Chapter 51 The Sixth Spirit

"Yes! I will protect you! I will not dislike your original appearance! It will make you stronger! Take you out, let you eat delicious food every day, and help you find your clansmen."

Yalin said sincerely that he could feel the suffering of 'Pippi', which was more miserable than Baby Bear and Fuqiu, who still had a good childhood anyway.

And 'Pippi' has been wandering in the depths of Yuejian Mountain, which is full of dangers, and barely survived by being transformed. He can only imitate other elves, and perhaps he has almost forgotten his original appearance.

Yalin admits that he has selfish intentions, because he wants to subdue it because of its high talent. If it is just an ordinary white elf, he will not care about it. It may spend its whole life in the Pippi tribe.

If it asks Yalin to tame it, Yalin will take him away, but when it meets the Divers, it will be released, which may be realistic.

Because the resources needed to make a white elf become a king or even a champion are beyond Yalin's imagination. The world of elves is so big, how many people can change their lives against the sky?Yalin also only knows the three sacred beasts, but that is the power of the Phoenix King. The divine beasts that stand at the apex of the elf world should be impossible for an advanced trainer.

Yalin took out a red and white ball and put it in front of 'Pipi', waiting for its choice.

'Pippi' looked at the playful Pippis, then at Picosi, and at the moonlight on the top of the cave.

'Pippi' knows that this place is not suitable for him. He likes to run in the wild to his heart's content. Since he fell into this cave, he has been trapped here even though he is safe.

Going out of the cave is too dangerous, and I can't fly myself. The top of the cave tens of meters high is a sky, so I can only accompany Pi Baobao and watch Pipis fly out to play.

I want to go out, run as much as I want, become stronger, find a group, and be with this man.

'Pippi' stretched out his small hand, tapped on the red and white balls, was sucked in instantly, and was successfully subdued with a "ding".

"The sixth elf!"

Yalin touched the poke ball with some emotion, he is now a real trainer, and you can be considered a trainer without six Pokémon?
"Yalin, why do you like to use red and white balls so much? With your financial resources, you should be able to use super balls!"

Dawu is very strange about this point. He obviously spends a lot of money buying other things, but the elf ball is so stingy. It is obvious that the super ball and advanced ball have more space and are more comfortable. They even have a slight healing effect. Yalin also loves its elves. , the pursuit is also the elite route, a few balls should still be able to buy!
"You don't understand, red and white balls are faith!"

Indeed, [-] red and white balls, [-] super balls, and [-] high-end balls are all Yalin can afford, but faith cannot be lost. Red and white balls are the essence of subduing elves.

"By the way, Dawu, can your family manufacture advanced balls that look like red and white balls?"

Yalin thought of the German company of the Zivqi family, Fangyuan No. [-] company, with strong financial resources and unique poke ball manufacturing technology.

"This is very simple, just change the appearance."

"Then I order..."

Yalin thought for a while, he now only has 60, and he has exactly six elves, so he can't favor one over another, but all the money is spent on elf balls, what should his elves eat?
So he said embarrassingly: "Well... Dawu can you pay cash on delivery, I order twelve high-end balls in the shape of red and white balls."

"This is very simple! I asked the person in charge of making the Poké Ball to customize a special one, and I can just give it to me when I have money."

Although Dawu wanted to say no money, but felt that this might hurt Yalin's self-esteem (Yalin: No!!!), so he said tactfully.

"Thank you! Dawu, I will give you a baby when I have a chance in the future!"

Good brother!Yalin burst into tears, if I dug out the Metagross or Boss Cordora mega stone, I will never forget you, brother!

Yalin clicked on the elf ball and said loudly: "Come out! Hundred... Hundred... Bai Luoya?"

There was a flash of white light, and in front of Yalin appeared a little fox with a gray-black body, light blue pupils, dark red eyelids and eyebrows, a black mane on its neck, and dark red hair on its limbs and head. .


(It turns out that my name is Baibai Luoya)

The fox jumped into Yalin's arms suddenly, and finally knew what he was. It was not Lada, Nidolan, or Pippi, but Baibaibailuoya, and it was very excited.

"The name of this elf is so strange. It was called Baibai Luoya? Is it an elf from Kanto? But I have read the Kanto elf encyclopedia, and there is no elf illustration!"

"It's not a piece of bullshit Baibai Luoya, Dawu, you heard me wrong, I'm talking about Soraya, the evil fox Pokémon Soraya, a rare elf in the Hezhong area!"

Yalin blushed, and said bravely, careless, I should have known that a shapeshifter can copy abilities and attributes, and if it is a Diversity, it should be able to fly and use skills.

But Zoroya's characteristic is illusion, what he creates is illusion, and it can't learn transformation skills, its transformation is only an illusion, so it can't fly or Pippi's skills.

"The elves of Hezhong! No wonder I don't know, but Yalin, you are really knowledgeable."

"Just know a little bit!"

Kanto Chengdu Fangyuan is relatively close, some elf Dawu knows about it, but Sinnoh and Hezhong who are farther away don't understand, as for Carlos?what is that place

"That's right, you are Zoroya, the evil fox Pokémon Zoroa who is good at creating hallucinations, and the evolution type is Zoroark."

Yalin corrected the little fox's pronunciation and began to ask about its skills.

Elf: Zoroya
Ability: Illusion
Grade: Mid-Intermediate

Personality: Naughty, Persevering
Qualification: Purple

Level Skills: Grab, Stare, Chase, Fake Cry, Random Grab, Surprise Strike, Ghost Face, Provocation

Learning Skills: Thief, Shadow Clone

Inherited Skills: Snatch, Raid, Wave of Evil, Farewell Gift, Seduction, Imitation, Double Repayment, Supernatural Powers
The skills are the same as Baby Bear and Koda Duck, and they are as luxurious as ever, but many skills have not been practiced.

Only catch, fake cry, thief, shadow clone, snatch, and seduction are used a lot, so be more proficient.

Except for grabbing, which is used for attacking, all others are used to escape every day, and you will be proficient if you use it more.

Especially the thief who taught himself to steal food, and the shadow clone who learned from an ethnic group, it seems that he has suffered a lot.

Yalin touched Soroya's fur, which was a completely different touch from Pippi. It was obviously an illusion, but he didn't notice it with his waveguide power, and it also affected his sense of touch?
Baby Bear's natural power, Kodak's powerful spirit, Zoroya's terrifying hallucinations, these purple elves all have the talent to be powerful!I don’t know how about Dawu’s giant golden monster and Boscodora?
It is really a Zoroya with extraordinary potential, which reminds Yalin of that phantom overlord, no!In the future, you will be the real overlord of phantoms.

"Kongpong! Yimi! Quack! Clack! Tired!"

Furball and the others also finished their training or playing, and came to welcome the new little ones, so the happy day was over.


In the middle of the night, at the core of Yuejian Mountain, Pipi and Pixie moaned in pain in their sleep, obviously experiencing a nightmare.

"Dream! Dream!"

The Dream Demon opened its red eyes, and its purple body floated in the night sky. Painful groans came from all around from time to time, making this ghost-type elf even more weird.

"did you find it?"


"Very well, let's go now!"

"Hey, boss, don't we take a break?"

"Wait until you find the huge moonstone resting, Bruce, these Pippis are useless, put them away."

"Okay! Boss!"

A grey-clothed man answered with a smile, and then took out a bunch of elf balls, and subdued all the Pippis who had been tortured for a day.

"Is the huge moon stone not in the core area, but in the deep area? Let's go west."

"Let's go, work!"

"Near the huge moon stone, there must be a lot of Pipi!"

"Even if you don't have Pippi, you can make a lot of money knocking off the leftovers of the huge moon stone!"

"It's a precious item, there can't be any damage in the slightest, the collector is a lunatic, don't offend him for a small profit!"

"Got it! Boss, I'm just talking casually, hahaha!"

(Yuejianshan is divided into periphery, depth and core)
 Skills similar to transformation, afraid of Pixie of the fairy type, there should be nothing else except Zoroya.

(End of this chapter)

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