Chapter 127 Pokémon Tower
The Pokémon Tower is very dark, and the purple ghost lights floating around are the only light source, and they will follow behind with the airflow driven by people walking. Coupled with the tombstones erected on the ground, it looks very weird And scary.

Yalin looked at the will-o'-the-wisp next to him, and wanted to reach out to touch it, but the will-o'-the-wisp drifted away due to the airflow driven by his raised hand, which made him feel creepy:
"I know why the elves are so frightened that they attack indiscriminately. With these will-o'-the-wisps following behind, the timid ones will probably be frightened and go crazy."

"However, it's really huge inside. There are hundreds of thousands of people on this floor alone!"

Although it was dim and the visibility was very low, it was not difficult for Yalin. He unfolded the waveguide and sensed that the first floor was ten meters high, which was as big as several football fields. In addition to the tombstones on the ground, there were one by one as high as the roof of the building beside the wall. On the bookshelf, there are not books on the shelf, but an altar of ashes.

Yalin can feel sadness, pain, despair and other negative emotions on the ashes of these tombstones. Is it left by the people who came to worship?

Some tombstones are still attached to ghosts to suck these negative emotions. Ghost spirits have very mixed eating habits. In addition to Youyou fruit and other tree fruits that contain ghost energy, they also like to suck life, soul and strong emotions.

Ghost-type elves like to play tricks, because human emotions, especially negative emotions, are delicious food. The Shion family built the Pokémon Tower, and even opened it to the public for free. Is it to provide food for ghost-type elves?

Indeed, negative emotions are more acceptable than life and soul.

"Yarin, we've seen the Pokémon Tower, let's go back."

"Go back first, or wait for me outside. I want to see what the upper floors look like." Because the waveguide was blocked by a special wall, Yalin couldn't perceive the situation above, so he was going to continue going up.

The shivering Ivan looked at the will-o'-the-wisps floating around, followed closely behind Yalin and said, "No, how can I leave you alone?"

"I advise you to go out first. For ghost elves, the more fear and terror you exude, the more attractive they are!"

Fear stems from the unknown. Although Bird's perception of ghost-type elves is very poor, it is only some elementary elves, and he can still feel it.

As long as you can see it, you won't be afraid, and it's even a little funny, such as a ghost sticking out its tongue and making faces next to Ivan.

"I suddenly felt more gloomy and cold around me... Hiss."

While Yiwen was talking, he suddenly felt a cold air rushing towards Tianling Gai. He couldn't help but gasped, and tremblingly said: "This feeling is exactly the same as the last time I met a ghost."

Yalin looked at Yiwen with his tongue sticking out, and because it was Guisi who passed through directly with the spirit body, he persuaded again: "There should be ghosts or ghost spirits teasing you, you should go out first!"

"Then I'll go out first, and if you meet something wrong, run away!"

Yalin looked at Ivan who was running away, and then at Guisi who was circling around him, and secretly thought that there was so much food, but he still ran over to play tricks on people. It seems that Guisi and other elves really like to play tricks.

However, Yalin, who has the power of waveguide, is not afraid of these little ghosts. He ignores all kinds of pranks by Guisi and strides towards the second floor.

Looking at the praying master at the entrance of the building, Yalin felt that he dared to garrison such a place, wouldn't he be afraid of losing his life?But this is no different from the layout below, except that the energy of the ghost system is more intense.

Moreover, the strength and aptitude of Guisi here should be higher than that of Ziyuan Forest, because the food is more abundant.

Up to the ninth floor, Yalin was unimpeded, until the stairs leading to the tenth floor, where the door was closed, and a witch blocked Yalin's way.

"Please stop, the front is not open to the public."

"Then how can I go up?" Yalin lamented that this is the witch, and it would be better if she didn't wear such a formal maid uniform.Unlike the middle-aged witches and prayers below, the one who blocked Yalin's way was a young and beautiful lady witch,

Miss Miko replied friendlyly: "The top is the same as here, there is nothing to see."

"Since they are all the same, why can't they go up?"

"The above is the elf cemetery of the distinguished guests. They don't want their elves to be disturbed."

"That is to say, the VIP cemetery?" Yalin understands that the top is for collecting money, and to enjoy better treatment, it cannot be visited by people like the bottom.


Surprised by Yalin's straightforward words, the young witch didn't know how to answer for a while, and the atmosphere was a little awkward.

Yalin doesn't care about the awkward atmosphere, as long as I'm not embarrassed, it's someone else who is embarrassed.

Looking at Miko's pretty face, I guessed that she should be only 20 years old. Out of curiosity about Miko, I continued to ask: "Miss Miko, did you ever work as a trainer when you were young?"

"Year... when you were young?"

The corner of the guard's witch's mouth twitched. What does it mean to be young? My old lady is also very young now. No, I can't be angry. The other party is just a child. I'm a witch. I have to keep my self-cultivation. fist, showing a stiff professional smile and said:

"I am Ziyuan Miko, I cannot leave Ziyuan City!"

"But I have watched the Quartz Conference competition, and there are also priestesses from Ziyuan City!"

"Those are battle maidens, they can leave Ziyuan City to travel."

Miss Miko said enviously, thinking that she was not selected because she had no talent for fighting back then, but this young man had a poisonous mouth, and every word was pouring salt on her wound.

Adhering to the good character of asking when he doesn't understand, Yalin continued to ask: "Is there any difference between Ziyuan Miko, Battle Miko and ordinary Miko?"

"Little friend, if you are done with the tour, go down. Staying here for a long time is not good for the health of ordinary people." Miss Miko gritted her silver teeth, emphasizing the three words 'children'.

Yalin didn't want to go down and ask the middle-aged witch. Talking to the witch is at least eye-catching, so he pretended to be stupid: "It's okay, I'm in good health, but Miss witch, are you okay staying here all the time?"

"I'm a witch, of course it doesn't matter, and we are on a shift system, I'm only stationed here for one day."

Miss Miko seemed to have thought of something, and said in a gloomy tone: "But you ordinary people are different. After a long time, you will be entangled by the ghosts wandering here."

Quietly tell the ghost in the shadows to play tricks on this annoying trainer and drive him away.

Yalin saw a white ghost floating behind the witch, but unfortunately, according to Bird's perception, it was just a ghost, and pretended not to see it: "Ghosts, are there really ghosts?"

"Of course, didn't you feel a cold aura?" The witch looked at the young man who looked like a normal person, and was a little puzzled. Could it be that the light was too dark to see it?
Then a white ghost floated in front of Yalin.

"I don't feel it!" Yalin made a pun, and he really didn't feel it. This scaring technique is too low-level. What is there to be afraid of when a white shadow floats by?

Does this scare the pure trainers in the elf world?Yalin wanted Sorolla to come out a little bit, and perform the Grudge and Midnight Bell for this simple witch and ghost.

"Miss Miko, I'm really curious, what's the difference between these three types of Miko!"

Is this trainer blind?Would you like some movement?The witch thought so, but in order to maintain etiquette, she explained with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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