Hogwarts Wizard of the Deep

Chapter 131 Customization

Chapter 131 Customization

The door of the Tuofan clothing store was pushed open. Terri, the proprietress of the store, turned her head to look over, only to find that it was an old customer she hadn't seen for a long time.

"Mr. Miles, what made you come to London to visit the shop?" Terri twisted her waist and walked gracefully towards the visitor.

The visitor first shook the snow off the umbrella, then the umbrella turned into a magic wand, and then used the magic wand to clean the snow off the floor.

After that, he skillfully walked to the sofa in the hall, sat down naturally, and put the suitcase aside.

He was wearing a beret, a thick woolen coat, and a double-breasted waistcoat inside.

"Haha, ma'am, how's the business going?" Linde, who turned into Michael Myers, stood up and shook hands with Terri.

"I came here this time mainly because there is a small item that needs to be customized!"

Hearing Linde's words, Terri's enthusiasm seemed to be extinguished, but she still smiled and beckoned Linde to sit down.

If it wasn't for the bad business, I wouldn't have opened a shop near Christmas.

If it wasn't for bad business, I'd kick you out when you said 'little thing'.

Terri slandered inwardly.

Linde naturally knew what the other party was thinking, "Although it is a small item!" Linde put his hand in his pocket, "But I think that in the whole of Britain, only you have the superb craftsmanship to do it well!" said Then, Linde took the unicorn skin out of his pocket.

"This is it!" Terri was startled. At first, she thought that Miles was a nouveau riche who came out of nowhere, but even this kind of goods can be obtained.

Thinking about it, she stroked the fur with her palm for a while.

It's unicorn skin.

After that, she raised the skin with her hands.

The complete head skin, even the mane on the back of the neck is still there, and it is well maintained, and the mane is still shiny.

This is not something ordinary people can get.

And it's not legal either.

Linde looked into her eyes and smiled faintly, "Ma'am, I just discovered this thing from a Muggle artwork by chance. This is considered a purchase, and it is not illegal to buy it!"

Terri nodded, with a natural look on her face, "Of course, everything we do is legal, isn't it!"

"I knew you understood!" Linde smiled, and then took out a wooden carving.The wood carving is about arm length and looks like a unicorn skull.

"I would like you to modify this skin so that it fits this small wooden sculpture!
I will take it as a gift from someone important to me, so... I only believe in you, madam! "Linde spoke beautiful words with a serious face.

Terri covered her mouth and laughed, the wrinkles at the corners of her eyes trembled. "You can really talk!"

Linde thought of the night he was in the Room of Requirement, sorted out the memories in his mind, and successfully reorganized the two abrupt lives of Green the Murloc and Bashir Elton the White Ship separately.

At that time, Linde felt that many things suddenly became clear.

Because I found my true "self"

"This is not an easy job, I think it may take a little time." Terri said with a smile, with confidence in her craft on her face.

"Of course! But...is it okay for Christmas? This is really a very important gift." Linde said with some embarrassment, but in fact he was clear about it!
If Terri's income is so good, why is the door open near Christmas.And I didn't have high requirements for this job, and I didn't let her create artwork.

What bullshit takes a little time, it's nothing more than a small trick to raise the price of one's own craftsmanship.

Maybe she can finish it tonight, and then keep it in a corner, wait for several days before giving it to herself, and then say it's done!

"But...Mr. Miles"

"This is really important." As he spoke, Linde rolled out a small bag and placed it heavily on the table deliberately, making a rattling sound of galleons colliding.

"There are at least fifteen!" Terri basically identified them after a glance.

This is a lot of money, after all, this job is just reforming leather.

Terri just glanced at the money bag, then looked at Linde. "Okay, Mr. Miles. Since it's really important to you, I'm going to have dark circles again these two days." Terri smiled, and continued to look at the unicorn skin in her hand. In my mind, I was thinking about how to completely leave some good scraps for myself to make some samples.

"In that case, I'm counting on you!" Linde stood up, patted his knees, and lifted the suitcase beside him.

Terri put down the unicorn skin softly, stood up, and shook hands with Linde, "Since you have chosen me, you will definitely not be disappointed. You can come and pick it up on the morning of Christmas Eve! I will I'll give you what you want!"

Nodding his head, Linde left.

As soon as the door was closed, Terri eagerly grabbed the purse and shook out all the Galleons inside, "Hey, fifteen coins, my mother's eyesight is still so good. Although this ticket is not big, it's worth it. There are many!"

As she said that, she quickly collected all the money again, without the look of not caring about money when Linde was here just now.

This is the wisdom of living.

Lin De, who walked out of the out-of-the-ordinary clothing store, did not stay too long in Diagon Alley. He hummed a little tune and left Diagon Alley directly.

At the Leaky Cauldron, he finally pulled out his wand and cast a waterproofing charm on the trunk and some small items on his body.

Walk out of the Leaky Cauldron and onto Charing Cross Road.

"It is said that there is such a wizard bus, he will appear when you need it!"

Accompanied by the squeezing sound of teeth acid and a plop!
Then there was the violent friction sound of tires and ground.

In the next second, a red three-story bus appeared in front of Linde.On the window of his car it read 'Knight Bus' in large gold letters.

It just popped up on the streets of Charing Cross, but no one noticed, as if it didn't exist.

"Welcome to the Knight Bus, the emergency passenger transport for witches or wizards in distress. Just hold out your wand and step on board, and we'll take you wherever you want. My My name is Stan Sampak, and I'm your conductor today!"

A freckled boy jumped down and saw Lynd.

"Hey, the Leaky Cauldron? This doesn't look like a troubled place!

Ern, what's going on?Why is it possible that there are customers here who want to get off? "

A rough but non-malicious voice came from the driver's seat of the car, "I know what a fart, anyway, I saw someone here signaling for a car, and there is a strong demand."

Linde smiled, flicked his wand, and walked up. "I'm in a hurry, so I need you! Trouble."

"Oh, okay! Sir, what's your name?" Stan also got into the car. He wanted to help Linde carry the suitcase, but Linde declined. "Just call me Miles!"

"Where are you going sir?" Stan continued.

"Surrey, Knott Town!"

"Oh, this is the first time I've heard of this place! But don't worry, we can go anywhere. Our driver's name is Ern, but his real identity is a British map.

May I ask, where are you going and what are you doing? "Stan asked Linde while arranging a bed for him.

Linde took off his hat,

"Go spend Christmas with Mom!"

(End of this chapter)

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