Chapter 157. .

In the forbidden forest, the horse tribe.

In the slightly open grassland, wooden houses and thatched houses built on the back of thick tree trunks are scattered among them.

At this time, on the staggered dirt road, a centaur rushed quickly towards a gray stone house in the center of the tribe.

This is the only stone house in the entire tribe. It is not inhabited by people on weekdays. It is used for worshiping stars and storing important materials.

Firenze rushed into the stone house and kept searching.His expression was warm and eager. Just now, he had an inexplicable feeling that a "divination of the right position" must be performed tonight.

Stargazing and divination has been thoroughly integrated into the daily life of the horse people, and "horizontal divination" is the conscious subjective and formal divination of the horse people, which usually requires bathing, dancing, and the use of external objects, etc...

And the mandrake is a very suitable thing for "orthogonal divination".

All the mandrakes that Linde traded with him before were processed into ginseng-like shapes and stored in this stone house, and the roots of the human figures were also dehydrated, just like the dead bodies of babies with hay leaves on their heads.

These mandrakes have now been used one after another, and only half of them have been used.This is a long-term consumable, which is why Firenze proposed a deal after seeing Linde planting mandrakes.

Firenze had already bathed today. He was one of the few centaurs in the tribe who bathed regularly. He quickly took a piece of dry and yellow Mandrake leaf and put it in his mouth. Then he ran out of the stone house and came to a side of the tribe. On the hills.

When his hoofs stepped on the hill, he began to dance, his hooves staggered back and forth, and it seemed that he would lose his balance and fall to the ground in an instant, but he regained his body in an instant.

After dancing for a while, Firenze took out the Mandrake leaves in his mouth. At this time, the originally dry grass leaves returned to emerald green under an unknown effect, and his saliva was still attached to the leaves.

Firenze took out the blade of grass, split it in half and crushed it, and began to draw totems on his face with the help of the blade of grass and its juice.

The drawing of the totem is mainly concentrated in the eye sockets of the eyes, and there is a vertical line between the eyebrows, as if the eyes of the sky are opened.

After the totem was drawn, Firenze slowly raised his head to look at the night sky. Seeing the scene of the night sky, he couldn't help opening his mouth wide, his face full of horror, matching the totem on his face, like a ghost.

"Order falls into disorder, and chaos brings... new life?!"


"Professor, they don't have Occlumency!" Linde yelled suddenly after being thrown into the air.At this time, Lockhart had already held up the pottery statue of Cthulhu, and along with his crazy and pious prayers, an uncontrollable impulse suddenly appeared in Linde's brain.

Dumbledore and Snape had personally experienced the eruption of the guy in Linde's body. He only took one look at the Tao statue and he immediately realized what Linde was talking about.

Turning around, the wand was quickly pointed at Harry and his party, "Children, the next one may not be suitable for you to read again!"

At this moment, Harry and the others also saw the pottery statue. Except for Harry, the other three couldn't help feeling a chill in their hearts, and then they heard Dumbledore's words.

Accompanied by their puzzled gazes, the Elder Wand suddenly split into four thin curses and hit the four of them.The three of them, except Harry, suddenly lost consciousness and collapsed to the ground.


A heart-piercing cry came from Harry's mouth.

"Potter!" Snape stepped over the collapsed people, trying to walk over in a hurry.

Dumbledore showed puzzled eyes. He controlled the sleeping curse very well, and divided it into four equally without discrimination. Hermione, Ron and Jane who were hit all fell asleep uncontrollably at the moment of being cursed. , only Harry...

At this time, Linde was holding his desk, and an indescribable aura gradually emerged from his body. This aura was so strong that it was visible to the naked eye, forming some kind of visible and illusory dark green tentacles, which surrounded Linde. , Constantly "polluting" the entire office.

Dumbledore continued to cast spells, covering the three fallen people with several protective spells again.

At the same time, he also put these spells on the portrait of the headmaster, on the cabinet with important objects such as the sorting hat, Gryffindor sword and Ravenclaw crown, to protect them.

The silverware that was spraying mist on each other on the table turned into ferocious containers of various shapes, constantly secreting viscous liquid, and strange-shaped sea anemones and shellfish grew on the wall.Including Dumbledore's desk, which was uncontrollably distorted into a strange coral...

At this point, except for the ever-changing scene.Fox stood on the perch and blinked constantly, watching this scene curiously.

Harry kept wailing on the ground, and Snape stood beside him, and Snape stomped non-stop, unable to hide his inner urgency, and Dumbledore gave him a look not to act rashly.

Linde propped himself on the table, his feet trembling constantly, as if he would collapse to the ground in a second.

At this moment, in Linde's mind——

The brain area in charge of memory that Linde entered for the first time was visualized as the "study room".
And now Linde came to the "living room".

"Living room" contrasts with "behavior".

The decoration of Linde's "living room" is extremely simple, with gray and white multi-layered walls, and several slender light tubes hanging from the ceiling, which are arranged linearly in a pentahedron.

There is no wall on the left, but a whole window covered by white curtains, and the scenery outside the window is chaotic.

In the center of the living room, there is a coral ornament on the ordinary low glass coffee table, next to the sofa made of linen...

At this time, the entire living room has thick water that can submerge to the ankles, and there are seaweeds, sea anemones, etc. floating in it.

At the same time, there was a figure sitting on the gray linen sofa. That person was not fully clothed, or he had no concept of clothes.

Octopus head, wings...

It is the great Cthulhu who is sitting on the sofa now

"Is it because there are believers outside that you can appear? It seems that the call of the believers seems to make you stronger!" Linde walked over and sat on the side sofa.

Mr. Ke didn't answer his words, but looked at the wall TV opposite him with great interest.

Linde's deep memories of the past are constantly being played on the TV, but it's just the blond and white Linde...

Linde also looked sideways at the TV, as if the person sitting next to him was not an evil god, but an old friend.

Looking at the past when he broke his leg when he was a child, Linde smiled, and then spoke again easily and slowly, as if chatting:
"'Behavior' is originally used by human beings to carry out social activities.

And the "living room" is used to entertain guests, and the things in the living room are what I, the "master", allow you, the "guest", to know.

So "behavior" will be embodied as "living room".So what will be shown on this TV will only be what my world allows others to know, for example, it will show Felix taking me to race cars, the first time I saw Bear Big Bear II, etc.
But it will never play what I define as "secret". "

Mr. Ke lay on the sofa and continued to watch TV with great interest, but did not answer Linde's words.

Frowning, with Linde's thought, the TV slammed shut.

Mr. Ke still didn't take any action.

At this time, the water in the living room had already reached the knees.

It still seems unable to communicate, why?It's because he hasn't woken up yet, no, how did he break into the "living room" without waking up.

Is it because of disdain?Disdain to communicate with me?No, he is so "boring", it is impossible not to communicate with me.Linde recalled the first time he was possessed by Mr. Ke.

So, he wasn't fully awake.

The prayers of a believer who has no sacrifices, no prayers, and only an ordinary pottery statue can't wake him up.

Thinking of this, Linde stood up and kept circling Mr. Ke who was sitting in front of him.

But no matter what Linde did again, Ke never responded to him.

Linde looked at him, impatience gradually emerged in his heart,
"Originally I had a piece of land. But unfortunately, this piece of land was only surrounded by me. My things are all in a mess. It doesn't matter if it's you, or 'Legiliency', 'Forget Nothing', etc. Come in and have a look.

But now it's different.I practiced Occlumency, which is like building a house on this land.

Different things are placed in each room by category, and all are equipped with door lock keys. "

Lin De looked at Mr. Ke who was still motionless, with a cold expression on his face,

"So, I'm going to ask you to leave my house now!" As he said, the whole living room began to change and squirm, like a huge mouth.

Even with the blessing of the stars last year, Mr. Ke still needed Linde's "permission" to gain control of his body.

Today, Linde has successfully practiced Occlumency, and He has not awakened, nor has the blessings of the stars. He is just a human believer praying empty-handed. It is even more impossible to gain control of Linde's body.


Linde is still using human thinking to guess his behavior.

Mr. Ke's body, lying on the sofa, turned into a puff of green smoke, which penetrated into Linde's ears, mouth and nose.

Linde wanted to stop it with a wave of his hand, but at this time he was only a quasi-conscious body, and there was no way to stop the smoke without a specific image.

Linde's body suddenly changed into the old posture, and severe pain came from his body.He couldn't help but fell to his knees, and as he was eroded by the smoke that Mr. Ke had transformed, the entire living room also underwent drastic changes.

The originally gray and minimalist wall began to squirm, blood and flesh gushed out continuously, as if it wanted to form a wall of flesh and blood, and there were faint reliefs on it.

The sofa is constantly changing, turning into a huge coral and back again.

The water in the living room rises and falls

These are the manifestations of Ke Zong and Linde's two souls competing for this body...

"The Occlumency I practiced this year..." Linde panted eagerly, his face flushed and roared,
"It's not that you can do evil to me!!"

"Since you, the 'guest', are so impolite, don't leave, just stay with me!"

As he said that, the water in the living room surged up quickly, without the coffee table, without the TV, and finally, it reached the ceiling, directly turning this place into an underwater world.

In an instant, the shape of the entire "living room" stabilized.

There are still long light tubes hanging from the ceiling, but this time they are no longer arranged in a pentahedron, but arranged in a spiral circle, like a vortex that wants to suck people into the deep sea.

These light tubes still emit light even under water, but it is no longer a blazing white light, but has turned into a faint blue, matching the water overflowing the whole room, full of eerie feeling.

On the front wall of the living room, tentacles and various flesh and blood reliefs replaced the original large wall-mounted TV, and there are various barnacle shellfish as decorations.

The walls and windows on the other sides all disappeared, turning into a hard leather film.

The tea table and sofa disappeared, leaving only a throne made of coral and tentacles intertwined.

Linde in his old posture slowly stood up, and then sat on the throne.

The throne began to automatically conform to Linde's body, clinging to his skin.Near the back of the neck, there are three pairs of six black and purple wings, the same as Andersen's.

A pair of wings covered his eyes.

A pair of interlaced wings covered his mouth under the tentacles.

A pair of wings cover his fin ears.

Don't listen, don't smell, don't see.

But this is just appearance.

The moment the wings cover these three, the whole room leisurely opens countless eyes, ears and mouths.

Dense mouths, eyes, and ears of various sizes floated on the surrounding walls.

Linde on the throne sighed.

This was the first time he took the initiative to absorb Mr. Ke's soul. Although it was only a tiny ray, it still changed him a lot.

Back when Quirrell absorbed Voldemort's remnant soul last year, he also said that it would "pollute" the self.

I didn't expect that one day he would do such a thing...


No matter how fierce the confrontation between him and Mr. Ke was in his mind, it was only for a while in reality.

In the office, Linde slowly opened his eyes. At this time, he was maintaining the appearance of his consciousness sinking into his mind, and he was holding on to the desk.

At this time, his hands had already opened the webs, and after that, he felt the tentacles on his lower face and the wings covered by the robe on his back.

Harry was on the side, screaming in unbearable pain, and Snape stood beside him, his eyes constantly changing.

Looking up, he saw Dumbledore's eyes.

"what happened?"

Linde nodded slightly, indicating that he was fine. "Because of Lockhart, he only awakened a little bit of consciousness!"

Dumbledore looked at him worriedly, "And then?"

"I swallowed that wisp of consciousness." Linde smiled.

Hearing his words, Dumbledore looked at him in horror, and the Elder Wand clenched slightly.Linde quickly explained,

"It's just a small strand of consciousness. With Occlumency, I can break it down and digest it now! There won't be a situation like Quirrell's."

Dumbledore's nose twitched, as if he was thinking about something, Linde saw his eyes and vaguely noticed something.He quickly said, "Professor, please don't enter my brain now! I don't have a 'living room' yet!"

"There is no 'living room'?" Dumbledore asked suspiciously, "Why is there no one in the living room representing 'behaviour'?"

Linde bowed slightly, "Because of the problem of devouring the soul, the original "living room" has been merged into the "basement", so I don't have a "living room" now."

Hearing his words, Dumbledore was a little lost, and murmured, "Merge directly into the basement?!"

The essence of Occlumency is to concretize the abstract personal consciousness, and this concretization is usually expressed in the form of a "house".

Because "house" in human thinking represents a shelter, a personal space.

And corresponding to the different types of houses, each room expresses different aspects of human thinking.

"Study" - memory.

"Living Room" - Behavior: Represents a person's behavior and behavior patterns when communicating in life.Linde's living room is spacious but minimal, which means that his daily behavior is orderly, simple, clear, and meticulous.

"Bedroom"—Id: In the bedroom, people unmask and reveal their true self.Linde's bedroom is filled with photos from the past, and Hans Christian Andersen's action figures.There is a big soft elastic water bed, and many spell books are placed in disorder on it.

『Studio』—Ideal: The job everyone dreams of doing is what they like.So the studio represents a person's ideal goal.Linde's studio is extremely simple, with a table, a pile of books, and countless pens and paper.


"Basement" - animal nature: anything in the basement is something that the person is unwilling to let outsiders know until he dies, and it is also a gathering of the dark side of a person's heart.

If the "living room" is the place that can be opened to outsiders most, then the "basement" is the place that can never be opened to outsiders.

Everyone often has violent and evil garbage thoughts flashing through their minds, such as suddenly stabbing the passer-by in front of them with a knife, such as standing on the fifth floor and suddenly wanting to jump, such as suddenly grabbing the head of the child in front of them and smashing it to the ground, or the sudden death of a loved one ...

This kind of meaningless thought filled with violence to harm oneself or others is called "intrusive thinking".

And this is only a small part of the "basement".

(End of this chapter)

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