The Traveler of the Waveguide of the Spirit

Chapter 93 Retire after Consummation

Chapter 93 Retire after Consummation
"Clay Puppet Giant, Shadow Fist."

Just when Reggie Eleki was emitting white light and was about to explode, a giant clay puppet emerged from the ground behind it.

Ignoring the rapidly expanding energy around him, and ignoring the terrifying thunder and lightning, a black tiger pulled out its heart, and pulled an object out of Reggie Eleki's body made of lightning.

The white light stopped abruptly, and Reggie Eleki fell to the ground, motionless as if dead, and the lightning on his body dissipated little by little, leaving only a stone slab full of unknown characters.

Lucario took a deep breath, slumped on the ground, the white light that healed fluctuated lit up, and began to recover his physical strength and injuries.

Looking at the coke-like clay arms of the clay giant, Yalin was secretly startled. The lightning in Reggie Eleki's body was too strong. Even the ground-type clay giant was immune to lightning, but was injured by the violent energy.

The giant clay puppet spread its palms, and a simple golden crown stood quietly in its palm.

"This is the intelligent core that controls the divine pillar? A crown! No, it should be the proof of the king!"

Yalin took the certificate of the king and used the waveguide sensor. In an instant, Yalin heard countless cheers and pilgrimage!

Ten thousand?One hundred thousand?Or 100 million?

Countless ancient people in strange clothes knelt down below, shouting "King Gulal".

The picture is constantly changing, it is the coronation ceremony of Gulal kings from generation to generation, and the final picture is a majestic man wearing a royal suit, who respectfully seals it and a stone slab in the stone.

Like the Moon Lord, this crown also gave birth to a trace of sanity due to people's countless years of worship, but the difference is that the Moon Lord has become the embryo of a divine beast, and it has become an elf prop.

This is definitely a priceless treasure. It has been worshiped by the first Gulal King for hundreds of years until the Phantom Tower is built, and it is regarded as the core to become the guardian of the Phantom Tower.

"This Phantom Tower is about to die!"

Yalin raised his head and looked at the top of his head. All four floors were broken through. The castle on the first floor was destroyed by Reggie Eleki's lightning. Destroyed, especially the fourth floor with endless treasures was destroyed by Reggie Locke's self-destruct.

All the treasures and knowledge have been destroyed in the explosion. The three largest treasures, the fake vermilion orb, were taken away by the Huoyan team, the king's certificate was in Yalin's hands, and the unknown totem tablet...


Yalin stepped on the unknown totem slab, and countless black symbols flew out of the shattered slab, dancing around Yalin.


A piece of stone cracked, fell down, and lost its power source. The Phantom Tower, which had persisted for tens of thousands of years, finally couldn't hold on anymore and began to collapse!

With a flash of white light, Yalin disappeared.


In the Gobi desert, outside the Phantom Tower, the sandstorm is slowly dissipating.

Many people wearing Huoyan team uniforms surrounded the place, looking at the phantom tower that was shaking violently and gradually collapsing like an enemy.

Many of them are familiar to Yalin, such as Dr. Bonfire, Bonfire, Huoyi, and the two survivors guarding the first-floor and second-floor portals. Because they are close to the portal, they were directly modified by Yalin. The Phantom Tower came out.

"Doctor Bonflame, what is the Tower of Phantom?"

Huo Cun, the chubby leader of Huoyan Team, asked.

"Hahaha! It seems that Ruby defeated that terrifying monster. He is really a hero, and he is old! It's useless!"

Dr. Bonyan breathed a sigh of relief, touched the red orb in his hand (it was really called the vermilion orb), and spoke with joy and loneliness in his tone.

Looking at the phantom tower that was collapsing, Huo Yi said anxiously: "But, why hasn't Boss Lubi come out yet? Shall we go in and rescue Boss Luby?"


Campfire clasped his hands tightly, lowered his head and didn't know what to think about.

"Don't worry, don't worry, Ruby is very smart, she won't just die like this."

Dr. Bonyan touched the head of the campfire to comfort him, then took out the walkie-talkie and asked the staff at the mountaintop base:
"Go and see the tent where Ruby's backpack is stored, is the backpack still there?"

"Ah? Got it, doctor!"

Then there was the sound of walking.

"It's not good, doctor, the backpack is gone, there are only two Poké Balls from the Huoyan team, and there are big wolf dogs and double bomb gas inside."

"It seems that he left without saying goodbye, but we will meet again, as long as you are still looking for the legendary beast, the magical boy."

Obviously, Dr. Bonyan regards Yalin, who has rich knowledge of elves and knows many mythical beasts, as a boy who fanatically pursues mythical beasts.


"Are you leaving too?"

Looking at the unknown totems flying all over the sky, Yalin was a little bit reluctant. After all, they are too strong, and one tenth of them can make Lucario have the strength of a heavenly king.

Moreover, the powerful waveguide power, hand-rubbed wave missiles blocked Regice's attack, and that powerful power really made Yalin unable to stop.

The unknown totem danced up and down, as if nodding, a dimensional crack appeared, wrapping the unknown totems and disappearing.

"Well! Be content, I've made a lot of money this time!"

Yalin quickly adjusted his mentality and began to reap:
The first is the elves, who subdued the three elite elves Lucario, the giant clay puppet and Mengge Naia.

The two conditions for an elite trainer: [-] alliance points and six elite elves, have been half completed (now there are [-] points).

To become an elite trainer, you can be admitted as a searcher, and for searchers under the age of 20, the alliance has special regulations, you can take a job and travel, travel photo, no need to work, salary as usual, although sometimes it will be forced by the local Junsha enlist.

Whoring public meals for nothing, so happy!
Then there are elf props: Lucario Super Evolution Stone and Evolution Key Stone.

The evolution key stone is worn by the trainer and is universal. As long as the elf carries the corresponding mega stone and has enough strength and bonds, it can super evolve.

Yalin, who has the power of a waveguide, lacks everything, but he is not lacking in fetters. With his strong mental power, he will not lose control of the mega Lucario in the original Gherkin.

And the certificate of the king is a priceless treasure, which is not sold in the elf shop.

The reason is the harsh conditions for producing the certificate of the king: the king has worn it for at least ten years; it gathers the power of belief of many people.

What is a king?Not to mention a king, at least a great lord who commands one side, but now there is no king, and even the leader of a big power is not happy to wear a crown now.

As for the power of faith, as Yalin saw in his memory, countless people bowed down to worship the king of faith, and the crown on it would also absorb a little bit of power of faith.

The more power of faith, the stronger the King's Evidence!

Even if it is the lowest level of King's Certificate, it has been worn by a little king for decades, and it only has the power of elementary elf props, it is also a priceless treasure.

It is one of the favorite collections of those wealthy people who like to collect antiques. The cultural background is too profound, too rare, and it is basically impossible to replicate in modern society. The worst ones can be auctioned for tens of millions of yuan.

Yalin bought the sharp teeth, a low-level elf item with the same effect, in Dead Leaf City for 12 yuan, and the difference is more than a hundred times.

And this king's certificate is even more priceless. Through the waveguide induction, Yalin already knows that the Gulal Kingdom is a big country that has been passed down for 900 years.

He even relied on Gulardo to dominate Fangyuan, but unfortunately he was not greedy enough, and in the end he killed himself.

The King’s Evidence has been worshiped for more than 300 years since the first king before it was sealed into the stone seat. Even if it is sealed, as long as the Gulal Kingdom is established, as long as there are people who believe in the Gulal Kingdom, it can be used as the original crown. Gain the power of faith.

The kingdom of 900 years, the power of faith of countless people for 900 years, it is the top proof of the king, at least Fangyuan has no comparable, long-lived and powerful kingdom.

If the collector Gillu knew that there was such a thing, he would be willing to exchange it with the Three God Birds, but not for Rogia, there is only one Rogia.

It's a pity that it's useless to Yalin. No matter how high the quality is, it's still an elf item, and the effect is not much different from the sharp tooth, unless it is used to evolve?
 Just now the editor contacted and said that it will be on the shelves on Friday, and I am very excited, because this is the first time I have written a novel, and I really started from scratch.

  Because I need to update more on the shelves, otherwise I can’t push it up. Now I don’t have a single chapter to save, so the two chapters of the [-]-monthly ticket are all on Friday. These three days will be crazy code words to save the manuscript. Of course, the third shift every day is not will be less.

  In addition, the chapters on the shelves start from chapter 89, everyone, don't forget to read it in advance, don't subscribe by mistake.

(End of this chapter)

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