Chapter 142 VS Akabane
Yalin used the waveguide to sense the state of both sides. The overlord Big Steel Snake waveguide is as powerful as a towering mountain, but there is a trace of decay and death.

Although the four heavenly king elves, including Guai Li, were scarred, Boguo was only a little weak, and there was no serious problem, and it would not affect the battle.

"King Suzuki, take care!"

Seeing King Suzuki who was determined to die, Yalin and Lucario turned and left. They would only drag Suzuki down here, and he would retreat only when the citizens left safely.

[The nonsense is over! 】

The Overlord Big Steel Snake made a sound again, just like a cat playing with a mouse, always in the same unhurried manner.

"What the hell are you going to do?"

Suzuki was very puzzled. In addition to commanding the elves in the jurisdiction area, the overlord elves can also unconsciously absorb energy in the area, which is why they are so huge and far superior to their peers.

It is impossible for a champion-level overlord to only have these powers. He only uses a few single-body moves such as heavy impact. Regardless of the call or the chat just now, it didn't attack. Was it releasing water?Otherwise, if an earthquake strikes, the entire city will be destroyed in an instant.

【No matter how frightened I am, I am afraid that the anger of revenge will go to my head, and I will be afraid that I will kill all the human beings here. 】

[If I do this, will the Yanshan mountain range be reborn?Or total destruction? 】

While the overlord Big Steel Snake was speaking, the iron tail slammed down like a giant stick that covered the sky, and the elves such as Wei Li could only dodge with their petite and flexible bodies, and a long and narrow crack that was a thousand meters long was cracked on the ground.

[My understanding of you humans is somewhat one-sided, so please talk to me before you die!Maybe I'll let you go. 】

"Hahaha, you killed my two elves and destroyed the entire Yanshan City, yet you still want peace?" Suzuki laughed back angrily, and said sarcastically.

[As long as Yanshan City is still there, there will be fundamental differences between humans and elves, and peace cannot be achieved! 】

[However, I also have some regrets, maybe I should use a more peaceful method to destroy Yanshan City! 】

The overlord Big Steel Snake with a steady tone sighed and said: [I was also influenced by him, Santu, what a terrifying human being! 】

"There can be no peace between us, since you destroyed Yanshan City!"

[Leaders must always learn to compromise, just like I suppressed my anger for the sake of my tribe, obviously, you are not a qualified leader! 】

"Fighters, never compromise, as long as I can still hold my fist, I won't admit defeat!"


In the Union Building, hundreds of Mukhawks in the sky are covered with blue brave bird energy, falling from the sky like blue meteors, launching suicide attacks.

Although the human party elves were using long-range attacks to intercept them, there were still more than 20 of them passing through the firepower net, knocking the Alliance Building crumbling.

"Thunder wave missile!"

Yalin Boguo locked the head of the gymnasium-level crow in the sky, and captured the king first, and the trainer on it was directing the Mukehawk.

Thunder Fist and Helical Wave Missile merged, and the flashing yellow and blue wave missile flew towards the head of the crow at extreme speed.

"Crow head, shadow clone!"

Akabane, who has always been vigilant, looked at the menacing Leixuanbo missile and chose to avoid the edge temporarily, but the Leixuanbo missile turned around and chased the gentleman duck like a missile.

"Hold on!" Akabane hurriedly summoned an armored bird and said anxiously.


In the smoke, Mega Lucario struck quickly, and the thunderbolt punch directly hit the armored bird that had used up its defense and had no time to react, and a gym-level Mukehawk also rammed into Mega Lucario.

At the critical moment, Mega Lucario avoided the attack and landed on a half-destroyed building.

"Strange Lucario, was that a yellow wave missile just now?"

Akabane threw a few more elf balls, and three elite elves, the natural bird, the wind ball, and the Scorpion King, appeared in the sky.

Then he laughed greedily and said, "Hahaha, I just caught it and dedicated it to the boss!"

"Captain, shall we help you?" Seeing that Akabane was attacked, the three hunters hurried over.

Akabane waved his hand and said: "No, leave this strange Lucario to me. You continue to control the Mukehawk, and cooperate with the ground-type elves below to attack the Alliance Building."

The natural bird spread its wings, and a downwind blew out from behind. The Mukehawk and the armored bird were covered with blue energy. The brave bird attacked Lucario at high speed under the downwind, and the subterranean attack disappeared into the air with the wind ball. The Scorpio King and the natural bird guarded the head of the crow.

It turned out to be only half a gymnasium-level trainer, Yalin secretly thought, that would be easy.

Mega Lucario quickly tossed and turned on the tall buildings, avoiding the surprise attack of the brave bird and the subterranean, and came to a half-collapsed tall building under the head of the crow.


Seeing the right moment, the Gotha Duck used his mental power to attack the natural bird that had been on guard all along. Without the defense of the natural bird of the super power system, Lalu Lasi found a loophole, instantly moved to the top of the crow's head, and used the exchange field.

The Scorpio King, who was also vigilant, saw Lalu Lasi, clasped his hands together, and slashed over with the purple cross poison blade.

At a critical juncture, the exchange of venues was activated. Mega Lucario twisted to avoid the cross poison blade, and hit the back of Scorpio King with his extremely cold right fist, freezing him directly.

The crow and the brave bird attacked, and Mega Lucario jumped up with his right hand on the back of the Scorpio King to avoid the brave bird.

But the crow head maintained Brave Bird and used Yanhui, turned [-] degrees and rushed straight to the mega Lucario who couldn't use his strength in the air.

As for Akabane, who was holding on to its back tightly, in his shadow, a windball that shrunk to the size of a fist quietly appeared with the power of a subterranean surprise attack.

On the tall building below, a giant clay puppet grabbed Lalu Lasi and sneaked into the concrete building, dodging the two brave birds alternately, and the half-collapsed building was completely destroyed.

The mega Lucario in the sky couldn't dodge, and hit the head of the crow with wounds in close combat.


Mega Lucario and the crow flew upside down at the same time, the fist-sized windball took advantage of the gap, and the sneak attack hit mega Lucario's chest.

As the head of the crow flew out, Akabane's scalp suddenly went numb, and the head of the crow twisted his body with difficulty. In the air, a pair of sharp claws emerged to grab Akabane's head, but because of the head of the crow's twisting, he grabbed it, leaving several Road bloodstains.


The head of the crow was furious, and a senior Bi Diao deserved to hurt it?Instantly spit out a small wave of evil, directly knocking Bi Diao into the air.

However, why did Bi Diao appear out of thin air?

"Ah... hiss"

Without waiting for the head of the crow to think too much, Chiyu's throat was cut out of thin air. He clutched his throat and made a hard hissing sound. A black fox stood on his shoulder and licked its bright red claws.


[Don't act rashly, crow head, your master is not dead yet, I can save him if you surrender now. 】

A voice appeared in the head of the crow, looking at the owner who was screaming in pain and unable to breathe. Although it was furious and wanted to tear the fox that hurt the owner into pieces, the remaining rationality made it stop and listen to the voice in its head. go.

Everything is a game, Lalu Lasi is the bait, and Mega Lucario is also the bait, all just to let the crow head into the ambush circle of Bi Diao and Zoroya.

Bi Diao can't fly over directly, because Zoroya's hallucinations can't completely deceive the vigilant gentleman duck, and the slightly abnormal air flow will make the crow's head vigilant, so it can only be far away in the air.

It needs mega Lucario to lead the crow to high altitude, injure it and push it towards Bi Diao, but even at the critical moment of injury, the crow head reacted in time and made a move in seconds. Fortunately, there are more The concealed Zoroya is on Bi Diao's back.

Mega Lucario, who was seriously injured, fell down. The armored bird and Mukehawk who were supposed to deal with it heard the voice in their minds and hurriedly turned to chase the crow head.

Giving mega Lucario a chance to breathe, he adjusted his body and landed smoothly, and Bi Diao, who had lost his fighting ability, was also caught by Gotha Duck's mental power.

In this battle, Yalin defeated the Scorpio King at the cost of a high-level bird and captured the enemy's command. It was a victory for tactics and Bird's full-view vision.

The head of the crow was the first to react,
 Because some people think that aptitude is a poisonous point, so unless it is an important elf, it will basically not introduce aptitude

(End of this chapter)

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