Hogwarts Wizard of the Deep

Chapter 179 Not worthy of me

Chapter 179 Not worthy of me
"Catherine, is this your thing?" Mrs. Kitty asked, she wondered if it was her daughter's toy, but it was accidentally stuffed into the car air conditioner.

Catherine stood up, sat in the car and looked forward, "Mom, this is not mine."

"Your name is written on it! Could it be a prank by your friend?" Mrs. Kitty laughed and handed the letter to her daughter in the back seat.

After handing the letter to Catherine, she looked at Linde, "What did you just say? What school?"

Linde smiled helplessly, glanced to the left, and reconfirmed that the letter was addressed to Catherine, "I think I should become alumni with Catherine in the future."

"Are you going to transfer to London?" said Mrs. Kitty.

"No, I don't plan to transfer schools for now." Linde shook his head. "It's that Catherine may be going to some distant places to go to school."

"That's not okay," Hank laughed. "She's afraid of living in school. She's a coward!"

Linde didn't say anything. In fact, at first he thought that Hank and Mrs. Kitty would think that Linde, who was in the town, was being sentimental, but they didn't seem to think so at all.

He couldn't help thinking, if Harry, if he himself lived in such a family, it would be great.

"I'm not a coward!" said Catherine, opening the letter. "It's just that Annabelle is afraid, so she keeps asking me to sleep with her."

Hank laughed twice, but did not continue.

"Hey!" Catherine suddenly shouted, "Mom, look at this!" Catherine hurriedly handed the parchment inside to Mrs. Kitty.

"Hogwarts...Albus Dumbledore..." Mrs. Kitty read slowly, "This is?!" Mrs. Kitty frowned, and her eyes kept echoing on the letter paper and the air-conditioning vent.

Mrs. Kitty forced a smile and said, "It seems that this is a prank."

But Linde could see the uneasiness on her face, and when he thought about the snow globe that was taken out by Santa Claus, maybe they had witnessed their daughter's magic riot.

It's not that Mrs. Kitty doesn't believe what's written on the letter paper at all, maybe it's just because Linde is here, she didn't say much, fearing to scare him.

"Ma'am, can you show me the letter?" Linde said, and Mrs. Kitty nodded and handed the letter over.

Linde glanced at the dark green ink, familiar with Professor McGonagall's style.

Now he was sure that it was a letter from Hogwarts, but... it was only a few days off, and he still hadn't received his report card yet!Why is Hogwarts sending out admissions letters now.

Or are these admission letters usually written long ago? !

He always feels that Hogwarts is sending out admission letters now, which is a very strange thing. Looking back, Harry received it on July 30th, Linde was July [-]th, and Hermione seemed to be too. July and August.

But now in mid-June...

"Madam, this is not a prank." Linde said. "I'm studying at this magic school."

Suddenly, the car shook suddenly, and it seemed that Mr. Hank, who was actually driving, was also listening to them with his ears up.

Mrs. Kitty looked at Linde stiffly, and Catherine shouted beside her, "Mom, I just said that there is magic in this world."

"Although this sounds a bit unbelievable, I am indeed a wizard." Linde said seriously, making it difficult to refute the idea, even if what he said now seems so absurd in the ordinary world.

"I don't know if you have seen some strange things found on Catherine!" Linde asked.

"No..." Hank spoke slowly in front.

"No?" Linde asked suspiciously, "Then Catherine must have talked nonsense with you, such as something disappeared and flew up... Oh, by the way, she just said that last night her The doll came to life!" Linde explained, looking at Catherine.

At this time, the little witch was staring at Linde with the expression of meeting her confidant, making him a little uncomfortable.

"I have lived for more than 30 years without hearing this thing." Mrs. Kitty exclaimed.

"Mom, I just said that Annabelle came alive to play with me in the tent yesterday." Catherine said dissatisfiedly, "But you all don't believe me."

"This..." Hank didn't know how to answer, and finally he could only ask in doubt, "Is there really such a thing as magic in this world?"

Obviously, they definitely had a vague sense of their daughter's abnormality before, but they never thought about it in that direction.

Linde nodded, obviously Hank's question was a sign of communication.Rather than rejecting hostile magic like Uncle Vernon in the Harry Potter family.

"Yes. Sorry, I lied to you before, but I didn't go to the middle school in the town."

"I hope you didn't lie to us." Mrs. Kitty said helplessly.

"Actually, I'm going to London this time to go to a wizard's commercial street to buy some school supplies for magic schools. It's just like what's written in the letter." Linde said, letting go of his hand lightly.

The parchment in his hand flew up by itself, and then slowly floated towards Mrs. Kitty. The piece of equipment that needed to be purchased slowly unfolded and floated in front of Mrs. Kitty.

At this time, Mrs. Kitty was too frightened to speak, and Hank kept skimming towards the floating letter paper, and the speed of the car dropped again and again.

"Wow!" Catherine looked at Linde's hand, her eyes lit up and her mouth opened wide in amazement.

Mrs. Kitty took the letter paper stiffly, she turned her head and glanced at Linde,
"Magic!" Linde tried his best to show a kind smile.

"Well, it seems that this is indeed true." Hank whispered tremblingly, and Linde felt the excitement in his tone. "Catherine, are all the things you said before true?"

"Of course!" Catherine crossed her arms and straightened her back.

"Magic wand... owl... toad, why is there a toad?" Mrs. Kitty said wordlessly, "toad is so... ugly." She tried her best to describe the toad with milder words.

"I don't know. Although the school allows small animals, they are usually owls or cats. Only one person has a toad and the other has a mouse."

"Well, that's weird enough," Hank said.

"Then do you also have small animals?" Catherine looked at Linde and said,

Linde nodded, "Well... my friend is also a rare animal in our school, but it's a little more normal than them. It's a crow."

"Crows, I heard they are very smart!" Catherine said.

"Aren't you afraid?" Linde laughed. The meaning of the crow here is not very good, it represents the unknown and death.

"There's nothing to be afraid of." Catherine said nonchalantly.

"She has been fond of all kinds of small animals since she was a child. When she was a child, she also liked to catch bugs on the ground and bring them home to raise." Mrs. Kitty explained, she was still looking at the letter in her hand, "This Albus Is Dumbledore your Headmaster? What kind of man is he?"

"He is a very gentle person and the most powerful white wizard in the world." Linde said, "Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry is a very good school."

"Does Merlin really exist?" Hank asked suddenly.

"Yes, he is the most powerful wizard recorded so far. He can transform into many animals and has magic that can destroy the world."

It is foreseeable that Linde will spend time explaining the magic world to them along the way.

It can also be regarded as reducing the pressure on the faculty and staff in the school...

It wasn't until noon that the vehicle slowly drove into the center of London.

"Where do you get off?" Hank asked Lind.

"I can do it." The car can already see Big Ben at this time.

"So are you going to the wizard's commercial street now?" Catherine asked, she was not so restrained at this time, and now she showed that cheerful look again.

"Then let's park in front! Our family lives here." Hank said.

"Okay." Linde nodded and said, as long as you arrive in London, you can park anywhere.And it's not too far from Diagon Alley.

The vehicle slowly turned the corner ahead and stopped in an apartment community.

Linde got out of the car and said goodbye to Hank and the others who got out of the car, "Go, Augustus. It's okay for you to be alone!" Hank said.

Linde nodded, and Mrs. Katie also got out of the car at this time and was packing her things. She gave Hank a white look, "Augusus is already a big kid. It must be fine."

"Actually, I just want to see it, hehe." Hank smiled awkwardly.

"What are you in a hurry for? Augustus said that the teacher will come and take us. Now pack up the things first." Katie said angrily.In fact, she herself really wanted to go to the so-called wizard shopping street.But cleaning up the mess left after the outing is more important to her now.

"We will definitely meet again in the future," Linde said.

After saying goodbye, Linde walked out here alone, looked up at Andersen parked on the eaves of the apartment building, and then glanced at the continuous flow of people and cars.


Heaving a sigh of relief, Linde cleared up his emotions, identified the direction, and walked quickly towards Charles Cross Road

Hanke's family lived in the city center, not too far from Diagon Alley. An hour later, Linde opened the door of the Leaky Cauldron.

Because the passage of Diagon Alley needs a wand to open, Linde can only ask Old Tom to help him open the door.

After that, he walked quickly to Ollivander's wand shop.The gold-lettered sign hanging above the wand shop was even more peeling, and looked very dilapidated.Among the passers-by, no one came in again. It is not the season for wands to be sold, and generally there is very little business.

In fact, the majority of this wand shop is basically in July and August every year. At that time, Hogwarts freshmen come back to buy wands. At other times of business, there are people who accidentally lose their wands, and some come here because of their reputation. They have everything, but Not as many as in July and August.

Linde pushed the door open and went in.

"Good afternoon!" A familiar voice came from the deep and dark store.

"Mr. Ollivander, long time no see." Linde walked in and greeted.

"You are?" Ollivander's thin figure emerged from the darkness.

"I'm Linde Augustus, a freshman two years ago. I came to you to buy a wand at that time." Linde explained, and as expected, Ollivander could no longer remember him.

In fact, he just wanted to see if Ollivander, a guy who could tell a lot of detailed data every time he met for the first time, would still remember him.

"Oh, Augustus." Ollivander thought for a while before remembering, "That picky little guy. It took a long time to choose! What's the matter, do you need to buy a new wand?"

Linde nodded, "Something's wrong with my wand."

"Oh, I remembered. The little wizard whose wand was taken by the dark wizard is you, right?" Ollivander said suddenly,

"Don't you know? It's been mentioned in the Daily Prophet." Ollivander looked at Linde's bewildered expression and explained in confusion.

"Uh... I really don't know about this. I'll go out and buy a newspaper in a while."

"Hey, you're famous now." Ollivander laughed, "There hasn't been a dark wizard in so many years, and one of them suddenly appeared, and you actually met him."

Linde scratched his head awkwardly, "Wand, wand."

"Oh yes, the wand. A rare repeat student." Ollivander laughed. "What was that wand you were made of?"

"Ash wood, the nerve of a horse-shaped water monster, twelve and one-third inches." Actually, he can't remember the exact length, and he measured it himself last night.

"Well, yes. At that time, it was about unrestricted and free." Ollivander nodded, "With reference, it should be much easier this time." After speaking, he climbed up the ladder and started Rumble through the thousands of long boxes on the shelves.

"Look at this one, dragon nerve, holly, ten inches." Ollivander produced a box, hobbled down the ladder, and handed Lynd the wand.

As soon as I started, the discomfort came.It made Linde not even interested in describing its appearance.

With a random wave of his hand, Linde suddenly thought, "I would like to choose my wand to fly!"

The Flying Curse, this is the spell he was practicing before leaving school, he only succeeded a few times, and he is not proficient.And his operation...

He didn't know if he could succeed, it was just a whim.Because Ollivander always said that it is not the wizard who chooses the wand, but the wand chooses the wizard, so he did such an operation.

Fly over if you want to choose mine!
Ollivander was stunned for a moment, then smiled wordlessly.The wand showed nothing, and he turned his head to look at the shelf, intending to help him choose a wand again.


The magic wands on the shelves started to vibrate continuously, as if responding to Linde.

All of a sudden, the whole wand shop became noisy.Linde also looked at these containers in surprise, he did not expect such an effect.

After a while, however, still no wand flew out.

None of them seemed to want to choose Linde.

"Do they all know that they are not good enough for me?" Linde asked suspiciously.

Hearing his natural tone, Ollivander glanced at Linde angrily, "What nonsense are you talking about, my son of Ollivander's family..."

However, before he finished speaking, a box suddenly flew down towards Linde at the top of the cabinet, near the corner of the ceiling.

(End of this chapter)

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