Hogwarts Wizard of the Deep

Chapter 112 Boggart

Chapter 112 Boggart

The next day, Lockhart's summons finally came to the two men.After his pretentious lesson, a total of 20 college points were deducted from the two.

And Professor McGonagall is still watching.Lockhart said that Professor McGonagall was communicating with him about the Transformation Book.

If it weren't for Professor McGonagall, Linde might still continue skipping classes, at worst, he would be deducted points.But when Professor McGonagall began to intervene in this matter, Linde stopped thinking about it.

As the management, McGonagall will not allow Linde's thinking to continue to grow in the school.

In the helpless sense of wasting time, Linde took several Defense Against the Dark Arts classes again, and finally he turned from helplessness to despair.

Lockhart is really not at all level.Not even Quirrell.But he also likes to show off, and Linde is not allowed to read other books in his class.

Fortunately, Professor Snape was going to teach him something new.His Occlumency class was rescheduled to Sunday night due to a scheduling issue...

Snape took small steps back and forth in front of the table, and looked at Linde with a smug smile on his face, "Because I said before, it won't invade your brain, so in order to assist you to complete Occlumency, I Made some good stuff."

After speaking, he took out a small box from under the table and put it on the table with a clang.The box shook violently, as if something was struggling to get out of it.

Snape whispered. "A Boggart, I don't really want you to ask what it is!"

"I know, Professor!" Linde nodded.

A boggart is a magical creature with no physical form.It likes dark, closed spaces and hides itself in them when no one is around.

It doesn't take on whatever image it thinks will scare us the most until we pass by.

Kind of like Schrödinger's cat.Before you open the box, it is a creature without a specific form.

Scary—that's what it does.

But just saying that is a little lacking, and the simple word "most feared" seems to be somewhat inadequate.

It should be said that a creature like a Boggart will thoroughly demonstrate a person's deepest and most unacceptable fears.

Moreover, this product is more difficult for older people.

If not for the hilariously hilarious counterspell.We place a child and an adult in front of the Boggart.The first to collapse must be the adults.

Like Hermione and Snape.

It seems to be described in the original book, when Hermione faced Boggart and saw Professor McGonagall saying that she failed every subject.

Oh, what a fright!After all, this is what a child fears the most.

If it was Snape, what would he have seen.

Will he see Lily's body?Or the one who spits out the Mudblood?Who knows.

What you can know is that this is worse than killing him.

What about Dumbledore?What will he see again.

Is it the death of sister Ariana?It was the disappointed, lifeless look back at him when he sent Grindelwald to prison.

The older you get, the more things you experience.For adults, there are many things they fear far beyond their own lives.

As far as Linde is concerned, he is also unwilling to face this creature.It would be embarrassing if Professor Dumbledore came out.But he had no choice.He was grateful that Snape didn't look at his memory.

Seeing that Linde was fine, Snape opened the small box at once.

A silky black mist slowly floated out of it, and gathered together again, turning into a young man.

Blonde hair, thin body, wearing a gold silk black robe.He stood opposite Linde, and Linde seemed to see himself looking in the mirror.

He opened his mouth slightly, with a smug look on his face.

"I killed it!"

Linde's eyes were red, and he basically squeezed out the words from his throat, "You..."

The ground suddenly became wet, and several tentacles came out of it like bayonets, overturned Snape's desk, and slammed or stabbed at the Boggart in front of Linde.Before Snape could react, he hastily pulled out his wand, but was hit hard by the overturned table.

The tentacles lashed at its body, blowing up a large swath of black mist, but the Linde it transformed into was not affected at all, and continued to say triumphantly, "I killed Mrs. Evelyn!"

"Shut your mouth!" Linde's eyes were red, and he looked at it without emotion, with an extremely peaceful heart.This kind of calm is the expression of the whole nerve being stretched to the extreme.

Stretching out the alienated palm with fins and holding it forward, the Boggart seemed to be suppressed invisible.The whole body began to crumble, but it didn't return to the dark corner.Instead, it gradually gathers from the middle.

Linde didn't know what he was doing now, he just acted according to the instinct of extreme anger.He beckoned, and the Boggart was solidified into a black bead.

The tentacles on the chin gently grabbed the bead and put it into his mouth, then slammed it into pieces.In the end he swallowed it.


Snape stood aside in a daze, his facial features being crazily shocked.

The wall seems to have turned into the skin of some kind of animal, and there are some biological structures like huge blood vessels inside, but these tubes are filled with different forms of ugly creatures, they swim crazily in it, interacting with each other. tear.

And not only that, densely packed eyes popped up on the walls, ceiling, etc., and they all looked at him in the room without emotion.

There are also tentacles writhing frantically on the ground.Standing among the tentacles is the monster-like Linde who is sitting and swallowing.

He heard all kinds of harsh and unpleasant sounds, as if someone was brushing his cerebral cortex frantically back and forth with a steel brush.

A strong salty smell came from the nose.

These are just appearances.He could feel that these current scenes were conveying an unknown energy to him from the ears, nose and mouth, trying to invade his brain.

Good thing he knows Occlumency.

After swallowing, Linde glanced around, looking at these completely changed rooms.

Feeling the thread of magic power in the dark, Linde took back the escaped magic power like a fisherman.The walls slowly returned to normal, and the tentacles on the ground began to retract.

At the same time, Linde also slowly returned to normal.

"Sorry, professor. I ruined the teaching aids!" Linde said lightly.Then he added with a distressed expression, "I didn't expect it to turn out like this. It was beyond my expectations. Otherwise... I would have refused. Whether I would deal with the Boggart's spell or not. I would have rejected it .”

"I didn't think of it either. I just said it was used to give you a sense of oppression that your brain has been invaded. It makes you feel the existence of your subconscious mind." Snape also had an ugly expression on his face.

"Let me tell you the basic spells first, and you practice by yourself first." Snape said lightly, in the current state, it is impossible to continue teaching.

Linde nodded lightly, but the words Boggart said just now echoed in his mind.

"I was the one who killed Evelyn!"

(End of this chapter)

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