The Traveler of the Waveguide of the Spirit

Chapter 177 Initial Elf Egg Group

Chapter 177 Initial Elf Egg Group
After the Battle of Jinhuang City, Yalin won 1000 million alliance coins, high-end props and imposing belts, and his real bird and little apprentice sundae, it can be said that he has gained a lot.

But the troubles continued, because he was so famous, there was an endless stream of people who wanted to sign, challenge, and watch the excitement. Anyway, he already had seven badges. The troubled Yalin decided to return to Zhenxin Town to avoid the limelight. There are real birds and crossings.

And Dr. Oki is also very welcome, he is conducting research on a topic - the most suitable initial elves for trainers, and needs advice from trainers who are traveling.

"What do you think is the most important thing about the original elves?"

"For money and resources, we must first exclude elves that need evolution stones and special methods to evolve. They are too expensive." Zhenniao said with lingering fear.

Nidona and Pippi's mid-level Moonstone, as well as the spirit world stone learned from Yalin, are each worth more than one million. These three elves have made her miserable.

"It can quickly form combat power, and the dragon attribute grows slowly, and they are all big eaters. It takes a lot of time and money to cultivate, so it is not suitable."

Du also shared his experience of blood and tears. The mini dragon grows too slowly, and eats the most and the most expensive, but the little charmander has evolved into a fire-breathing dragon, so it evolved into a hack dragon.

"A large number is easy to catch, the cost of feeding is low, the evolution is fast and simple, the initial form has combat power, the final form has great potential, treats people gently and obeys commands, and can fight normally on land!" Yalin came to a conclusion after careful consideration!

"Very good, especially Yalin, you are right, so if you were asked to choose the initial elf, what would you choose?" Dr. Oki smiled and asked the next question.

"Mini dragon!" The three said in unison.

"Give me a sensible answer."

Yalin said seriously: "I'm very rational. Miniature dragons are beliefs. Even if the combat power is not high in the early stage, at worst, the second elf can catch a bug type and quickly form combat power!"

"Reject, give me serious thinking, you know what I mean!"

"Sparrow, it can fly, its strength is good, and it evolves quickly."

"Bobo, who can also fly, has low training costs, has two stages of evolution, and has good strength."

"Little Charmander, two stages of evolution, powerful and invincible."

All three make suggestions from existing sprites.

Dr. Oki commented with a smile: "Well, Charmander and Bobo are good, but Charmander, do you know how precious Charmander is? Let alone the initial elves, how many trainers have Charmander every year? "

Du argued: "But the fire-breathing dragon is indeed invincible!"

Yalin meant something: "If you really want to determine the initial elves, the Charizard is actually very good in all aspects, but there is a fatal shortcoming, the number is too small."

Dr. Oki sighed: "Yes, this is the biggest problem. There are no elves, so how can we talk about cultivating them?"

He is very fond of Charmander, Squirtle and Mulberry Seeds, which are low in cultivation cost, fast in evolution, and strong in strength, but they are too few.

Yalin tentatively put forward an opinion: "Then can the alliance set up a special breeding house to breed more small charmanders as initial spirits?"

"To put it simply, fire-breathing dragons are still too rare, and they are arrogant and competitive. Except for the valley of fire-breathing dragons, there are very few fire-breathing dragons that live in groups." This is also a headache for Dr. Oki, the number is too small.

"Master, then we can use another method to let other elves lay eggs with Charmander, Charmander and Charmander to determine whether they belong to the same egg group."

Yalin finally revealed his intentions. Dr. Damu helped him so much, and he should repay him appropriately, but he couldn't say it directly.

For example: "My circle bear is like this. His father is King Nido, and his mother is a circle bear. Since elves have attributes, they should also be divided into egg groups."

"This is a big project. Charizards are too rare, and there are too many elves. Experiments one by one..." Dr. Oki has been in contact with breeding houses and knows that elves of different races can lay eggs, but the project is too large.

"Everything has a law, and elves lay eggs in a regular way. We can set labels for the elves, and then summarize the egg groups of the elves based on the label comparison experiment."

Yalin saw that Dr. Damu had some changes, and suggested again that a rigorous scientific report should not only have a conclusion, but also a process and ideas.

"For example, the labels of Charizard are: Fire, Flying, Dragon, Sky, Lizard, Scale, Monster, etc.; Arbor's sticky notes: Poison, Snake, Dragon, Land, Scale, etc."

"Bi Diao's labels: flying type, common type, bird, sky, etc.; Ba Dadie is the label of insect type, flying type, insect, butterfly, etc."

"Then conduct an egg laying experiment based on the label control, and summarize the egg groups of each elf."

"In this way, the rare fire-breathing dragon can be mass-produced, and it is also possible to use the fire-breathing dragon as the initial elf."

"Hiss, this is not just an elf, this is to experiment with all the egg groups of all the Kanto elves? This requires a lot of money and time!"

Dr. Oki took a deep breath, even though he was the champion, he was shocked by the idea of ​​a cheap apprentice.

At the same time, his heart was eager to move, and his profound knowledge made him realize that this method is indeed feasible.

"But standing in the future, this is a huge discovery no less than the attributes of elves. It can be remembered in history. If you can't do it alone, master, you can find a few more like-minded doctors together."

"Also, the alliance and major breeding houses should also have research, but they are not comprehensive enough, but they can also be used as a reference to avoid detours."

"Don't talk about it, you go down, let me think about it slowly, but don't think about the breeding house, that is the skill they rely on to survive, and they won't hand it in!"

Yalin looked at the strange Dr. Oki, and thought to himself, it doesn't matter if they don't hand over, I know it anyway!As long as you can make up your mind and have my guidance, your experiment will be smooth sailing.


Dr. Oki locked himself in the room, thinking about it, frowning and struggling.

Once the thought is opened, it is like a Pandora's box, out of control. Dr. Oki doesn't think about tea and food all day long, and his mind is full of the egg group.

Summarize all sprite egg groups?

Once successful, this would be an even more sensational event than the discovery of steel and evil elements, because it involved all elves and trainers, second only to the study of elves' attributes and characteristics.

The current breeding house has concluded that one kind of elf can lay eggs with another kind of elf, which is an inexhaustible treasure.

For example, the natural birds and big-mouthed bats laid eggs summarized by the Golden Family Breeding House can increase the probability of genetic black mist and bring them endless profits.

(It is set that the genetic skills of elves can be inherited from generation to generation, and the skills of previous generations in the bloodline may also be inherited, but the inheritance probability of parental skills is the highest.)
Once the egg group is researched and announced, it will offend all the forces that open the breeding house, but even if it is not announced, it is only used as the alliance's secret weapon to cultivate the initial elves, and it is worth it!

Dr. Oki's eyes were fixed, and he finally made a decision. He walked to the phone and started making calls one by one.

Money, elves, manpower, and venues are all needed. Don’t be greedy in the first step, first summarize the egg group of Charmander, Squirtle and Bulbasaur.

Xi Chuan in the Fire-breathing Dragon Valley, the guardian of the secret garden of the Miao Frog Seed, and the island keeper of the Water Arrow Turtle Island, all of them know each other.

Look for the alliance to ask for funds to build a new site in Zhenxin Town, and then find an acquaintance with a doctor to study together.

(End of this chapter)

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