Chapter 109
Retract the tightly wrapped skull.Linde stood up, took out his wand, and started tonight's practice directly facing the training doll.

Before the sun rose, Linde pushed open the door of the pool room and returned to the lounge.


A light green baby-like ugly tree root was stuffed into the pot, and then quickly grabbed the soil and dragon manure to bury it whole.

"Close your ears and listen!" After reciting the spell, the expression on his face relaxed after he felt the emptiness of his hearing.

It's his first herbal class this semester.Professor Sprout asked them to repot the young mandrakes.At first, he thought that he had come into contact with this thing last year, and he must be able to pinch it with his hands, without any pressure at all.

But it turns out he was wrong.Not only is he stressed, he's not young either.This pressure does not come from him, but from his classmates.Just imagine, dozens of mandrakes were pulled out of the pot together and started screaming.That's simply not something a human can stand, even with earmuffs.

And the scary thing is that this class was taught by Gryffindor and Hufflepuff.

In terms of this delicate work, Gryffindor and Hufflepuff are definitely no match for Slytherin and Ravenclaw.

Linde was the first to complete this group, strictly speaking, he was the first to complete it alone.Because he couldn't bear the cry anymore.Of course, other people can't stand it either, but it's even more difficult for them to do this job well after being affected by the cry.

It's just that he was a little distracted just now, and didn't evaluate the class well, otherwise he would have given himself an earplug to listen in advance.

After that, Linde's class basically ended in waiting.When all the mandrakes were finally cleared and the classroom became quiet again, Sprout gave him ten points. His movements were very fast, and the professor saw it.

After class, many young wizards walked out of the third greenhouse covered in mud with their backs aching. When the sound of hurried footsteps sounded, Linde walked forward at a high speed.

The robe behind Linde was also pulled up, his clothes were still very clean, his face was expressionless, and it was impossible to tell what he was thinking.

"My God, did you see his expression and robe? It's exactly the same as Snape." Ron muttered softly behind him.

"Hey, don't whisper like this. Tell him aloud if you have the courage!" Jane said loudly on purpose.

"Hey, hey, keep your voice down, don't mess with me." Ron said hastily.

Hermione also said on the side, "That's right, if you have the guts, don't whisper behind your back. Especially the habit of simply insulting a person's walking posture.

If you have to say it even when you are walking quickly, then there is something wrong with the person who said it! said Hermione, with a face like Professor McGonagall.

Seeing that he was being refuted one after another, Ron felt a little uncomfortable. He just wanted to make a joke.Also, I just said that he is like Snape, how could it become a humiliation in your mouth...Although there is such a little meaning.

"Hey, Harry, look at them!" Ron looked at Harry, hoping he could speak for him.

Harry looked at Linde's back in a daze, and was relieved by Ron's words. "Oh, uh... It's not that exaggerated, but we really can't say that about Linde, right, after all, we are all Gryffindor classmates. And the relationship is not bad"

"Even you said that?!" Ron said with disbelief on his face, "Well, I was wrong, I was just joking." He could only say that, his face full of discomfort.Looking at Harry was like looking at a traitor.

Harry didn't dare meet Ron's eyes.In fact, he also knew that Ron was not malicious.Teasing a classmate behind their back is indeed what kids their age like to do.In other words, regardless of age, there are always people who are discussed behind their backs.

It's just that he thinks that Ron shouldn't make fun of Linde, others can.Not Linde.

He felt that Linde should be respected, just like he was with Professor Dumbledore.

Thinking of this, he shook his head hastily, throwing his thoughts out of his mind.But he suddenly thought of the wizard of the same age named Aesop whom he saw in Diagon Alley more than half a month ago.

He also felt that he needed to treat each other respectfully.

"It's strange, am I too modest? Why do you feel that you should be respectful when you see someone, and I'm not a house elf." Harry said in his heart.

The next class is Professor McGonagall's Transfiguration class.The first transfiguration class was not difficult, just turning a small beetle into a button.

Compared with last year's final exam, it is much easier. It seems that Professor McGonagall knows the level of these little guys who have been crazy for a holiday.

Linde didn't rush to turn the beetle into a button, but first tried to turn it into a mini Rubik's cube. This kind of thing with an internal structure is much more difficult than turning it into a one-piece thing like a button.

It took him almost half a class to successfully turn it into a Rubik's cube.Then he started trying to turn it into a mini yo-yo, which has screws and bearings.

Bearings are a difficult point.

In the end, he still failed before get out of class was over. One reason was that the size of the beetle was too small, and the second reason was that the structure of the bearing was somewhat precise.

He felt that as long as the target was enlarged, he would definitely be able to transform it.But with such a small size and the precision of the bearing, it is very difficult.So a while before the end of get out of class, he waved his hand casually and conjured up an exquisite black button with gold silk pattern.Only the color is gold, of course.

Professor McGonagall glanced at him angrily. She naturally saw what Linde was doing throughout the class. Of course, she would not stop it.I just thought why didn't I do what I could do a long time ago!
That would give Gryffindor points.

What an ignorant brat!
Linde rubbed his head and smiled. He thought that Professor McGonagall should have seen him torturing the poor little beetle and scolded him.

When the bell rang, Linde was not in a hurry to leave this time.After all, the bell for the end of class during ordinary breaks and the bell for the end of get out of class at noon are two different things.This time the little wizards were much more anxious and rushed outside one after another.

He didn't squeeze, and continued to sit in his seat, summarizing what he had gained from this class by the way.

Walking out of the classroom, he saw Harry and his party in front of him.Jane was also heard saying, "Seriously, Ron. I'll lend you the money to buy one!" she said.And it seemed that Ron was afraid that Ron would be embarrassed to borrow money because of face, so he added, "For learning, right. How can you learn magic without a wand."

Ron did have some troubles in the class just now. His wand was broken by the Whomping Willow, so he could barely repair it.But it seemed to be badly repaired, crackling and sparking from time to time.Every time Ron tried to transform the beetle, he was immediately surrounded by a thick gray smoke that smelled of rotten eggs.

This is also the first time that Jane brought the concept of borrowing money to their small circle.If Linde remembered correctly, even with the rich Harry and Hermione, who was considered a rich man after being exchanged for Galleons, by his side.He still had to wait until his family drew the Daily Prophet grand prize in the third year to buy a new wand.

And it was because his Elder Wand was actually broken at that time, and if it hadn't been broken, it might not be possible to change it.After all, what the family did after getting the money was to travel, not to subsidize the family.

Poor old family owl Errol.Later, when Andersen dared to say that he was tired, he told him about the life of an owl named Errol, so that he could know what it means to be tired.

Well, other people have their own way of life, and I am really not suitable for evaluation, Linde thought in his heart.Then shake off this series of thoughts.

What Jane said moved Ron's heart very much, and anyone could hear her sincerity. Although the little witch was a bit violent, she really cared about her friends.

Like Ron never knew it was Jane who beat him up last Halloween.That time was also to vent Hermione's anger.

"Well... I feel like I can still hold on. When they get angry, I'll ask them if they can change it." Ron said hesitantly. Although he wanted to borrow it, he thought that he had no pocket money at all. It is estimated that it will be difficult to pay back.

"What are you afraid of, it's just a few Galleons." Jane said as relaxedly as possible, she didn't want to put too much pressure on Ron, but these words made Ron even more psychologically stressed.

"You don't have to rush to pay it back! You can pay it back when you are working. Anyway, after you bought the wand, just pretend that you never lent me the money. Just forget about it for now." Jane continued, she really hoped Ron could be bolder now.After all, his magic wand is really... no one can stand it.

However, Ron still felt a lot of pressure in his heart, so he hesitated and refused.

Linde didn't care what they said, and walked forward, he just listened to these things for fun.

Then there is a noon break.Of course, others rest.He practices Transfiguration in the break room.

Then there is the afternoon class.

Defense Against the Dark Arts.

(End of this chapter)

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