Chapter 159 End
For Harry's side, when he saw Lockhart's strange behavior, he immediately wanted to rush to stop him.

However, before his body could move, Lockhart had already jumped away, and took out something from the bag on his waist. For a second, Harry was still wondering how he could put such a thing in that small-looking bag. Something big, and the next second he saw what Lockhart had brought out.

That's a sculpture.

When it was taken out, he heard the disgusted hiss of his companions beside his ear, as well as Linde's roar.

"Professor! They don't have Occlumency!"

But these are not important anymore, Harry stared straight at the pottery statue in Lockhart's hand.

A strange emotion emerged from the bottom of Harry's heart, and he felt in a trance that the pottery was something extremely important to him.Out of the corner of his eye he saw Dumbledore facing them and raising his wand.

Ron and the others didn't react, and they fell to the ground.

As for Harry, his mind was still immersed in the pottery statue.

"Why do they make that weird noise, isn't it beautiful!" Harry thought to himself.

Just as he was still mesmerized by the beauty of the pottery statue, suddenly, a sharp pain came from his heart.

The "Slate of the Abyss" that had been quietly in front of his heart began to tremble violently in his body, just like a vibrating mobile phone.

The severe pain came so suddenly, he could only fall to the ground uncontrollably, screaming out of his mouth.

"It will be fine, just like transforming, it will be fine after a while!" Harry cheered himself up in his heart, Yu San would definitely not harm him.

However, the development of the matter was not as he expected, the vibration of the stone slab became more and more exaggerated, as if it was about to be forced out of Harry's heart.

Suddenly, countless spikes popped out of the smooth stone slab that was originally wrapped in flesh and blood.


The spike seemed to have directly pierced his heart. Harry's eyes were in a daze, and he fell directly to the ground, as if all the muscles in his body were broken because of the severe pain.

"What's going on?!" Harry couldn't help thinking, "Why...why!"

In a daze, he was lying sideways on the ground and saw Linde's back, and saw Linde's slightly bulging back.

"it's wired……"

Thinking about it, Harry gradually lost consciousness in severe pain...

black lake,

A huge squid slowly floated up from the middle of the lake. Its cloudy yellow eyes kept flashing above the castle, and its tentacles happily waved and flapped on the water.

It can feel that it has a master.

But where the owner is, it can only roughly feel a direction.

High on the castle, that's where it perceived to be.

After cheering for a while, it sank into the bottom of the water again, where it would quietly wait for the arrival of its master...

in the office,

Snape was erasing Lockhart's memory with a happy expression. He looked excited, as if an evil dark wizard was doing bad things, while Lockhart looked up slightly, as if his soul had been pulled out, The pose of the parareal version of "The Scream".

And Linde and Dumbledore stood in front of Harry. At this time, Harry was crawling on the ground, still in the posture of a murloc, breathing steadily, and exuding an inexplicable ominous aura from his body.

But this kind of aura is extremely weak, far inferior to the aura on Linde's body, and it is estimated that it will only make others feel an inexplicable sense of fear when they see him, and it is extremely weak.As for the desire to "pollute" reality, it is far from being achieved.

Maybe it will be achieved in the future!

"Professor, is it... really okay for him to be like this?" Linde said hesitantly. It is undeniable that it is almost his relationship that Harry will become what he is today.

"It's okay, Harry's soul is not affected, there is a power protecting him." Dumbledore smiled, signaling Linde not to worry too much.

"Protect him? It's you?" Linde was a little puzzled.

"No," Dumbledore shook his head, and then showed a mysterious expression, "It's love!"

"Uh... alright." Dumbledore understood Linde as soon as he said this,
What he should have said was that 12 years ago, Lily gave her life before she died to cast a protective spell for Harry, which can protect him until the age of 17.

Dumbledore has always called this the power of love in the original work.

Maybe the release of this spell really needs "love"!Who knows!Anyway, that's not something he can touch now.

"The professor, his body..."

"I can't do anything about his body." Dumbledore shook his head solemnly, "But don't worry, in the wizarding world, it's quite normal to have strange blood flowing through your body." As he said, Dumbledore patted his shoulders.

"For example, me, Hagrid, and Professor Flitwick, we all have the blood of other races more or less! It can even be said that most people in the entire magical world have more or less. It's just that most of them seem to be Just can't see it."

Hearing this, Linde nodded knowingly.

Dumbledore was right. In the past, fusing blood of different species to gain powerful power was a routine operation.In the eyes of the wizards at that time, there was no thought of whether the human blood was pure or not.

Even not only wizards, some Muggle dignitaries who made good friends with wizards also fused the blood of other creatures in order to obtain powerful potions.

The most famous is medieval England, King Plantagenet II, Richard the Lionheart.He is a typical Muggle who has merged with the blood of other creatures.

This really woke up Linde.

In the eyes of Muggles, blood fusion is an unreasonable heresy, but in the eyes of wizards, it is a normal thing.

Except for Slytherin, of course.Most of them only think of "pure blood", and the rest are rubbish, not as good as them.

Knowing this, Linde studied Harry lying on the ground again, poking here and there with his wand.Lost interest after watching it for a while.

Harry looks basically the same now as he did when he didn't grow his tentacles and wings.It is still unknown whether he will grow tentacles and wings in the future.

He did know that Harry was directly injected with a tentacle into his body by Mr. Ke.

But he didn't know to what extent this section of tentacles would cause "transformation".

At this time, Linde had come to the cabinet, and he looked at a golden trident taller than him with a puzzled expression, "Professor, what is this?"

Dumbledore also walked over, and then found that the trident was trembling constantly in the cabinet.

"This is...someone else's, um...I don't know the details." Dumbledore said,
When Dumbledore said that it belonged to someone else, Linde was a little disappointed. He wanted to try it out, but it turned out that it was not Dumbledore's, so let's leave it.

Now this trident is a bit strange, if it wasn't Dumbledore's thing, and then something went wrong when he picked it up, Dumbledore would be very difficult to deal with.

Just when he wanted to look at other things, he heard Dumbledore say, "But I don't think he would mind if you take a look!"

Linde was a little surprised, "Does he know me?"

"Yes, that person knows you." Dumbledore smiled and blinked deliberately at Linde.

Is it possible that I also know that person?
Linde thought to himself, Dumbledore's expression clearly meant something.

After thinking for a while, Linde didn't come up with a reason, he knew it, and his things were eligible to be placed in Dumbledore's cabinet.

Then he must be a very powerful person. Second, his relationship with Dumbledore must be good enough. Third, he also knows Linde and understands it better, so Dumbledore can definitely say "he won't mind." .

After thinking about the people he knew, he couldn't figure it out.

However, this did not delay Linde from opening the glass door of the cabinet, and then took out the trident.


Linde felt its heaviness as soon as he got it, and managed to stabilize the trident with both hands.

Linde smashed its bottom to the ground, and then stood it up with one hand.

"Good guy, handsome enough!" Linde sighed.

Feeling the halberd carefully, Linde suddenly felt a little strange, looked at Dumbledore,

"Professor, is it...a spell-casting tool?"

Dumbledore obviously didn't know either, and showed an interested look, "Oh?! Really? Then try!"

"Can you?" Linde confirmed, and then saw Dumbledore nodding.

"Fluorescent flashes!"

Linde held up the trident as if it were a gigantic wand, and began waving it skyward.

The spiked tip in the middle of the trident began to glow with a white light, but this white light was no different from the one emitted by Linde's wand.

It's just a strange-looking spell-casting device, and it can also be used for melee combat by the way.

Linde suddenly thought of a wizard who was very similar to Dumbledore in his previous life. He liked to slash monsters with a knife. He was known as the God of War in white robes and a melee wizard.

Thinking of this, Linde smiled, and then removed the fluorescent spell.In fact, he could feel that this trident had a tendency.

It doesn't seem to be suitable for casting the usual spells, but there are other spells that are suitable for it.

And it's still shaking, and I don't know what it's shaking.

Thinking about it, Linde put it back in the cabinet, and then looked at Lockhart again.

At this moment, Snape's memory-erasing project was completed, and Lockhart was leaning against the wall with a dull expression, apparently not recovering.

"Professor, there is nothing else to do after that!" Linde asked.

Dumbledore sighed and nodded.Afterwards, Linde took another look at Harry and the others who fell on the ground, and had no intention of taking them away, because he still had to go to Andersen and rearrange his intracranial world.

After saying goodbye to Snape and Dumbledore, he left the office.

"Classes will be held every Saturday night from now on!" Snape's voice faintly entered Linde's ears.

Linde was overjoyed. The magic he mentioned earlier that he wanted to learn the magic that turned into black mist could finally start.

After leaving the office, Linde first ran to Lockhart's office to check around, then ran back to the lounge, and then saw a tired Andersen in the corner of the bedroom.

Linde checked around and asked him about what had happened before he felt relieved.

At that time, Andersen broke free from a small binding spell of Lockhart when the incident happened, and because he was worried that Lockhart might have some tracking spells on him, he didn't go to Linde directly, but went directly to Lockhart. Flying deep into the Forbidden Forest, trying to mislead Lockhart.

There's nothing wrong with his approach, it's a pity that Lockhart has no means of tracking in his book.

After finding Andersen, Linde ran to the Room of Requirement and entered the pool room.

After sinking into the bottom of the water, Linde felt the comfort brought by the water body on his body, and slowly closed his eyes to enter the intracranial world.


Even though half a week had passed since what happened that night, all the little wizards in Hogwarts still couldn't believe that Professor Lockhart, who looked weak and incompetent, was actually the leader of the Chamber of Secrets incident.

As for why he was caught, it was because he decided to attack a little Gryffindor wizard named Linde that night...

"Brother Augustus!"

At lunch time, Colin ran to Linde and squatted next to him, calling Linde in a trembling voice, his face full of worry and fear.

Linde carefully peeled a shrimp and put it in his mouth, then turned his head and glanced at him, "What's wrong?"

"Professor Lockhart's matter..." Colin said in a low voice, but his words became smaller and smaller, and Linde couldn't hear what happened behind.

But he also knew what Colin was going to say afterward.

Linde waved his hand, and said softly with an indifferent face, "It has nothing to do with you, you just pretend that the previous thing never happened, you and I don't know each other, okay?"

Hearing his words, Colin was relieved.Then he thanked you and ran away.Linde didn't quite understand why Colin insisted on talking about this matter in the auditorium, at lunch time, when there were so many people.

Obviously, if you have time, you can find me alone, and I won't refuse!

Linde shook his head with a wry smile, then forked a fried fish and put it on the plate in front of him.

But who can understand Colin!He didn't dare to stay alone with Linde anymore. It's been three days since Lockhart's incident. During this time, Colin also fueled himself for two days, always encouraging himself to face the devil bravely and find Linde said this and begged him to spare his life.He was afraid that Lockhart and Linde would reveal his affairs, and then he would go to jail as an accomplice.

Harry and the others were sitting around Linde at this time, and so were they. Although three days had passed, they still couldn't forget what happened that night.

Linde defeated Lockhart, the first thing was an exaggeration, because they learned that Lockhart was just hiding his strength at Hogwarts.

And Linde and Dumbledore talked freely, and Dumbledore's office seemed to be at home.

They still remember that night.Linde told them to go to Dumbledore and report his name to the stone beast if they didn't know the password.

As a result, the stone beast looked disdainful and picked its nose, "What does that little bastard want to do again? He let me go several times, so he dare not face me?"

This scene directly shocked them to petrification on the spot. They thought that this stone beast would only pose fiercely and ask "password" stiffly!
After they emphasized that it was really important and dangerous, the stone beast actually told them the password.

Then they were able to find Dumbledore who was going to sleep.

Ron spread out on the chair, chewing bacon, "Let's be honest, I can't believe we are the same age!"

Linde recalled the scene of that night.

I am a 13-year-old kid with no hair yet, and I am actually interrogating Lockhart, who is in his thirties, in Dumbledore's office.

It is indeed quite contrary, but this thing really happened!

"I understand your feelings very well!" Linde comforted Ron.

Jane patted Linde suddenly, then pointed to the right, "I'm here to look for you again!" After she finished speaking, she saw Linde's sudden blackness, and then forced her smiling face back into a sneer.

(End of this chapter)

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