People in Douluo: Playing as Aizen, Summoning Ten Blades

Chapter 99 Comparing Quantity?You know nothing about the quantity 1.

Chapter 99 Comparing Quantity?You know nothing about quantities.

Facing two Titled Douluos, Aizen had no plans to retreat. As he was worried that he had no soul coins to upgrade during this time, he sent Titled Douluo to fill Aizen's appetite.

However, Aizen Suo Yusuke was still a big spender, and he actually sent a Title Douluo to kill Aizen.

Is Titled Douluo worthless now?

I saw the blue light and the purple light light up at the same time, and a longbow appeared in the hands of the two Titled Douluos.

The longbow in the title Douluo's hand on the left is light blue, the bow is full of ripples, the two ends of the bow are tightened fins, and there is a seahorse's head where the arrow is placed, as he draws the bow, a cool and salty smell The breath dissipated.

The titled Douluo's longbow on the right is dark purple, with a thick body, black barbs all over the outside, purple light flowing on the bow, and occasionally the longbow becomes translucent.

Lan Ran was about to pick up the knife and go up to chop, when she saw the titled Douluo longbow on the left, no arrows appeared, let go of the bowstring, the bowstring made an empty sound, and the next two Titled Douluo in front of her disappeared!
Lan Ran frowned, and the answer was about to come out, "Space is Martial Spirit!"

The next moment, the air above trembled violently. Looking up, the Titled Douluo holding a light blue longbow stretched out his longbow. The fins on both ends spread out as he pulled the bow. Rich water vapor gathered on his bowstring. A transparent water arrow suddenly took shape, and as he loosened the bowstring, the arrow flew towards Aizen.

Aizen would not underestimate the attack from Titled Douluo.

"Sit upright in the frosty sky, Binglunwan!"

At this moment, all the moisture in the atmosphere was under the control of Aizen. Seeing the water arrows flying, he waved his knife and released the ice dragon to swallow the water arrows.

Suddenly, a purple light flashed, and the water arrow disappeared!
Immediately afterwards, a small purple hole appeared in front of Aizen's body, and an aqua blue arrow had protruded from the hole.

The water arrow was blocked by an extremely bright barrier the moment it approached Aizen.

"Fortunately, I have set a ban, otherwise I will be punished by them."

But it didn't end, the water arrow blocked, but there were three purple holes behind Aizen, and three dark arrows flew out of the holes.

In desperation, Aizen quickly gathered soul power on the soles of his feet, and used Fei Lian's feet to transport Aizen to another place, avoiding the cross-fire of three sharp arrows. To Aizen's current position.

This time, facing the sharp arrow, Aizen stopped dodging, and slashed towards the sharp arrow with a knife. A violent explosion sounded, and the Zanpakutō that slashed the sharp arrow kept shaking.

The vibration of the Zanpakutō in his hand has not stopped, and the rocks under his feet start to vibrate again. In an instant, he stepped backwards sharply, and a spring water appeared where he was just standing.

How could spring water appear in this wilderness, it must be the ghost of the titled Douluo with the light blue longbow.

Looking around, his eyes kept rolling, but he couldn't find their location anywhere.

"Could it be a hidden soul skill?"

Wait, the water-type martial spirit, could it be...

Aizen became vigilant in her heart, the air trembled violently, and Aizen couldn't care to hide her strength.

"Big Red Lotus Ice Wheel Pill!"

The huge icy wings spread out, twelve red lotus petals rose, and a lot of water vapor gathered around Aizen.

An ice wall wrapped Aizen to death. The thick ice wall appeared around Aizen and then violently vibrated. There were constant explosions from outside, and soon the ice wall shattered, and the sky outside was full of water arrows and Dark black arrows, they flew towards Aizen.

"Dragon Pistol Frame!"

He stabbed the Zanpakutō in his hand toward the sky, and a huge cross of ice appeared above his head, freezing most of the arrows that came flying.

But it didn't freeze for a second, and the ice cross actually exploded. The arrows exploded violently at the moment when they were frozen. Under the multiple explosions, the ice cubes were overwhelmed and shattered.

Everyone from the Central Academy of Spiritual Arts wanted to step forward to help, but their opponents were all Contras, and they couldn't get away for a while, and Youhabach, who was able to do it with ease, quietly watched Aizen being besieged, and did not step forward at all. plan to help.

Looking at the arrows everywhere, Aizen used the Dahonglian Binglun pill, and the defense was already very difficult. In the face of a clever opponent, it seemed that the Binglun pill was useless. The flame can suppress one of the opponent's soul masters, but the other one is the key.

Extra-dimensional abilities?
Is it a tricky attack?
Huge number of attack frequency is it?
Aizen suddenly put away the big red lotus ice wheel pill, and stood elegantly in the same place, showing a faint smile, and their processed voices came from the void.

"What's the matter, are you waiting to die?"

Aizen said with a half-smile, "Oh, do you think I'm really waiting to die?"

"Don't you think you can't beat us after taking back your power?" Their voices echoed in Aizen's ears.

Lan Ran's eyes closed slightly, looked towards the empty front, and said lightly: "You really know how to talk, what are you guys proud of? Just taking back your power, do you think I can't beat you?"

Aizen raised the Zanpakutō in his hand and held it upright in front of his chest. Soul power surged out from Aizen's body, blowing a strong wind, and the leaves flying all over the sky flew around Aizen.

"Haha, hard-mouthed, just because you can't escape the siege of our two brothers, we will definitely be able to kill you!" Their angry voices came from the air.

Aizen smiled lightly, opened her mouth slightly, and said softly, "It's impossible, just with your ability, it's impossible for me to land on one knee."

Suddenly, countless sharp arrows flew towards Aizen, which was understated by Aizen's Shunbu. More and more arrows flew in, and there was less and less space for Aizen to avoid.

"Let's scatter, Senbon Sakura."

Aizen's Zanpakutō turned pink, then spread out in an uproar, turning into tiny sharp blades, severing all the arrows that could not be avoided.

"Hahaha, is this your trump card?" Disdainful laughter came from the void, "Just because of this, your life will come to an end at this moment!"

"Period?" Aizen said lightly, "In that case, I'll use my sword to draw this game number."

"Don't be arrogant!" When the two Titled Douluo saw that Aizen was so arrogant, they roared angrily, "It will be our arrow that draws the end!"

"Go to hell, Dimensional Strike (Water Mad Roar)!"

The top of Aizen's head turned black in an instant, and Aizen was wrapped into a purple-black dimensional space in an instant. Tens of thousands of sharp black arrows appeared on the entire sky. At the same time, the earth was shaking, and there were fountains gushing out from time to time. The water that came out turned into a water arrow and flew towards Aizen, blocking all of Aizen's retreats.

Their proud voices came from the void, "Faced with such a dense attack, can your flying blades be able to stop it?"

"Oh, it's interesting, do you want to suppress me by quantity, unfortunately, you don't know anything about quantity."

Aizen took Qianben Sakura back, the blade turned down, and gently loosened the handle.

"Swallow solution, Qianben Yingjingyan!"

Thousands of huge blades rose on both sides of Aizen, and with the sound of Aizen falling, these blades spread out instantly, turning into cherry blossoms flying in the sky, gathered around Aizen, firmly protecting Aizen, forming a circle. The unbreakable defense, even if the water arrows and black sharp arrows attack, can't break through.

In the void, the eyes of the two Titled Douluos were full of pink, and as the defensive circle continued to expand, the huge black sky shattered.

(End of this chapter)

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