Hogwarts Wizard of the Deep

Chapter 147 Rewards

Chapter 147 Rewards
Accompanied by various chaotic voices, the more intelligent Lockharts on the wall all lied one after another.

Some portraits even want to find the current Lockhart himself through the space transfer in the painting, and tell him what is happening here now.

But what they didn't know was that Linde disposed of all the paintings in the entire Defense Against the Dark Arts this afternoon, or changed the classroom, or put them in a corner.

Linde tore open the cabinet, but it was full of all kinds of purple clothes and clothing.

Linde looked at the entire office filled with thick fog, his eyes were constantly changing, and he was constantly excluding any places he had missed one by one in his mind.

"By the way, the trash can! You can also look at the trash can."

Linde quickly walked to the table and shook out all the contents of the trash can.
Fruit peels, scrapped parchment, purple thread from clothes, and a crumpled piece of letter paper...

Suddenly, there was a sound of glass being knocked on the ear.The rhythm of first two and then three is tapped twice continuously.

Linde didn't have time to look any further, so he picked up the crumpled letter and was about to run when Linde suddenly stopped.Took assorted sundries from the table.

Books, parchment, even his fan letters, book signings took some.

Immediately, Linde walked quickly to the window, opened the window and saw Andersen.

Relying on his good physical fitness, he climbed out of the window sill, stood outside the narrow window, and closed the window again.

"The plan changes, you immediately change the skin, change to the last one, the sparrow-sized one! Then you continue to stare at him here."

"Why? It's too dangerous. If I get caught, I may expose you."

"I believe you, you keep staring here. Especially for a while. When a person realizes that a burglar has entered the house, he will definitely check the "private items" he has hidden for the first time.

You want to find that "private item", understand? "

"Then what do you do? Didn't you say I'll take you away?" Andersen looked at Linde seriously.

"Cut, it's only the third floor, I'll jump directly..." Linde looked down.

Let me wipe, this is at least 20 meters high!

That's right, the auditorium on the first floor alone is almost ten meters high.

"It's okay, this is the old castle, I can climb down the rock directly."

As he said that, Linde jumped out, kicked his legs on the outer wall of the castle, grabbed the window sill with one hand, and began to slowly crawl down to find a gap.

He is not a professional, basically relying on his hands to support his entire body.Fortunately, there are large gaps between the huge outer bricks that make up the castle.It's not a problem to insert half of your palm inside.

After climbing down only a few meters, he heard an exclamation from above.

Regardless of these, Linde continued to climb down alone. When there were still seven or eight meters away, his heart skipped a beat and he jumped to the bottom.

Accompanied by the dull sound and the two sunken pits under Linde's feet, he finally reached the end.

Ignoring the pain in his ankle, he didn't waste any time, and continued to run in the dark. When he changed the direction and walked into the castle, he turned back into that thin little man with a mask on his face. The mask is gone too.

What is different from usual is that his steps are not big now, and he walks very slowly.

By the time he returned to the lounge, the news had already spread.

"Why did you come back?" As soon as he entered the lounge, he saw Jane walking towards him.

"What's wrong?" Linde was a little puzzled.

"An accident happened again!" Jane said with a face of shock,

"what's up?"

"That Flint of Slytherin, the senior who often troubled you, was found passed out on the third floor, and next to him was written in blood: who will be taught a lesson next?"

Linde looked at Jane, with unprecedented seriousness in his words, "Are you sure?"

"Well, I saw it at the scene. He had a shattered knee and a shattered collarbone.

Even through the skin, you can clearly see the broken bones under his skin. "

"Hehe, interesting." Linde laughed.This is too interesting,

"Is this interesting? You... don't you think it's scary? Hogwarts recently." Jane looked puzzled.

"It's okay, isn't it just that two people have broken bones?"

"No, haven't you noticed?" Nearest Hogwarts.

"Notice what?" Linde was a little puzzled.

Jane patted her forehead helplessly, "Well, it seems that you really don't understand!"

"Please don't say such imaginative words!"

"Don't you know? Everything hasn't been normal since Christmas!" Jane looked at him.

Linde spread his palms to her, "Speak in detail!"

"Sleepwalking incident! The monk was killed! The secret room incident! The ugly piano sound on the eighth floor at night! Ghost shadows!

Don't you know any of these? "

"I know about the secret room, and what the hell is that ugly piano sound on the eighth floor!"

Jane slowed down, deliberately trying to create that terrifying atmosphere, "It is said that in the middle of the night, in the corridor on the eighth floor, there will be a hoarse and unpleasant sound of the piano, which is the sound of a devil like fingernails scratching glass .”


"What's the matter, why do I feel the expression on your face is speechless." Jane looked at Linde's expression, and now his brows were frowning, looking serious and helpless.

"I didn't expect you to be such a person!" Linde slapped the table, "Have you heard it with your own ears? Just believe in the so-called 'horror legends'."

"No! I actually listened to it, it's really ugly." Jane didn't understand what happened, so she hurriedly explained.

"It's really... hard to hear..."

Jane looked at Linde, not understanding what he was thinking, "What's wrong with you?"

"I've heard that voice too, it's so beautiful, it's like the sound of nature. I don't understand how it turned into a devil's whisper in your mouth." Linde shook his head helplessly,

"Forget it, I don't blame you. It's just that your aesthetic needs to be improved."

"No! I'm not the only one who said it was difficult..."

"Okay, let's stop this matter like this, you can continue to talk about other things, what the hell is that sleepwalking?"

"It was Christmas time, and there were a few people who stayed at school, and every day they woke up and found themselves in different places. By the Black Lake, the owl shack, etc."

"It really happened?" Linde became interested. He did hear Harry tell them these things when he first came back.

"You mean...Hogwarts is not peaceful recently?" Linde looked at Jane.

"Yes!" A firm voice sounded from his mouth. "You still don't want to go out to play anymore!"

"I'm sorry, I can't do this at all." Linde smiled, stood up from the chair, and looked towards the door of the lounge. At this time, a little wizard was walking over there.

"I still have something to do, let's talk about it later!"

With that said, Linde sat in a corner.Sure enough, after a while, Andersen flew back from the window.

"How? Did you find anything?"

Andersen stood on his shoulder, muttering softly.

"Take out a suitcase from under the cabinet?! There are some manuscripts in it..."

Are you sure that's the first thing he looked at?

Andersen nodded, very sure.

"Is there a picture of me in it?"


"Then he must have given my photo to someone else. Or used it for other purposes." Linde nodded, which he expected.

"It's interesting! Then he must have changed positions later, have you seen this?"

"No place to put it! And he seems to regard the thief as a fanatic fan." He also muttered, "Why do you have such a fan again!"


Do you think I'm a pervert's illegitimate meal?There is indeed something wrong with this human brain circuit.

Thinking about it, Linde reached into his pocket, groped for a while, and took out the ball of paper.

He didn't report any hope, but the ball of paper was the most likely thing in the search point of "Trash Can" to contain information.

But unexpectedly, this ball of paper actually gave him a surprise.

This is a scrap draft of a letter, only the first two sentences were written, the third sentence might not fit Lockhart, so he just crossed it out, and then re-drafted and wrote another letter.

This is the same as Linde's reply letter to fans that he saw in Lockhart's cabinet before. He seems to have an inexplicable obsession with writing this thing.

Perhaps in his opinion, a decent reply with his photo is the best gift for those fans.

And the contents of the letter made Linde decide to pay more attention to Lockhart.

Mr Quirrell:
Regarding the issue of the academic club you invited me to join last time, I think we need to discuss it more. After all, if my academic results are released and the club I belong to is mentioned...


I caught you.

The moment he saw the name, Linde trembled uncontrollably. Because he was so excited, Linde even scratched the parchment in his hand.

After a while, he calmed down.In the wizarding world of the UK, how many people with the surname Quirrell are there, and how many people are related to Linde?
"Finally caught you!"

"Andersen, immediately, continue to monitor Lockhart immediately." Linde hurriedly ordered, "If you want my photo to involve Quirrell, then check to see if there is any photo of me in the letter he sent. .”

Andersen nodded and flew out again.

"Obviously Lockhart and Quirrell communicated by letter, so this means that Andersen had the opportunity to find Quirrell through the letter he sent."

After Andersen left, Linde glanced at the lounge. Indeed, just as Jane said, there seemed to be an inexplicable atmosphere spreading over this group of people, and everyone was panicking.

They wouldn't be happy even if Flint was a Slytherin, it seemed to them.If even Slytherin would be dealt with, who among the students would not be attacked?

No one can guarantee.

Linde didn't care much, he was going to refine medicine tonight.As for the devil's piano sound, that is the sound of him practicing the piano in the Room of Requirement...

"Cut, a bunch of guys with no aesthetic level!"

Linde shook his head and continued to do his own thing.

The next day, evening.As soon as Linde came out of the library, he was called to stop him.

"Hey little guy!"

A voice stopped Linde from the side, and when he turned his head, Principal Dai Lisi Dewente was standing in the portrait beside him calling him.

"Oh, principal, what can I do?" Linde walked over,

"Dumbledore asked you to go to the office." Headmaster Deventer.

"Oh, okay, I'll go now." Linde nodded, and then went downstairs immediately.He didn't ask what's the matter, anyway, just go there.

He was also not worried about whether he would be caught by Dumbledore and the others for seriously injuring Flint, and then attack him. First of all, he did injure Flint, but he was acting in self-defense.Second, since the words "Secret Chamber" appeared there, it meant that the mysterious person had already done his aftermath.

When he came to the office, Dumbledore stood at the table, playing with the crown in his hand.

"Linde, you have done a great job!" Dumbledore said with a smile.

"Is this really Ravenclaw's diadem?"

"That's right, after I consulted Ms. Gray, she told me with certainty that this is her mother's crown.

She wants to thank you personally for finding this tiara.But I put this matter on hold for a while, you should go find her yourself in two days! "Dumbledore smiled, and it could be seen that he was in a good mood now.

"Uh, let's forget it! There's no need." Linde's face was a little embarrassed, he didn't want to thank him, he had no interest in these things.

"My personal suggestion is that you should take the initiative to find her and accept her thanks.

You must know that Ms. Gray did not die in Hogwarts. The reason why she came to Hogwarts as a ghost is her obsession with the crown.

Think about it, if you don't let her express your gratitude, she will feel uncomfortable. Dumbledore smiled and explained, "Just do her a favor." "

"Uh... okay." Linde nodded, Dumbledore was right, but Linde himself was not that kind of person.But Dumbledore has spoken, and it's not a big deal in itself, so let's go.

Hearing Linde's consent, Dumbledore couldn't help laughing happily, brimming with the satisfaction of "It seems that what I say as an old man is still useful to you!"

It is true that Dumbledore's words are useful wherever he is, but his relationship with Linde has always been a kind of "kind" respect.So instead, now that Linde agreed because of his words, it made him even happier.

"And Linde. Not only Ms. Gray should thank you for finding this crown, but the whole of Hogwarts should thank you. So..."

"Don't, don't report rewards and extra points." Linde waved his hand hastily.

"It's definitely not like this, what if Voldemort finds out and troubles you!" Dumbledore took it for granted, making Linde look like a retard.


This matter cannot be rewarded, so it has to be rewarded privately.Does that mean...

No, Linde shook his head.To be honest, Dumbledore is good enough to himself, and he only asked for it not long ago, perhaps in Dumbledore's view, these things are very indifferent.But Linde himself did not accept such a greedy behavior, and continued to ask for the so-called "reward".

"I don't need a reward, Professor. You've done enough for me."

(End of this chapter)

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