The Traveler of the Waveguide of the Spirit

Chapter 8 Elf Illustrated Book, the first battle

Chapter 8 The Elven Illustrated Book, the first battle

"Do you know what you are doing? Why do you want to make this kind of book? Xuecheng!"

In the white round table meeting room, an old man in black slapped a thick book and roared.

"It's not called 'this kind of thing', it's called the Elven Illustrated Book, which introduces the basic knowledge of the 141 known species of elves in the Kanto region (except for fossils and beasts). With it, new trainers can avoid a lot of detours. "

A middle-aged man in a white cloak said righteously that if Yalin saw it, he would be surprised to find that he was Dr. Oki.

"I don't care if the rookie trainer takes a detour or not, but some of the information recorded here is the knowledge of our family. How can it be distributed to ordinary people for free?"

"Do you know the sacrifice rate of new trainers in the first year? Thirty percent! A full thirty percent. Nearly one-third of the trainers who go out every year fall in the first year, and even more before." Dr. Oki growled.

"And the reason is that they don't understand some basic knowledge of elves, so they provoke elves for no reason."

"But knowledge is valuable. If you distribute it to trainers for free, do you know how much money we will lose every year?" An old man in red said indifferently.

"But how many resources have these trainers developed, and how much profit have they earned for the alliance?"

"The alliance has already rewarded the benefits they fought for for the alliance. For example, you, Xue Cheng, the alliance will not treat those who have made credit badly."

"Only those who survive can be rewarded, but what about those who died? Those civilian trainers who silently sacrificed for the alliance, who will protect their interests?"

"Civilian trainers do need to be protected, but isn't this knowledge too much?" An old man smoothed things over.

"For example, the three evolution types of Ibrahimovic, the Leaf Stone evolution spirit, and the mini dragon series. These ordinary people don't need to know!"

"Since it is an illustrated book of elves, all elves should be displayed."

"Anyway, I won't agree." The old man in black retorted.

"Then let's vote!" President Damaranche concluded.


After an unknown amount of time, the meeting ended, and there were only two people left in the huge conference room, Oki and Damaranci.

"The dragon-slaying hero will eventually become a dragon! Some civilian trainers will oppose it for their own interests after they stand in high positions."

Dr. Oki couldn't help but sighed.

"Not everyone is as great as you. As you climb higher, your mood will be different, but how did you convince the Four Heavenly Kings? They are all nobles."

"Because I promised them that after this matter is over, I will resign as the league champion. They have waited for so many years for this position, some small benefits."

"Is it worth it just for this?"

"There is nothing worthwhile, and I am not suitable for these intriguing politics. Being with elves and studying elves is my dream."

"I can't take it anymore, you're gone, I'll be lonely by myself!"

"This year's Kanto League Conference will definitely be very lively, the closing ceremony of the first conference champion!"


At this time, Yalin, who didn't know what happened, was riding a bicycle to Xinlu Town.

Near the official road, there are very few elves!And the strength is very weak, that's right, those with high strength were caught by passing trainers.

"Come on! Fuqiu, Baby Bear, you can rest after another two kilometers."


"Y...mi! Yi...mi!"

The two elves wearing weight rings replied weakly, especially the baby bear, who wore weight rings on both hands and feet, and the load was twice that of the fur ball.

"Not only can you eat delicious elf food, but also delicious big needle honey orange orange fruit!"

"Imi Yimi!"

In ancient times, Cao Cao looked at plum blossoms to quench his thirst, and now Yalin looks at honey to quench his tiredness.

"Is this the elf center?"

Looking at the behemoth in front of him, Yalin sighed with emotion. It is different from the small one in the game animation. This elf center covers an area of ​​tens of thousands of square meters. It is a veritable behemoth, and it is only a town-level elf center.

"Are you a rookie trainer too?"

At this time, a yellow-haired boy next to him heard a voice and asked.

"Yes, my name is Yalin, a newcomer trainer in Green Tree Village. Today is the first time I have come to the Spirit Center. May I ask who you are?"

"I'm Kyle, a new trainer in New Green Town, and I've just become a trainer for two months. If you want to register, just go to the counter on the right."

"Thank you!"

There is a poke ball in the way, so I don't know the strength of this rookie!But a passionate person.

"You're welcome. If you have any questions, you can come to the training ground in the backyard to find me, and you can also fight."

Of course, it is impossible for such a large elf center to have only Ms. Joy, who is the head nurse, doctor and dean here.

"Hi, I'm here to register as an alliance trainer."

Yalin handed the metal card to the female nurse in front of her, with black hair and green eyes, smiling, fair and pretty, very pretty.

The quality of women in the elf world is so high, no!It should be said that the quality of human beings is high.

"Sorry, only Ms. Joy can register as an alliance trainer. Please wait here for a while. I'll go find Ms. Joy."

The female nurse checked the card, handed it back respectfully, and said with a smile.

Yalin saw a row of computers standing next to them, similar to those in the animation. It seemed that they could be used to make calls in the animation. Unfortunately, only the mayor had one in the village, and he had never used it!

The button is the same as in Japan in the real world. Yalin presses the power button to turn it on, and a login interface is displayed.

Gan!Must be a trainer to use!
"Hello, is it you who want to register as an alliance trainer?"

A very gentle voice sounded from behind, and Yalin turned her head. She has red hair, blue eyes, and a pink nurse uniform. She is as beautiful as the heroic Junsha, but I prefer Miss Joy, who is gentle and graceful.

Miss Joy is number one in the world (●°u°●)」

"Yes, I am Yalin from Green Tree Village."

After registering and filling in the documents, Yalin became a glorious alliance rookie trainer, and got a book-sized mobile phone, which can only make and receive calls and send text messages.

As for why you are a newcomer?

Because the primary trainer has three requirements: two or more elves, at least one has reached the primary level, and at least one alliance task has been completed.

It's getting late, and the task will be done tomorrow. First, go to the backyard to see the training ground of the Elf Center, and complete the first battle.

It is bigger than the battlefield in the animation, there are three in total, only one is in use now, there are more than a dozen people watching, and Kyle, two men and one woman gather together to talk.

"Kyle, meeting is fate, do you want to have a battle of elves!"

Straight to the point, let me see the strength of the newcomer trainers in the town.

"Hey! Do you guys want to fight? I'll be the referee. I'm the right guy." The short black-haired fat man in the group of four raised his hand and said.

"Hi, I'm Yusuke." The green doll-haired boy pushed his eyes.

"A real bird!" said the girl with purple ponytail eyes coldly.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Yalin."

"Haha, I knew from the first glance that you are also a combative person, how about a rookie trainer 1V1?"


"New Green Town Kyle and Green Tree Village Yalin, the 1V1 battle begins, please release the elves from both sides."

After two flashes of white light, a fur ball and a meow appeared on the field.

"Xiongsuke, Masao, who do you think will win." Masao, the fat man who had become addicted to refereeing, asked the two friends next to him.

"It must be Kyle. Yalin just came out to travel, and Kyle is already an intermediate league trainer, and his parents have allowed him to travel!" Yusuke the eyed man speculated.

"Not necessarily, Kyle didn't show his main force, Yalin's hairball is well developed, it's not certain who will win." Makoto retorted.

Is it the meow meow of the middle and early stages of the white aptitude?I don't know if I have learned other skills.

"Furball, Ultrasound."

"Meow, call."

Sure enough, unlike wild elves, they will weaken the enemy first.

Due to the different frequencies, the two sounds do not cancel out, but concentrate on each other.

"Nian Li, catch Meow Meow."

"Damn it, Miaomiao wake up quickly and use random scratching."

Miaomiao didn't wake up, but attacked the ground with random claws, and then was caught by Nianli and fell to the ground hard, causing a lot of damage, but the chaos was also resolved.

Even after watching it a few times, I can't help but sigh with emotion. Now that the evil department has not been made public, the superpower department is really strong!

"Rush up and use Grab."

The speed is so fast, the speed race value of 90 is really fast, it is not comparable to the hairball of 45.

"Use poison powder while hiding."

Relying on the characteristic of escaping feet, Fuqiu managed to dodge twice, but still received two scratches, but Fuqiu's poisonous powder also successfully hit.

This damage is not high!The qualification gap between whiteboard and blue!Make up for the grade gap?Then there is no need to use genetic skills.

"Furball, body-fixing method."

"Meow, keep using the random grab, why don't you move? Quickly use the random grab!"

Don't you know how to fix the body?
"Furball, hit."

The powerful impact caused Miaomiao to fly a few meters away, and with the power of poisoning, Miaomiao's current blood volume is already dying.

"Meow, grab and attack if you can't use it randomly."

Still a little quick-witted, knowing how to change skills, but the battle is over.


The battle ended with a dull landing.

"Nianli, give it the last blow."

The little fat man ran out immediately and said
"I declare that the battle is over and the winner is Yalin from Green Tree Village."

Note (There are three plot characters in this chapter, I don’t know if any careful readers have noticed.)
(End of this chapter)

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