Chapter 250 Give everything

"Who are you?" Tang San asked the other side silently.

Because of Xiao Wu's matter, Tang San was greatly stimulated, and his language function was temporarily lost, but the other party seemed to understand what Tang San was asking without needing Tang San to say it.

The voice chuckled and said calmly.

"It doesn't matter who I am, but I can see your future, your favorite, Xiao Wu, was killed by Ulquiorra, Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing will be swallowed by the Deep Sea Demon Whale King as compensation, Ma Hongjun Ulquiola will wring her neck, and Ning Rongrong will be captured by Bo Saixi as a tool man, or even trained as a slave. All the insults she received back then will be imposed on Ning Rongrong. As for Oscar, he was arrested and made food day and night endlessly to supply the upcoming personnel needs, while you will be drawn out of the heart of Shura God and Sea God, and then die with a big hole in your head. "

No, it can't be!

Tang San endured the pain from heart and body, wanting to cry out, this future, he absolutely does not want to see, these are his brothers, his sisters, his lover, he can't just watch them die!

"Oh, by the way, it's not just them. Your father, your family, your subordinates, and your teacher will all fall into..." the voice continued.

Everything that voice said seemed to have already happened. Scenes of pictures flashed in Tang San's mind. Looking at those pictures, Tang San felt that his heart was being torn apart, his brain was about to be crushed, blood and tears not only flowed from the corners of his eyes , His whole body, heart, and internal organs were also weeping blood, shouting: "No, no, I want to save her, my lover, I want to save my brother, I want to save my father, my teacher , I want to save them!"

"Haha!" The voice laughed wildly, "Really, even if you give everything?"

Tang San almost didn't think about it, and directly answered the other party, "Yes, as long as I can save them, even if I give everything!"

"Very good, then let go of your whole body and accept this power, I believe, you will like it!"

Seeing that Tang San looks like a dead dog now, Ulquiola kicked Tang San aside in disgust, then stepped on the waves, walked a few steps in one direction, raised his head and looked into the distance, in that direction Xiaobai was holding his hand. Watching Ning Rongrong, Oscar, and Ma Hongjun, who was seriously injured and unconscious, escape.

Xiao Wu was arrested, Xiao Bai also wanted to save her, but she realized that she was only going up to die, she didn't want to die like this, her mission was not to die, but to make the inheritance of Sea God not be broken.

If Tang San, the Seagod's heir, cannot be saved and dies, then he can only find the next heir, and if the next heir wants to inherit the Seagod, he needs a new great priest, that is Ning Rongrong.

So, after Xiaobai figured everything out, he gave up on Tang San without looking back, and chose to run away with Ning Rongrong, all for the inheritance!
Taking advantage of the time when Ulquiola tortured Xiao Wu and drove Tang San crazy, Xiao Bai had already swam several miles away, and could no longer see the battlefield behind him.

"Oscar, do we really want to abandon Third Brother and the others?" Ning Rongrong asked sadly, her originally beautiful eyes were already red and swollen, and she was quite haggard.

Oscar looked at Ning Rongrong with a heartbroken face, couldn't help hugging Ning Rongrong's head, and comforted him: "It's not that we abandoned Tang San, but Tang San sacrificed himself to let us live!"

Why didn't he want to save it, but facing Ulquiorra's terrifying power, as a food-type soul master, he couldn't do anything.


Are you kidding me, Tang San, who has the inheritance of the twin gods, can't hurt the opponent at all, even if he has the ability to fight, he will die if he goes up.

And Boss Dai, who could help Tang San, was dragged into the bottom of the sea again, and his life and death were unknown, but he believed that Boss Dai must have a way to survive, after all, his opponent was not that monster Ulquiorra.

Not long after, Bo Saixi caught up and looked at Tang San floating on the sea, and couldn't help showing a smile, "As expected of the helper sent by the Lord Spirit King, he subdued Tang San so easily!"

Then Bo Saixi saw Xiao Wu who had a big hole in Ulquiola's chest again, and felt a little sad in her heart, as if she remembered the time when she was taken away by the Spirit King and brought back to Purple Pearl Island. Kill her, but Ulquiorra killed Xiao Wu directly.

Although Bo Saixi could still feel that Xiao Wu was still alive, she must have known that Ulquiola was going to kill her, so she used all her soul power to protect her important internal organs in advance, but this state couldn't last long. If it is not treated, it is no different from death.

But who can heal such a wound?

He definitely couldn't do it himself, not to mention Ulquiola, he was the one who killed people, and he must have done it with the aim of saving lives.

When Bo Saixi was about to tell Ulquiola that she was going to absorb the Seagod's Heart in Tang San's body, Ulquiora pulled it!
Put your hands together in front of your chest, and then condense the spirit particles in your palms. The majestic energy begins to gather, and with the palms separated, it forms the shape of a gun.

The whole body exudes green light, and the energy-condensed red tassel exudes fine thunder, and the same is true on the end of the gun.

Afterwards, Ulquiola grabbed the center of the long spear, spun it in his hand, aimed the spear head at a distance, drew it behind him, strode like a bow, twisted his whole body, and threw the long spear in his hand.

The huge reaction force was released from the soles of Ulquiola's feet, and the seawater under his feet was directly pushed away, forming waves several meters high.

The thrown long spear pierced the void and landed not far in front of Xiaobai and the others in an instant.

Oscar and the others felt a flash of light before their eyes, and the meteor-like thing fell into the sea water and disappeared.

"Oscar, what is that?" Ning Rongrong asked curiously.

"Do not……"

Oscar hadn't finished his sentence yet, their eyes kept rising, and Xiao Bai shouted in shock: "Be careful, there's going to be a big explosion on the bottom of the sea soon!"

As soon as the words fell, an unprecedented explosion erupted from the sea below. The sea was blown up into the sky, and the huge waves lifted Xiao Bai and others into the air. High waves, and a green glowing pillar of light in the center of the waves.

This beam of light shot straight into the sky, connected the sky and the earth, and illuminated the ocean. Their faces, heads, and bodies were all dyed green.

Before they had time to take a closer look, the hundreds of meters of huge waves crushed them and swallowed them. Their eyes, ears, nose, and mouth were all covered with sea water. At the same time, accompanied by an irresistible force, they pushed them to the place they least wanted to approach .

Looking at the towering waves, Bo Saixi couldn't help swallowing, and looked at Ulquiola in a daze, even the sea god doesn't have this power, right?
The problem is, the other party is not the Seagod, yet relying on the explosion of energy, they set off such a huge tsunami.

As a person who uses the power of the sea, Bo Saixi can feel the trembling of the sea water under her feet, as well as the panic of the soul beasts in the sea.

However, Ulquiola didn't care about all of this at all, he only cared about one thing, that is, everything related to Tang San must not be let go, this was the order given to him by the Spirit King.

When the waves rushed not far in front of Ulquiola, Ulquiola spread his wings, and soon, Bo Saixi saw that there were three more people and a demonic great white shark in Ulquiola's hands. .

(End of this chapter)

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