Hogwarts Wizard of the Deep

Chapter 186 Detective

Chapter 186 Detective
"What about you..." Rendell looked away from the lifted head and looked at Linde hesitantly.

"It smells other than blood and carrion!" Linde said slowly, pointing to his nose.

"I don't understand, what's the smell?" Rendell subconsciously twitched his nose when he heard what Linde said, but the stench in the room wrinkled his face. "Just the smell."

Linde kicked the scarlet meat mud flowing out of the corpse's abdominal cavity with his toe, "This is a mixture of fresh meat and mud, you can smell it when you get closer."

"Forget it." As he said that, he exited the room and looked at Corso, "Is this what you call artistic creation?"

"Ah? Isn't it?" Corso was stunned for a while, he didn't know what he was thinking, anyway, he didn't look very smart, "I think it's quite...artistic!"

Perhaps it was because he had seen too many corpses, which made him lack the sense of fear of corpses, or other reasons.

Anyway, in his mind, this is a work of art based on a corpse, no different from a statue carved out of marble.

Rendell shook his head helplessly, and looked at Cass who was taking care of old Langdon, "Cass."


"You come and hand over to this detective!" Rendell said, carrying Old Langdon down, and then Corso ran over to pick up Old Langdon, "Boss, I'll do it."

Cass nodded, greeted the two people in the room, and walked down.

After that, Linde took another look at the glue gun scattered on the wall.

"Do you think it's Little Langdon who put the gas?" Merleton looked at Linde.

Linde looked at Merleton, apparently the detective also noticed the previously sealed windows.

"It's not like, although the glue gun used to seal the windows is in this room, I don't think he needs it. According to old Langdon, even when he was insane, little Langdon still didn't have any desire to attack him."

"Tsk tsk tsk, that means you chose to believe in this beautiful human nature without any evidence, and directly rule out the suspicion of little Langdon?" Merleton threw his head on the bed and smiled slowly.

Linde thought for a while, looked around, and said nothing.He doesn't know how to answer him now.Indeed, he knew that such an unconditional trust in human nature was wrong.But when he saw what old Langdon said to his son, it was really hard for him to think in those directions.

"Let's go, there's nothing to see here anymore." Seeing that he didn't speak, Meleton beckoned everyone to go out.

At this time, Rendell had already carried the unconscious old Langdon down, and Corso seemed to be constantly observing downstairs.At the same time, Linde could also hear Cass standing outside the door on the phone.

"You ask people to spread the investigation around Jinhua Street No.16, the cemetery, the hospital, and the crematorium. See if they have stolen a male corpse, about 1.8 meters tall. The specific identity and appearance are unknown..."

Linde and Meleton went down, and Corso was leaning against the wall waiting for them to come down, or for Meleton to come down.

"There is nothing to see below, nothing, except for the gas valve that has been turned open, there is nothing wrong with it. All the windows are sealed from the inside with tape... I still think the biggest suspect is Little Langdon."

Merleighton nodded, and Cass also walked back at this time, "Boss, it's all taken care of."

Rendell in the living room agreed, and Cass said as he walked, "Boss, this is very strange, why don't you just leave it to me. Tonight, if I remember correctly, it's from Greater London." Rodham's party, right?"

Rendell frowned, "Not going."

"Aren't you going?" Cass whispered, "Are you really not going? That's our gangster idol when we were young! And with his help, we should be able to reduce a lot of obstacles."

Rendell looked at Cass, "My biggest obstacle now is this incident. Such a vicious incident happened in Surrey, and I can't ignore it."

Linde watched them talking, and felt that they really didn't look like gangsters at all, but like enthusiastic citizens and messengers of justice.As revealed in the conversation just now, Cass and Rendell should have known each other since they were very young.

"Boss, do you need to call the police? They may have more professional means." Ke Suo also walked over and asked.

"You can't call the police!" Merleton said categorically, "Little Langdon is mentally disturbed, and the police station doesn't question it is the biggest suspect. On the contrary, not only can't call the police, but we have to investigate the police station."

Cass and Corso looked to Rendell, waiting for his order.

Rendell took a deep breath, stood up from the sofa again, and nodded, "It is true that there is no need to call the police, the police station here is too incompetent." Then, he changed his appearance just now,

"Cass, find two mild-looking people, put on police uniforms and start investigating the neighborhood here. Mainly ask about church matters and little Langdon's situation.

At the same time, they are calling for someone to clean up the above, take the two of them back, and interrogate Little Langdon. "

Afterwards, he looked at Corso, "It's not the first time you and this Mr. Detective have cooperated. You are responsible for cooperating with this Merleton's investigation. If you need help, please contact Cass."

Corso agreed, "Yes, boss."

Obviously, Rendell knows that he can't do much in this series of things, and his advantage is that he has many helpers.

Several people nodded, and Rendell said, "There are other arrangements, and I will inform you by phone later."

Several people nodded. Rendell saw this, and then looked at Linde, "Pennywise, you go home first."

Linde frowned. His thoughts had not changed. He used the power of this helpful gangster to prostitute information for nothing and help him catch and find out this Cthulhu Cult.

In Linde's thinking, those who are ineffective will be kicked out, and now, he is obviously the one who does not do anything. He asks himself that it seems that he really has no role that can compare with other people in this group. Intelligence, investigation, etc. There are better people to do it.

Sure enough, he was kicked out!Linde was a little irritable. It was undeniable that in some cases, an organization was much more powerful than a single person.But looking at the current situation, it seems that I can't enjoy the organization bonus.

"Okay!" Linde said helplessly.

Rendell patted his little bald head, and said seriously, "I will really tell you." Then, he took out a mobile phone and handed it to Linde, "There is only one phone in it, and that is me. of."

well?Aren't you going to kick me out?
Linde hasn't realized it yet. His idea of ​​"if he doesn't work, he will be kicked out of the team" is correct, but that is correct among adults, not against him as a child.

Linde took the call. In this era, a mobile phone costs a lot of money. Most of the time, everyone basically uses public phones and home landlines.

Linde nodded, and then walked out of the room by himself, leaving them to continue their discussion inside.

But after a while, several cars drove into Jinhua Street one after another. Rendell came out and greeted the respectful eyes of the gang members. He looked up, a little puzzled.

"Why are there so many crows?"

At this time, on the house opposite him, two crows were squawking next to each other, and there was also a crow on the TV antenna next to him.In the sky, there were still several crows flying around. Lundell took a look, but found that the range of activities of those crows was basically concentrated on Jinhua Street...

At this time, Linde returned to the business district, and now he plans to go to the mall to buy something.

"Plant essential oils, silver, oil candles, copper powder, yarn..." These things were difficult to collect in the past, but they have different commercial names and attributes in modern society.can be bought directly.

Not to mention silver and copper, common metals, gauze can be disassembled by buying gauze at the drugstore.And like plant essential oils, he bought freshly squeezed olive oil for cooking, oil candles, and he bought a suitable romantic candle in a store... especially top.

Returning to Mrs. Figg's, he passed an alley with them, and then his hands were empty again.

"Mr. Pennywise!" A somewhat familiar voice stopped him.

Linde turned his head and saw that Detective Merleton was walking towards him at this moment.

"Mr. Detective!" Linde greeted with a smile, and gradually became vigilant in his heart. He was not sure if this guy was following him.

"I didn't expect to meet you here again," Merleton came over and walked with Linde,

"Did you continue to discuss the investigation?" Linde asked curiously,

"Actually, there's not much information that can be obtained there, and the collection will be basically finished in a while. Now I'm planning to go to the bar that old Langdon went to to investigate." As he said, Moleton sighed, "It's a pity that the bar The pub is not Mr. Rendell's property, or it would be more convenient."

"Actually, you wouldn't trust even his property, would you?" Linde laughed.

"Haha!" Meclayton smiled, "You're right, I'm more suspicious." As he spoke, he changed the subject, "Do you think Mr. Rendell is strange!"

Linde didn't understand what he wanted to say, but nodded, "That's right. It feels like he has a great aversion to cults and drugs."

Merleton nodded, "I have some gossip here, I wonder if you would like to hear it."


"No!" Merleton shook his head.

"Then what do you want from a child?" Linde was a little puzzled.

Moleton glanced at him several times, and then paused on his robe, "You are not an ordinary person, Mr. Pennywise."

"What ordinary people are not ordinary people?" Linde asked suspiciously.

Merleton shook his head, "Mr. Pennywise, you don't have to doubt it. I've been a detective for almost 20 years. For so many years, every few years there will always be a case that is difficult to explain and then ends sloppily.

However, including me, I can't recall the details of those cases.

So at this time, I will choose to review the entire case.It turned out that many details in the case were not correct. "

"One of the cases I remember most is that of a woman who was whipped to death and found in her bedroom at home.

At that time, I was trying to infer from the bloodstains on the clothes of the female corpse, but I said with certainty: "The corpse itself has no bleeding wounds, so the bloodstains on the clothes... are the prints of the clothes!" 』”

Merleton looked at Linde, "Can you understand? I said that kind of nonsense at the time, but including me... everyone nodded in agreement, saying that my reasoning was too correct."

Linde immediately realized what Meleton wanted to say. Isn't this the application of the confusion spell?
"What's even more frightening is that my memory has been interrupted since then."

And forget everything, which is obviously the work of a wizard.

As they said that, the two stopped on the side of the road, and Merleton looked at Linde with burning eyes,

"You know that feeling? It's like when it's snowing and you're looking at your footsteps in the snow and you're thinking in your head, 'The owner of this footstep is walking normally...'"

Then in the next moment, the footsteps suddenly become extremely messy, and at this moment you think, "He suddenly started dancing while walking..."

After that, the footsteps suddenly disappeared, from the blank snow field—disappeared.You can only deduce that 'After the dance, he flew away. 』

Is this reasonable?This is unreasonable. ’ said Merleton.

"And this is not an isolated case. Among the cases I have investigated for more than [-] years, more than ten cases have been closed inexplicably like this.

Every time I don’t feel any strangeness when I reason and investigate, but it’s only when I review the video that I realize the weirdness.

So I infer that there is still a force in this world, which is hidden in our lives and affects us. "

Looking at the passing traffic, Moleton said affirmatively, "In this world, there are really people who can fly in the snow."

"Hmm... very interesting story." Linde laughed.

Meleton looked into Linde's eyes and said firmly, "Mr. Pennywise, you are one of the owners of that mysterious power. You are definitely not a 13-year-old kid."

"I'm just a 13-year-old child." Linde said helplessly.Sure enough, the Confusion Curse, Oblivion Curse, and Restoration Curse couldn't perfectly cover up the wizard's existence.

Especially for professional detectives like Moleton, wizards think that everything will be fine after casting a spell, but they never realize how conspicuous the "details" they left behind are in the eyes of some people , like footsteps that suddenly disappeared in the snow...

But now, Merleton, who realizes that there is another side to this world, approached Linde, and even exaggeratedly thought that Linde was a strange guy in the skin of a 13-year-old child, as if written in a novel. Those same.

"I still don't understand what you're talking about?" Linde said.

"If you look closely, you can see that you've got a stick in your sleeve all the time," said Merleton.

"My knife!" Linde said, "I used the knife to cut open the stomach of the corpse."

"Not to mention the difference between your behavior pattern and that of a 13-year-old kid, sir, just talk about your knife!

Does your knife just sit in your sleeve without a scabbard?And it's a sharp Mitsubishi bayonet. ’ said Merleton.


"Mr. Pennywise, I don't have any malice. I just..." Seeing that Linde was silent, Meleton hurriedly explained, as if he was afraid that Linde would disappear into a puff of smoke in the next second.
"I just have a kind of morbid curiosity, just like I have a thirst for complicated and weird cases."

(End of this chapter)

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