Hogwarts Wizard of the Deep

Chapter 166 Judgment

Chapter 166 Judgment
"We fully admit it!" The mustache man named Jon Hammond said firmly.

Ok? !

Dull voices of doubt resounded one after another in the dark room. Everyone, including Linde, was stunned for a moment, feeling puzzled.

why? !

This was the person Lockhart was determined to wait for?

What Fudge just wanted to say was stuck in his throat. No one expected that Hammond would directly admit to those complaints.

Linde looked at Lockhart's expression, and at the moment Hammond admitted, Lockhart reached out and grabbed the hem of his clothes, looked up at him in puzzlement, his mouth moved,
But in the end, he remained silent and did not refute.

Fudge froze for a moment, then glanced at Dumbledore again and took a deep breath.

"Did you admit it?" Fudge reconfirmed.

"Yes!" Hammond responded loudly and affirmatively, and then turned his head to look at Lockhart who was sitting next to him.

Lockhart struggled in his heart for a long time, then shook his teeth and nodded, "Yes, I admit it!"

"Very good!" Fudge patted the small table in front of him, "Then next..."

Fudge swallowed involuntarily, and Umbridge also laughed softly.

Hearing Fudge's words, the sluggish members of the Weijujiamo councilors also straightened up, sweeping away their slump just now.

it has started.

"...According to the information we have collected, something went wrong when you planned to murder the fourth victim, Linde Green Augustus, which led to the disclosure of your terrible plan. What do you think about it? Did you say it?" Fudge read out loud word for word.

"I..." Lockhart was puzzled when he heard this.

"As far as we know, you have caused serious bodily harm to three of your Hogwarts classmates before attempting to harm Augustus,
This even includes a sixth grader: Marcus Flint, but you stumbled trying to hurt a second grader..." Dolores said slowly, pinching her throat.

She was not as afraid of Dumbledore as Fudge. Fudge was helped up by Dumbledore, so he knew how powerful Dumbledore was.

In Umbridge's eyes, only power comes first, and even Dumbledore can't do anything to senior officials like them.

Linde frowned. After this guy named Hammond appeared, things went beyond his expectations.

Forget it all is a spell that can only erase memories, not fabricate them.In other words, Lockhart knew very well that Flint was not injured by him,
Linde originally expected that Lockhart would try his best to distance himself from Flint's injury so that he could seek a reduced sentence. After all, the greatest pressure in this case came from the Flint family.As for the other Qiu Zhang, Luna and others are just a foil.

But now this Hammond even took him to admit this matter.

After recognizing it, some unexpected things will happen...

"Lockhart, I hope you can explain in detail what happened between you and Augustus, so that we can make a correct judgment on the trial of this matter." Fudge said loudly.

What would Dumbledore do?Thinking, Linde looked up.

At this time, Dumbledore's face was still calm, and he stretched out his right hand to pinch the temple of the glasses to straighten the glasses.Then he opened his mouth slowly, "The evidence for this incident is solid, I don't quite understand why..."

"Mr. Dumbledore, you have been accused of abetting Gilderoy Lockhart's evil deeds." Umbridge interrupted Dumbledore rudely. "In this way, we can solve the problem when the situation is extremely deteriorating and make the society panic, and reap the reputation severely,"

"I think there is indeed such a possibility!" Hammond nodded slightly. "What Lockhart did never rose to the level of life-threatening,
We can wonder whether the headmaster knew that Lockhart would not harm the students too much, and then allowed Lockhart's behavior! "

"You?! Who are you with? Who is accusing me? We can reopen the court, and then I will stand in the middle, and that unknown friend will stand in my current position and sue me!"

Dumbledore stared at Fudge, his voice was very cold, without a trace of emotion, which made people feel that the temperature in the dark room had dropped a bit.

"Enough! This is the courtroom, pay attention to your position!" Like a wild dog suddenly frightened by passers-by for no reason, Fudge jumped up, bared his teeth and started barking.

"In view of the relevance of this incident, we have agreed to try it at the same time. Everyone's time is limited!" Fudge started to shout again, and kept winking at both sides, hoping that most people would support him.

However, few people put their eyes on him and pretended not to see him. Only a few people looked at him and nodded with flattering smiles.

"Well, Mr. Minister, since you want to have a trial together, that's fine too!" Dumbledore said indifferently, but his demeanor made Fudge even more annoyed.

Hammond brushed his moustache, and then patted Lockhart, who was a little dazed, "Say it!"

"I... I found an excuse that day and called Augustus out of the lounge at eleven o'clock in the evening. After leaving the lounge, I planned to attack him. His reaction was faster than ordinary people. We Then I started fighting in the corridor..." Lockhart said with some reluctance, and then said in an extremely unwilling tone,
"I lost..."

Hearing these words, the atmosphere in the dark room suddenly froze, and then a burst of discussions erupted.

"Failed? Faced with a second-year little wizard?"


"How is this possible? I attacked a sixth grader silently, but I lost against the second grader..."

All kinds of disturbing voices are expressing their great doubts.

"Lockhart, do you understand how much what you say will affect your final judgment?" Fudge roared.

"I see!"

"Very good! Very good!" Fudge muttered in a low voice, and then his voice became louder again, "Why can a second-year wizard defeat an adult mage? I think you all have an answer in your heart!"

"Black magic!" Someone said it in a neutral tone. Lin De followed the reputation, but saw nothing. The man was buried in the shadows, and it was inconvenient for him to open his eyes under such circumstances.

"Oh, yes, yes. Hogwarts has the largest magical library in the world, so the accusation against Mr. Dumbledore may change from 'indulging Lockhart' to 'indulging students in learning the Dark Arts'... …

No, not right.It should be privately 'allowing and even teaching students to learn the dark arts'.Because there is no way a second-grader can learn the dark arts successfully on his own. "

For Britain, which has experienced the "Grindelwald War" and "Voldemort's Rebellion" successively within half a century, practicing black magic is a very taboo behavior on the bright side.

If this hat were on Dumbledore's head, let alone how happy Fudge would be.He doesn't even need to really buckle him up, just say this point and let those magazines play it.

It can be said that from the moment Fudge said this, his plan to disgust Dumbledore was 90.00% successful.

Linde frowned. He didn't know what Dumbledore would do, but at least he knew what he should do.

How good Dumbledore was to him, he knew in his heart, no matter how stupid he was, he couldn't ignore the occurrence of this kind of thing.

"This accusation is very irresponsible!" Linde slapped the table and stood up.
It's just that the way he slapped the table was a little weird, his left hand was clearly stretched out, which made his body a little crooked.

Dumbledore wanted to reach out to bring Lindra back, but stopped suddenly.

He himself doesn't care about any accusations, because as long as he is alive, no one in this world can influence him except himself and Grindelwald.

But he was inexplicably happy watching this child who suddenly stood up and tried to defend himself in this crowd.

Then let him go,

Anyway, no matter what happens, I'm here!
Fudge looked at the child who stood up suddenly in a daze. He didn't know who this person was until Umbridge next to him whispered Linde's identity to him.

"Augustus, please tell me how you defeated an adult wizard Lockhart head-on!" Fudge looked at him with disdain and a sneer, naturally condescending on his face.

Linde really hates it when someone looks at him like this!
It’s hard to explain things like aura, people in high positions will naturally have aura, like Fudge; polymaths will have aura, like Dumbledore; people who kill lives will naturally have aura, like Voldemort;
And Linde, who has an indescribable and incomprehensible god in his body, also has his own aura.

Fudge looked at this adolescent child with a sneer, with disdain on his face, if he hadn't been a notary, Fudge would not have allowed him to speak.

But strangely, the other party didn't seem to be in a hurry to speak.

There was a brief silence in the dark room.

Fudge suddenly trembled, feeling that someone was staring at him from behind, turned his head to look, but there was nothing.Looking back again, goosebumps appeared on his body at some point.

Not only him, almost everyone present felt inexplicably uncomfortable. Hammond clenched his fists and looked at the floor in a daze.He felt a sudden discomfort here, and felt that there was a monster's abyssal mouth under the floor, and it would suddenly attack and swallow him up...

And those Wizengamot councilors hiding in the darkness seemed to have turned into terrifying monsters, which had an indescribable mental impact on him.

Burns turned his head to look, and suddenly saw an extremely ugly and terrifying humanoid toad. After a moment of concentration, it turned out that it was his colleague, Minister Umbridge.

Dumbledore was still sitting, expressionless on his face.

"The answer is very simple!" Linde smiled.

"A newborn child can kill Voldemort, why can't I beat Lockhart!"

Hearing the word "Voldemort", Fudge and many people suddenly seemed unable to breathe. The dark room, which was inexplicably weird and scary, made people feel even more uncomfortable because of the word.

"Enough! Don't say that name again!" Umbridge roared tremblingly, she had stopped holding her throat to speak at this time, and shouted hoarsely.

Linde raised his eyebrows and grinned disdainfully, "Actually, the answer is very simple!

Lockhart is just a liar with no magic skills for fame!
and I am a

--genius. "

Hearing his words, there were some smiles in the seats of the councilors. Some of these councilors got the status of councilors because of their political status.

While others are all kinds of genuine experts.

It seemed to them that Linde's joke had effectively dispelled some of the horror in the dark room.

Linde didn't care, this is what he wanted, thinking, he pulled out his wand and put it on the table, spreading his right hand,
"You can check the spells before the flashback, or you can ask me to perform some spells.

Moreover, Lockhart naturally knows whether I have used any black magic in the battle with him! "

Linde asked himself, he spent almost all his time on Charms, Transfiguration, and Ocean Singer without sleep, so he could pretend to be a genius in this situation.

"Flash back to the previous curse, it's not easy to know this curse at this age..."

"It is said that he was Muggle-born..."

"How long has this kid been studying, and he actually has this kind of knowledge reserve?!"

"Enough! This has nothing to do with this case!" Fudge shouted angrily. "I think we should move on to the question of Lockhart's culpability."

Linde apologized and sat down again!

Putting Dumbledore on the hat of black magic is better than putting me on the hat of not knowing the so-called.

Dumbledore doesn't care about outside speech, but it doesn't mean he won't be affected by outside speech. The rumor is a fact to a certain extent. At that time, Dumbledore may be impeached and step down.This actually happened in the original book.

But Linde is different, it doesn't matter what others think of him, whether he is a genius, ignorant, or stupid, he doesn't care.

He wanted this group of people to think of him, not Dumbledore, immediately after the trial.

But this is only temporary, he does overwhelm Dumbledore now, but it doesn't mean that those remarks about Dumbledore just now will disappear.

Therefore, in order to prevent the endless fermentation of Dumbledore's remarks after the trial, some other means are needed...

The subsequent court hearing was disrupted by him.Fudge's many charges against Dumbledore were never brought up again, and many of the crimes that Lockhart had previously admitted were quickly settled under the conclusive evidence.

After resting for a while, the court trial continued for Lockhart's use of the Forgetting Curse to steal other people's experiences, write books to make money, and deceive the public.

The official judgment on Lockhart was not officially finalized until near noon...

Seeing that almost everyone present raised their hands high, agreeing to the verdict, Lockhart no longer had the calmness he had just entered before,
"I don't accept it, I——ah!!"

Lockhart slammed the table, with a frenzied expression on his face, and stood up abruptly.

However, in the next second, the iron chain sensed his behavior, and it wrapped around his body with lightning speed, hitting him firmly against the table, and the surface of the iron chain was also wrapped around his body. electric current visible to the naked eye.

Fudge slapped the table.

"Ghideroy Lockhart violated the...

cause serious injury to another...


sentenced to ten years in prison,

Place of sentence - Azkaban Wizarding Prison, UK. "

"This trial is over!!"

Fudge was no longer interested in talking to him anymore, he was exhausted enough.

And now he can't wait to go out and leak some information about Dumbledore from this trial to a boring reporter.

Although Fudge didn't like that woman, it was undeniable that she would be able to satisfy him in this matter.

On Linde's side, he was bored watching Lockhart being pressed on the table. Until now, he has not figured out what this Hammond is here for.

Thinking about it, he squeezed the beetle he was playing with in his left hand...

(End of this chapter)

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