The Traveler of the Waveguide of the Spirit

Chapter 1 I want to be a trainer

Chapter 1 I want to be a trainer

Unfamiliar ceiling?

Li Lin's head hurts a bit, did he wake up?Rubbed my eyes, hey, why did my hands get smaller?
Li Lin sat up in panic, looked around, leaning toward the Japanese-style furniture, as if it had experienced an earthquake, crooked, and even the walls were cracked, this is definitely not my home!Am I time-traveling?

Looking out the window, the blue sky and white clouds, a Bobo flew across the sky with white light.

Is this the Pokémon world?I remember I was at home watching the theatrical version of Bird's Brave Falling Asleep!Just like this, you have traveled to the Pokémon world?

A strange memory flooded in like a tide.

Li Lin sat on the bed, pressed his temples, and sorted out unfamiliar memories: Yalin, 15 years old, 1.7 meters tall, with black hair and black eyes, has a pretty face, loves Pokémon very much, and his dream is to travel as a trainer. Open a gym in the village.

However, due to the accidental death of his older brother who was a trainer during the trip, his parents strictly opposed him becoming a trainer. His parents died three days ago because the elves attacked the village. They were overly sad and locked themselves in the house. They have not gone out for three days.

Yalin silently shouted in his heart: Goldfinger?system?Lord God?

Doesn't it appear?It doesn't matter, relying on the knowledge in your mind, it is still no problem to become a powerful trainer!

Li Lin... No, it should be said that Yalin is holding his stomach, good guy, he is so cruel to himself, he hasn't eaten all day.

Yalin got up and opened the bedroom door. The whole house was dilapidated, because it was on the outskirts of the village, and the disaster was more serious. It was the wild elves who did not fall down.

I went downstairs to the kitchen to find some food to pad my stomach, and then carried out a comprehensive inspection of the house.

The parents' residence on the first floor has been messed up badly, and it took a lot of effort to find 1 yuan here and there.

The second floor is the residence of Yalin and his brother Yaer, which is relatively well preserved. Since Yar died a year ago, his parents were distraught and locked up this room. It has not been a year since Yaer died!
I don't know if there is any treasure inside, looking at the door that was broken by some elf, Yalin thought.

An hour later, Yalin came out with a thick notebook.Very well, Yar is a poor man, and all the money was used to train elves. After traveling for two years, he trained five elves, and all of them died. He is worthy of being a civilian trainer.

However, this diary records some key points during the trip, as well as the method of cultivating elves pondered by Yar himself, which is very important to him.

According to memory, the original body doesn't even know the attributes of the table, but only knows some simple things, such as water and fire, and doesn't know whether the alliance and vested interests have blocked the knowledge, or it hasn't been researched.

"bang bang bang"

"Little Yalin, why are you still at home? Open the door quickly."

Hearing the familiar voice, a tall figure appeared in Yalin's mind - Jiro, the police officer in the village, a good friend of Yalin's father, who often visited him these three days.

"Uncle Jiro, what's the matter?"

Because of crying for three days, Yalin asked in a hoarse voice.

"Maybe you still can't accept it, Xiao Yalin, but you have to go out today. The compensation from the city has come out. As a family member of the victim, you must be there."

Officer Jiro patted Yalin on the shoulder, and said softly in a voice that didn't fit his tall physique.

"Well! I see, Uncle Jiro, let's go."

Yalin followed Jiro to the playground in the center of the village. The road was full of dilapidated houses, many of which showed signs of repair.

Green Tree Village is a small village with only a few hundred people near the periphery of Viridian Forest. It belongs to Changxin City and Xinlv Town, and Changxin City is a medium-sized city in the east of Viridian Forest.

Yalin followed Jiro to the playground, and saw a familiar figure in police uniform, it was Miss Junsha.

Only the Alliance of Human Strongholds above the town will send Miss Junsha and Miss Joy, which means she is from the city to distribute the compensation?
"Xiao Yalin, come here quickly, everyone has received compensation, and you are the only one missing!"

Dalang, a middle-aged Mediterranean man standing next to Miss Junsha, saw Yalin and said hello.

"The city's compensation for you is [-] yuan per person."

In the elf world, human life is really worthless, only the price of ten red and white balls. (The red and white balls in the game are too cheap, obviously not in line with their value, here it has been improved!)

"As for Yalin! Since your family members have already sacrificed, the city has given you a second choice, allowing you to become a league trainer."

Could it be that parents offer sacrifices to heaven and have boundless mana?Yalin felt turbulent, alliance trainer!That was my brother's dream!

The alliance divides trainers into three categories according to their relationship: wild trainers, registered trainers, and alliance trainers.

Wild trainers refer to trainers who have not registered in the alliance. Most of these are lawbreakers and cannot enter the elf center, such as the Rockets and bounty hunters.

Registered trainers are trainers who have captured elves by themselves and registered with the alliance policy. These can enter the elf center to enjoy services.

There are two ways for alliance trainers, one is that their parents or themselves contribute to the alliance, and the other is that they pay 10 yuan a year from birth until they are 14 years old to travel.The advantage is that the treatment and accommodation in the elf center are free, and the rest of the services are half price.

(I set 14 years old to travel, 10 years old is too young, even if the body of the elf world is a little superman, but the mind is immature!)
The original body didn't know about the other benefits of invisibility, these were told to him by the original body's elder brother.

As for the Yusanjia?According to the memory of the original body, the only acquaintance of the Four Heavenly Kings is Chrysanthemum, who is a ghost, and the champion of the Four Heavenly Kings is Damu Xuecheng, that is, Dr. Damu. Xiaozhi didn't even know if he was born, and the alliance still doesn't send elves.

"I choose to be an alliance trainer!"

Yalin believes that both the original body and himself will do the same. When he comes to the elf world, how can he not travel and conquer Pokémon!
I'm a man who wants to become a Pokémon master.

"Here are six elf balls and an alliance ID card. You only need to register at the elf center in the town to use them. I hope you can become a powerful trainer and defend the alliance."

Miss Junsha handed over a blue metal card and a box, and said softly.

After the rewards were distributed, Miss Junsha rode away on a motorcycle at high speed. Many villages were affected by the disaster this time, and her task was very heavy.

Yalin checked the box and saw six red and white balls the size of table tennis neatly arranged inside. He touched them lightly and the texture was smooth.

"So, I'm an elf trainer now?"

"Little Yalin, you are not a trainer yet, tomorrow I will take you to catch an elf."

"By the way, you don't have space for a backpack right now! Shall I take you to Saburo to buy it!"

"Don't bother, Uncle Jiro, you are also very busy these days, I can go by myself."

The alliance has only been established for a few decades. In the past, the Kanto region was composed of countless small countries and big families. The family atmosphere is very strong, especially the villages and towns, which are dominated by powerful trainers.

The alliance is still integrating its strength, and the wild is still dominated by elves, and the death rate of trainers traveling in the wild remains high.

It is a pity that Green Tree Village is a typical example. Politics, force and economy are all controlled by a trainer who has traveled abroad, and then the power is handed over to his sons.

The elf shop was close to the center of the village, and I saw the tall and thin Saburo lying on the rocking chair, closing the curtain to recuperate, and staring at him sharply.

"Yo, it's Xiao Yalin, did you come here to become a trainer?"

"Yes, I want to buy some elf supplies."

"To congratulate you on becoming a trainer, today you get a [-]% discount on everything you buy." Saburo waved his hand to make way.

Orange fruit 50, low-level spray-type wound medicine 600, low-level antidote 500 (the price of the solution is the same), low-level general-purpose elf food 200 (10kg), elf ball 5000, small space backpack 50 (50*50*[-]cm)… …

so expensive!Shy with cash, Yalin only bought five orange fruits, one bottle of wound medicine, one bottle of detoxification, one bottle of detoxification, one bottle of detoxification, one bag of low-level general-purpose elf food, one set of camouflage uniforms, two bottles of poison and weeds in the forest. Too many elves.

Nearly [-]% of his property was gone all of a sudden, the elf trainer is really not a job for ordinary people, it seems that his journey has a long way to go!

At this time, a dusty young man in blue came in, followed by a green mountain king.

"It's great to have elves! Although it's a bit green!"

Wait, it's obviously yellow, why does it have a green light?Thinking of the little elves that he saw on the street today also glowing with a faint white light, he thought it was the reflection of sunlight at that time.

I took a closer look at the Bibi bird next to it, and it was indeed glowing with a faint white light.

Something is wrong, absolutely something is wrong, how can there be light on the elf!
Could this be my golden finger, but what is the difference between white light and green light?
What is the difference between King Chuanshan and the elves in the village?
The elves of trainers must be stronger than ordinary people, and they are also the final evolution type. Does the light represent strength?Or rarity?

or something else?
Note (The Elven Alliance will have a political review for orphans. If the parents are innocent, they will investigate the character of the orphans. If they are all qualified and the age is appropriate, they will be given the status of alliance trainers. These people have no family ties and will be very loyal in the Union.)
The two who know how to waveguide are called: Yalang and Yaxuan. I have reason to believe that the Ya family has waveguide genes. Xiaozhi's father may be named Ya (ω)
Newcomer and new book, I like Pokémon very much, I hope you like it.

(End of this chapter)

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