The Traveler of the Waveguide of the Spirit

Chapter 47 Journey to Moon Mountain

Chapter 47 Journey to Moon Mountain

In the Nibi Gym, the gym master Wu Neng with brown hedgehog hair and squinting eyes like Xiao Gang quietly listened to his disciple Xiao Ze's narration, and Xiao Xiao Gang also inserted a few words from time to time.

"Elite trainers who travel for a year, and advanced trainers who travel for a month are all geniuses! Why don't we, the Nibi family, have such geniuses in our gymnasium!"

Wu Neng squinted his eyes, hissed and sighed after listening to the words of his disciples, and he knew from experience that these two people will be talented trainers who have the opportunity to challenge the king of heaven in the future.

Wu Neng also knew that the Zivqi family was Fangyuan's top power, and the power was at its peak. Unlike the declining Nibi family, it was normal to be able to cultivate a genius like Dawu.

But that Yalin, a civilian trainer, is the alliance going to produce another super king or a big wooden champion?

Wu Neng lamented that the Nibi family, one of the eight major families in the alliance, is now in decline!Most of Yue Jianshan was taken away by the alliance, and there were no heavenly kings in the family for several generations, and the younger generation was also a bunch of idiots, close to the legacy of the old ancestors.

Fortunately, there is a Hualan family below as a foil. Wu Neng thought of the Hualan family who opened the aquarium. As a thousand-year-old family, they actually open an aquarium in the gymnasium to make money?
It's really embarrassing to throw at home. Other families are ashamed to be with them, especially the violent Dead Leaf family. Every time the nobles meet, they want to kick the Hualan family out. This Wu Neng can't agree, Hualan's target is gone. , isn't Niby the most embarrassing thing?

Could it be that the Nibi family is going to completely decline under their own hands?No, I can't let the Nibi family decline like this. Although I am not strong enough, I still have children, especially Xiaogang who is very talented, but it is still not safe, and I should have a few more.

Thinking of this, Wu Neng regained his ambition and looked at the moon in the sky, eh!It's getting late, it's time to revive the Nibi family!

The next day, Yalin Dawu came to Yuejian Mountain Range, looking at the vast mountains, Yalin was a little confused.

Dawu looked at the endless mountains and praised: "It's really magnificent mountains, maybe there really is a huge moon stone!"

"Even if there is, it is in the deepest part. The outer part has been searched by countless trainers who are looking for the Moon Stone. We are going to the deepest point, and we have to grab a leather belt in the deep part."

In the end, Yalin decided on a method. Anyway, there was Dawu, a gym-level trainer, and there were no fire elves in Yuejian Mountain, so he couldn't stop Dawu, who was proficient in steel.

"Go to the depths. It doesn't take more than ten days, but I can't get there."

"Don't you have an armored bird? It's so big, it should be able to take the two of us to the depths."

"Hey? It's flying, shouldn't the trainer climb over it step by step?"

"Think about the huge moon stone, think about the fossils, they will cry if they waste so much time on the outskirts of Yuejian Mountain!"

Yalin looked at Dawu with a naive face, he was as innocent and seductive as a devil, it is already April, and there are still eight months until the alliance conference, and you still want to climb mountains?I'm a little nervous!You only have two badges (Deadleaf/Nibi) now.

"Hmm! That's right, our goal is fossils, but the armor bird doesn't like strangers touching her."

Dawu hesitated and said that powerful elves are proud, and Dawu treats his elves like friends and doesn't like to force them.

"It's okay, I'll talk to the armored bird!"

After Yalin's magical persuasion, the armor bird stretched out its sharp steel beak and gently rubbed Yalin's head.

"I really can't believe that the armored bird would get close to a stranger who just met a few times."

Dawu's expression was both shocked and a little relaxed, as long as the armored bird can agree, and then put on special riding equipment for it.

Then, a silver-white giant bird flew out from the foot of the mountain, and flew straight to the depths of Yuejian Mountain.

Is this what it feels like to fly in the sky?Yalin was sitting on the back of the armored bird, with a safety rope tied to his body, holding the car tightly with his hands, feeling the wind whistling past his ears, feeling extremely excited.

Of course, it would be fine if you sit on the car by yourself. There is only one seat for the riding equipment. fall down.


In the mountains, a bounty hunter disguised as a trainer looked at the armored bird flying past, took out the walkie-talkie and said:

"Captain, a armored bird flew over just now!"

"Armor bird? There is no armor bird in Kanto, is there a trainer on it?"

"This armored bird is a bit big, so I can't see what's on its back, but it has a saddle on its body."

"Well! On the seventh and eighth, a armored bird carrying trainers flew towards you, and sent Bi Diao pretending to be a wild elf to intercept it."



"Dawu, be careful, there are two birds flying below, we seem to have invaded their airspace."

Yalin, who was flying in the air, suddenly heard the singing of birds in the forest below. Bird perceived two high-level bidiao flying out from below, and warned Dawu.

It was obvious that they had left the mountain just now, but the two elves were still chasing after them. Because they had two people on them, the armored bird didn't dare to fly fast, and was quickly caught up.

"Come out! Flying Mantis, Scorpio and Kodak, Dawu, fly carefully, these two elves will be handed over to me."

Dawu thought for a while, and his other elves were indeed not good at air combat, and it was inconvenient to fight with two people on the armored bird, so he responded, "Okay, then Yalin, be careful!"

"Flying Mantis Scorpio, move at high speed! Reachable Duck Meditation!"

"Beep Diao!" "Beep Diao!"

The two vultures that approached quickly waved their wings, and dozens of wind blades hit the armored bird. Among them, the one that hit the bird's back was blocked by the flying mantis, and the rest were not dodged by the armored bird. Flying steadily.

"Predict the future! Split!"

The Flying Mantis faced the first bird. Since it was only good at flying at low altitudes, it was a little uncomfortable facing high-altitude combat. Even under the command of Yalin, it could barely cope with it. The sickle and sharp claws criss-crossed in the air from time to time.

"Hold on!"

The second one suddenly sped up with white light all over its body, and slammed into the armored bird at extreme speed, but a purple figure stood in front of it, and the white mask rippling steadily blocked Yan Hui.Suddenly, a white ball of light appeared in front of Bi Diao.


The sound of the explosion was accompanied by a shrill bird song, and then the second bird fell straight into the forest.

And the first one was caught by the phantom light, which was also freed from the brain, and was chopped down by the flying mantis several times in a row.

"The crisis is over! Let's land ahead! We have already entered the depths of Yuejian Mountain, and there will definitely be more flying elves behind."

"Okay! The armored bird landed on the big mountain ahead."

On a certain mountain peak, a man defeated by a climber saw Bi Diao defeated and a huge armored bird land, and said into the walkie-talkie:
"There are two targets, fifteen or sixteen years old, an elite-level armored bird, and three high-level flying mantises, scorpions, and reachable ducks. They have landed in area C in the west of the Moon Mountain Range. They should be ordinary trainers. "

"Strength is a bit tricky! Focus on monitoring, if you don't continue to go deeper, don't worry about them."

"Roger that!"


At an alliance base, more than a dozen searchers wearing blue alliance uniforms are having a meeting. A heroic searcher points to the head of a one-eyed old man on the screen and says in a deep voice:

"According to intelligence, Jack's hunting group entered the Kanto region yesterday, and the last place they appeared was Nibi City. The alliance ordered us to be responsible for this matter, and we must end Jack's conspiracy."

A young searcher questioned: "Sir, is this Jack hunting group very powerful?"

The interrogator did not answer, but asked instead: "Do you know the Bounty Hunter Association?"

The young searcher replied: "It is an illegal organization all over the world of elves. It is very active in various regions. It mainly illegally captures and sells elves. It is a criminal organization that the alliance focuses on."

"Not only that, the Bounty Hunter Association is an ancient and scattered organization that has existed for hundreds of years. There are no restrictions or orders. It is just a platform for sharing information and selling elves."

"They only accept the strong, and only reserve 26 seats. They are called by English letters. The blood hunting poaching group is one of them, code-named Hunter X; and this Jack is the bounty hunter group active in Sinnoh, code-named Hunter J. "

"It is impossible for them to come to Kanto for no reason. There must be some kind of conspiracy. Immediately mobilize all our men, including the alliance personnel in Nibi City, to search for their whereabouts. The tragedy in Changxin City cannot be allowed to happen again."

"Roger that!"

 The author of the newcomer at the beginning of the month asks for tickets and collections
(End of this chapter)

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