Hogwarts Wizard of the Deep

Chapter 26 The Eve Of Halloween Chapter

26 Halloween

It was close to morning, and with the hoarse cry of the crow, Linde in the water woke up from his deep sleep.

The fog above the swimming pool has almost dispersed, stretched his body in the water, and then shot out of the water like an arrow.

Some of the previous injuries were not treated in time, leaving some scars like bullet holes.He dressed and walked out of the Room of Requirement.

Back in the Gryffindor lounge, he went back to the dormitory to tidy up, and then, like a little wizard who goes to bed early and gets up early, he changed into casual clothes and went to the rest area below as usual.

Flipping away the long piece of parchment, there is a little star map drawn on it.Astronomy is undoubtedly a relatively easy subject. The whole semester is basically drawing a star map under the guidance of the professor.

The professor told them with some regret last week that the stars will return to their positions a little after the final exam.

But this is big news for many young wizards, which means that their final exam has changed from drawing a star map accurately to drawing a half-finished product.

After casually finishing the astronomy homework, Linde took out other homework and started to do it.

After breakfast, Linde came to the library, trying to find out about his abnormalities, but unfortunately he found nothing all afternoon. He had a hunch that his answer might be in the restricted section.But that might as well have him go face to face with Dumbledore.

This is a real wizarding world, and he will touch things in the restricted area, but not now.

Pressing his doubts to the bottom of his heart, he warned himself not to forget, and then Linde started his daily study again.

He wrote to Lihen Bookstore and ordered the second-grade spell textbook "Standard Spells: Level [-]", and then borrowed these books from the library to make the transition.

The last spell in the first grade—the dancing spell was relatively simple, and he mastered it in just one night.

At the same time, he also tried the water spray spell twice again. Since he was prepared this time, he tried to forcefully control the speed of the water spout and tried to make it spew fresh water.

The jet of water can indeed be controlled by him to become smaller. Although it is still scary, at least it means that he can practice slowly.But in both attempts he failed to get the jet of water to normalize.

His tongue can be clearly distinguished.

This is also the reason why he stopped going to continue Professor Flitwick's challenge.You can try, but he won't continue to spend too much time on this challenge.

On Tuesday breakfast, in the bustling auditorium, Linde was eating breakfast, and Jane was sitting opposite him, stuffing food into her mouth one after another, making her mouth dripping with oil.

Owls poured into the auditorium, and these owls held different things in their claws and threw them at the little wizards.

Andersen also flew up, turning his head around, looking for something.

An owl threw a package towards Linde, and Andersen hurriedly caught it, and then slowly put it beside Linde.

He still remembered that a week ago, Malfoy's mother sent him some candy, which was still thrown high by the owl, which ended up hitting the glass and splashing all over the surrounding people.

At that time, Linde said lightly, "Stupid!", which caused Harry and Ron to laugh for a long time.

But what everyone hears is different.For those little wizards, it was Linde taunting Malfoy.

But for it, this is obviously its boss reminding itself.

Remind yourself not to be like those stupid owls who drop things down when they are tall.

Lin De opened the package, and it was "Standard Spells: Level [-]" bought at Lihen Bookstore.Hogwarts Second Year Charms book.

But he hurriedly put away the book, so that no one else would see his broken mouth.

Afterwards, Linde wrapped the cover of the book before he dared to take it out to read it in normal times.

Thursday, Halloween Eve.

The troll will enter the school tonight, but... it has nothing to do with him, with Dumbledore around, usually nothing will happen.

Lind woke up to the smell of pumpkin pie.With Ron and Wayne's little wizards declaring that they're going on a night trip in homemade Halloween costumes to frighten Filch.

In today's Charms class, Professor Flitwick announced that he thought they could start making things fly.The students have been eager to try this skill ever since they saw Professor Flitwick make Neville's toad fly around the classroom.

He divided the students into two groups, Lynd and Jane were divided into one group, and Neville was on the other side.

Professor Flitwick naturally knew Linde's strength, so he planned to let him take care of the two children. Needless to say, Neville, Jane's condition has not been very good these days.

Although this spell Linde has already known.However, he believes that the phrase "knowledge is eternal" is not applicable to individuals. If you don't review it and don't use it often, even the most profound knowledge will gradually be forgotten.

So for the Transfiguration and Charms classes, he never said that he was going to learn other content by himself, but seriously followed the teacher's rhythm to have a high-quality knowledge review.

In the practical stage, Linde was still the first person to successfully cast the floating spell.Professor Flitwick gave him five points.

Jane repeated the spell over and over next to him. Her pronunciation was standard and she waved her wand very standard, but the feathers just couldn't fly. It seemed that she didn't intend to cast this spell at all.

Then he turned to the other side, trying to guide Neville.

"You're wrong," Hermione's voice came from behind Linde, and she said bluntly: "It's Yuga-Dimlev-o-sa, and the word 'plus' needs to be long and clear .”

"Since you're so clever, you should give it a try. Like Linde, don't just talk about it." Ron growled.

Hermione rolled up her sleeves, waved her wand, and said, "Wingardim Leviosa!"

Their feather rose from the table and hovered four feet above their heads.

Linde looked at the wand with small thorns in Ron's hand, and sighed.

Neville and Ron's biggest problem has never been themselves, but the wands in their hands.

"I'm serious, you should change your wand!" Linde said to Neville with a sigh.

"I can feel that this wand is rejecting you." Linde said lightly.

"But, I... that's all I have." Neville was also very aware of his problem, and he blushed.

But he was still unwilling to give up. He felt that this was left to him by his father, and it contained very important things.

Lind took out another wand.

"No one said you couldn't use two wands! Never. It's just that we should use whichever is more convenient when necessary."

The other wasn't actually a wand, just a branch he used to polymorph into a wand when he practiced his spells.

But Neville probably didn't care about the details of why the two wands were the same.

Neville thought for a while, but still didn't speak, and continued to poke the feather. Linde also knew that Neville's situation could not be resolved with just a few words.

After class, Linde still walked behind, but his mind was not on the book, he quietly listened to the conversation ahead.

"No wonder everyone can't stand her," Ron said to Harry as they trudged through the crowded corridors. "She was like a nightmare, to be honest. I don't know how that guy got on with her." get along."

Someone bumped into Harry and hurried past them again.It's Hermione.Harry caught a glimpse of her face - he was surprised to see that she was crying.

"I think she heard you."

"So what..."

"Ronald!!" Jane, who had been absent-minded, suddenly realized and shouted at Ron.

Then she hurried to Hermione. "You wait for me."

"Who does she think she is, looking down on the duo?" Ron said angrily.

Linde raised his eyebrows from behind.

Where did this Jane DeVoe come from? It was a huge variable.

(End of this chapter)

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