopped abruptly, probably because of Snape.

Ignoring them, Snape directly led the two of them across the bar and into the small courtyard surrounded by walls.There is nothing here except a trash can and some weeds, but Linde knows where it is, the gate of Diagon Alley.

"Come in from the bar, walk across the bar and come here. See this wall? I'll just say it once, count three up, two down, and tap the brick three times with your wand. You There will be wands."

As he spoke, Snape tapped the brick three times, and then the brick began to vibrate and rotate to reveal a hole. After a while, the hole became the size of a door frame, revealing the winding road behind.

"This is the largest gathering place for wizards in the UK - Diagon Alley. Everything you need to buy in your first grade can be bought here."

With that said, Snape led the way into the alleyway.

"I'll take you to Gringotts, a wizarding bank, to exchange for wizarding currency, and then you can buy things you need to learn here."

After speaking, Snape walked forward quickly, and the wizards around kept avoiding him.

Seeing that Snape didn't want to talk too much, Felix didn't find it boring, and walked around with a big belly looking around.It is extremely conspicuous among the pointed hats.However, his hands were kept on his waist, and it seemed that this new environment did not let him relax his vigilance.

Linde was not much better, he kept looking left and right, wishing he could have eyes all over his head.

After all, I used to watch it through a screen or text, but now I experience it personally, and the feeling is completely different.

There are windows full of eyes and spider mummies, and there are many Quidditch windows of children around Linde's age at the door.

"My God, Linde, the flying broomstick is exactly the same as the one in the story when I was a child, my God, I want to buy one too." The man who is almost 40 years old is now like a child, shouting at Linde As he said that, the people around frowned and passed the two of them.

Snape walked very quickly, and the two of them didn't have much time to look around. After a while, they came to a snow-white building that was higher than the surrounding shops. On the crooked pillars were written gilt characters - Gringotts.

The shiny bronze gate is next to a golden fairy statue.

Short hands, short legs, short neck.

Long fingers, a long nose and long leather shoes, which must have long toes inside.

"That's enough"

"Ahem!" Felix was about to say something when he was interrupted by Linde's deliberate cough.

Linde motioned him to look at the inner gate with his eyes, and there were all the ugly creatures he wanted to complain about just now.

Snape also heard what Felix wanted to say just now, and the corners of his mouth slightly raised, "Goblins are not friendly creatures."

He also seemed to agree with Felix's assessment of the goblins.

Felix smiled, touched his head, and then the two walked in following Snape's pace.

Coming to an empty counter on the right, Snape knocked on the countertop, unceremoniously interrupting the goblin who was scribbling with a quill.

The goblin looked up and looked at Snape coldly, "Severus, interrupting other people's work is not a good habit."

"It's just counting over and over again how much wizard money can become yours!

I have a freshman here who needs to exchange Galleons! "Snape still had a cold low voice.

"New student? Muggle family? Tsk." The goblin raised his eyebrows, and his voice became sharper again.

"They're busy!" Snape explained casually, and then called Linde to come forward.

Seeing Linde coming forward, the goblin frowned.

His voice became the same as Snape's, no, it was worse than Snape's, he spit out words as if he couldn't poop, and hopped out word by word in a low voice.

"According to the regulations, you can exchange 250 pounds for 50 gold Galleons. One galleon is equal to seventeen silver Sickles, and one silver Sickle is equal to twenty-nine copper Knuts."


"It can't be any more, the British pound is completely useless to us. If it weren't for the Hogwarts contract, you wouldn't even be able to change it for a gallon." Linde was interrupted by the goblin before he could say anything.

Why do you have such a tone, oh yes.Some time ago, it seemed that the vault containing the Philosopher's Stone was forcibly broken into, so it's understandable that they were furious—what the hell!

Your treasury has been broken into and I will suspend you!

The goblin sat in front of the tall counter, looking down at Linde coldly.

Linde didn't answer him, but called Felix back to come forward.

It seems that his father is going to bring the money.

He saw this scene often.

However, when Felix came over, he stopped beside Linde, leaning over to listen to Linde's words.After all, Linde himself is rich, so he should be called here because he needs his help.

Then, under the eyes of the goblins around him, he picked up Linde and put him on his shoulders, and he walked to the counter after Linde sat down firmly.

Now, Linde looked down at the goblin in front of him.He drew five Queen's Heads from the lining of his jacket and bent over to the goblin.

"I changed them all."


"What I wanted to say just now is, can gold be exchanged?"

(End of this chapter)

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