The Traveler of the Waveguide of the Spirit

Chapter 192 VS Sirona, the end (3rd update, today's update ends)

Chapter 192 VS Sirona, the end (the third update, today's update ends)

"Mega Lucario, ice spin wave missile!"

Yalin was the first to break the stalemate, stepping on the water exhausted his energy and could not drag on.


A dust storm blew up, covering the vast and boundless southwest of Lizhi Lake, the most remote corner.

The biting land shark with the sand hidden characteristic was completely hidden in the sandstorm, and a wave of missiles was intercepted by Dragon's Fury launched from nowhere.


There was a roaring explosion, and a bright ice flower with a length of more than ten meters that was frozen with sand fell from the sky into the lake, which heralded the powerful coldness of the ice spin wave missile!

"What a strong cold air!"

Sirona frowned. Although the biting land shark has undergone cold resistance training, it is still an indisputable fact that the ice is four times weaker.

And Yalin also looked dignified, not only the body, but also the energy and aura of biting land sharks are completely hidden in the sandstorm, and the hidden characteristics of the sand are perfectly developed!

If it weren't for the enhanced waveguide after Lucario Mega, Yalin would not be able to perceive the biting land shark, and its speed also increased a lot in the sandstorm.

"Mega Lucario, continuous ice spin wave missiles!"

Since it can be locked, then Yalin will not panic, and Lucario's special attack with two swords is even higher.

Mega Lucario's eyes are closed tightly, and the scarf-like long waveguide belt is floating in the air. The position of the biting land shark perceived is like a ruthless fort, and small ice spin wave missiles are thrown in all directions by it, tracking Surrounded the biting land shark.


Lie Bite Lusha nimbly dodges the ice whirl wave missiles, angrily sprays out dragon's fury interception wave missiles, and explodes beautiful ice flowers of seven or eight meters in the sandstorm.

However, the number of ice whirl wave missiles continued unabated, attacking from all directions like tracking missiles, and they kept chasing after them!

Countless ice flowers bloomed in the sandstorm, and they became faster and denser, and the roar of biting land sharks became more and more urgent!

"Meteor group, smash all wave missiles!"

Sirona realized something was wrong, Bite Land Shark's special attack is too weak, Sha Yin seems to be useless to mega Lucario's waveguide, and the speed has been suppressed by the ice spin wave missile that can be tracked, if this continues, it will be dragged die!

A huge meteor flew into the sky, and then exploded like fireworks, turning into hundreds of small meteorites, destroying all the ice spin wave missiles.

Dozens of ice spin wave missiles exploded at the same time, freezing most of the sandstorm in an instant, the sandstorm skills were cracked, and the land shark biting fiercely showed its original shape, right in the center of the ice flower!

Seeing dozens of ice flowers distributed around and biting land sharks, exuding a biting cold air, Sirona took a long breath, and took a step slower, and the encirclement of the ice spin wave missile would be completed.

"No, be careful!"

Seemingly thinking of something, Sirona was shocked!
"It's late, waveguide mode, walk through the air, mega Lucario, super fast freezing fist!"

Yalin roared, the ice spin wave missile was broken, but the sandstorm disappeared, and the road to the biting land shark has also been opened!

The air and the waveguide in the lake water were sucked into Mega Lucario's body, and his body, which was tired from the continuous use of ice spin wave missiles, was instantly filled with endless power.


Mega Lucario slammed on the surface of the lake. Because of its powerful power, the lake water disliked the huge waves, and launched it at a high speed, rushing straight into the sky like lightning, and using the ice flowers in the air as a pedal, rushed towards the biting land shark.

"Bite the land shark, reverse the scales, and dive into the dragon!"


Biting the land shark with red eyes, roaring angrily, the dragon is powerful, the muscles of the whole body are swelled, thick dragon tendons are densely covered in the whole body, and the reverse scale has stimulated its full potential, bursting out with unprecedented power!
Unleashing a terrifying murderous aura, the scarlet eyes fixed on Mega Lucario, retracted his body, stretched his forearms, and turned into a jet fighter. The powerful dragon energy enveloped the whole body, and the dragon dive was launched.


The sonic boom sounded, and the biting land shark directly broke through the sound barrier, reaching supersonic speed, condescending like a meteorite burning dragon flames crashing into Mega Lucario.

[It's so murderous, avoid it! 】

Yalin, who was connected with mega Lucario waveguide and shared his spirit, felt as if he was being stared at by a giant beast. His body froze for a moment and he couldn't move. He was overwhelmed by the murderous aura of the dragon's dive!
But it was only for a moment, Yalin and Mega Lucario's wills were united, the only thought was victory, the spirit was highly concentrated, and the murderous awe was broken in an instant.

And mega Lucario relied on his strong mental strength and willpower to be immune to the murderous aura, stepped on the falling ice flower, jumped to another ice flower in an emergency, avoided the charge of the fierce land shark, and made the fierce bite The land shark's defenseless back was exposed in its sight.

"Bite the land shark and rush into the water!"

Sirona didn't expect that Mega Lucario could be so flexible in the air and in a state of super speed, but now it's too late to turn.

"Don't let it run away!"


Mega Lucario slammed on the ice, and the powerful force shattered the ice. He quickly came from behind, and rushed into the lake one after another after chasing the biting land shark!


Bite the land shark and fall into the water to form a huge wave, and then freeze instantly. Mega Lucario's freezing fist froze the lake.

Underwater, the two elves were engaged in the most primitive hand-to-hand combat, swinging dozens of punches per second, splitting tiles and freezing fists against each other again and again, and the lake was split and frozen again and again.

In the waveguide mode, the power of Mega Lucario is not inferior to the biting land shark known for its melee combat.

"Although it's a shark, the biting land shark can't breathe underwater, and the fierce battle consumes more oxygen. How long can it last?"

"Hmph, it must be longer than Lucario!"

Sirona can't perceive underwater battles, but the strongest elves in the sea, land, and air are not just kidding, she has also trained in water battles.

"is it?"

Yalin was noncommittal, looking at the boiling lake covered with crushed ice, one after another ice flowers were falling from the sky. Although it looked thrilling, the confrontation between supersonic and supersonic only took a few seconds.

There is no need to breathe in the waveguide mode, because the waveguide is both spiritual energy and life energy. Devouring the waveguide can replace physical strength, spirit and life, and oxygen is naturally not a problem.

And Lucario Mega has stronger physical fitness after the mega, and the opening time is longer, and he is suppressing the biting land shark in the water to prevent it from surfacing.

Only half a minute later, a blue shark struggled to fly out of the water, but only half of its body was exposed, and the whole body was frozen!

"how come!"

"The battle is too fierce, its oxygen has been exhausted!"

Yalin shook his head, before the end of the mega Lucario waveguide mode, the oxygen of the biting land shark was exhausted first, showing a fatal flaw in order to breathe!

Lucario jumped out of the water holding the frozen Bite Land Shark, exited the mega evolution and waveguide mode, and half squatted by the lake, gasping for breath.

Pippi and Xanadu also rushed over, using healing waves to relieve Lucario's fatigue and pain.

"I lost?"

Sirona looked dejectedly at the frozen biting land shark. Unlike the training in Riolu, her strongest trump card was defeated openly. This time she really lost, losing to her peers.

Unwilling, remorse, frustration, pain, sadness...

Sirona clenched her fists, with mixed feelings in her heart. This was the first time she lost to her peers, and she was really, really, really, really unwilling.

"Next time, I will definitely not... woo woo"

Sirona wanted to set up a flag, but Yalin directly covered her mouth.

【Look at the lake】

Yalin's voice came from her mind, and Sirona turned her head in doubt.

The sun had completely set, and on the surface of the lake, amidst the mist, a transparent light and shadow loomed.

(End of this chapter)

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