Chapter 240 is just ahead
As soon as she heard that Lord Spirit King had sent her, Bo Saixi felt terrified. Fortunately, they didn't do anything yet, otherwise, they would be finished.

Although it is said that these sailors who have been subdued will die as soon as they die, which is not worthy of Bo Saixi's distress, but it would be very bad to offend the people sent by the Lord Spirit King because of this incident.

His achievement today and the opportunity to avenge the Sea God were all given by the Spirit King. If he indirectly caused the Spirit King to be unhappy because of this incident, Bo Saixi would feel very guilty.

"Put down your weapons!"

A roar came from Bo Saixi's mouth, and all the sailors didn't understand why this person in front of them made their leader so afraid.

You know, in Hanhai City, Bo Saixi's prestige is very prominent. Since Bo Saixi just appeared, she has made great strides all the way. Opponents equal to Bo Saixi became very rare.

Moreover, even if there are geniuses from Void Night Palace who come to Hanhai City, they are not Bo Saixi's opponents, but become Bo Saixi's stepping stones.

Since then, like Bo Saixi's sword name, the title of Queen of the Sea has naturally spread throughout Hanhai City. Whenever they meet Bo Saixi, everyone will put down their work and things and pay attention.

And such a powerful person would be afraid of a boy who suddenly appeared!

Although it is very impressive to break through the void and go directly to the boat in the middle of the sea, it may be that this person accidentally obtained some kind of displacement soul ability. Although this is rare in the Douluo Continent, it is not uncommon.

Could it be because of that "Lord Spirit King"?
On the mainland, there are very few people who know the existence of the Spirit King. They only know that the Xuye Palace, which was once invincible, was defeated by a force named Jinglingting. Imprisoned by the leader of Xuye Palace, it replaced Xuye Palace's ruling power in the Tiandou Empire.

They also know very little about the [-]th Goutei team, and what they remember most is the [-]th Goutei team and their captains.

They often make big disturbances, destroying the good things of Xuye Palace countless times behind the scenes.

Now, the Xuye Palace has existed in name only, and has become a subsidiary force of the [-]th Guarding Team, and the existing promotion system has also collapsed. Therefore, they love and hate the [-]th Guarding Team.

What I love is that now they don't need to worry about survival. After all, the previous system respected the strong and could challenge and hunt others at will. They need to worry about survival day and night. Therefore, in order to survive, they need to find The strong are attached, such as Bo Saixi.

What I hate is that if they want to advance, they can only rely on cultivation. Before, they could rely on power as a background to gain advantages and hunt others, but now they no longer exist. This makes their advancement very slow. Not as happy as before.

Even though Bo Saixi said to put down their weapons, and they followed suit correctly, they still remained vigilant towards this strange boy in their hearts, and at the same time licked their lips very greedily.

This is the middle of the sea, and this person is not bad at first glance. If he is killed and devours the opponent's energy, he can get a great improvement.

Moreover, this place is not under the jurisdiction of Jinglingting, that is to say, they will not offend Jinglingting if they do such a thing.

After being suppressed for so long, they have long been thirsty for blood. As long as this person does anything dangerous, they will happily go up and kill him regardless of Bo Saixi's obstruction.

Bo Saixi also noticed the thoughts of her subordinates, but Bo Saixi didn't intend to remind them any more.

What I said just now is enough to show my respect for King Ling. If my subordinates act out of character, the other party will definitely not blame me.

"Master Ling Wang let you come here alone, isn't it too light on the enemy?"

It's time to say everything, Bo Saixi needs to ask what purpose Lord Lingwang sent this person.

Facing the scorching gazes of the crowd, Ulquiola didn't care, he just had to faithfully carry out Aizen's mission, and if someone blocked him, it would not be too late to kill him.

Turning to face Bo Saixi, he said without emotion: "I alone is enough. If I am not enough, Lord Lingwang will definitely send support. You don't have to worry about that."

Hearing Ulquiola's words, Bo Saixi nodded. Since the Spirit King made such an arrangement, he naturally has his reasons, and he has no right to question the Spirit King's decision.

"By the way, I don't know your name yet." Bo Saixi asked suddenly.

"Ulquiora Cifer" Ulquiora said lightly.

"Ulquiorra?" Hearing this familiar name, Bo Saixi couldn't help frowning, she seemed to have heard this name somewhere.

Suddenly, Bo Saixi looked directly at Ulquiola, and said, "Are you the one who broke into Sea God Island and killed the guardian of the sacred pillar?"

Ulquiorra was slightly startled, but quickly regained his composure, "That's right, you still remember what happened back then, are you planning to seek revenge on me?"

Bo Saixi smiled awkwardly, and said: "Why would I do that, I am no longer the great priest of Sea God Island, so there is no reason to do things for Sea God Island, we now have a common goal, that is to kill Tang San, take away the Seagod's inheritance."

Ulquiola nodded, "Very well, then, where is Tang San's position?"

Bo Saixi greeted Ulquiola, then turned and walked towards the bow, Ulquiola followed slowly.

Seeing that their leader was so cautious about this person, the sailors couldn't help retreating, especially knowing that the visitor actually broke into Sea God Island and killed the guardian of the sacred pillar of Sea God Island, so they knew that the opponent's strength had definitely reached Title Douluo level.

Such an opponent, unless all the sailors on the entire ship work together, it is impossible to defeat, and the leader may even help the opponent, so this plan can only be rotten in the stomach.

However, from the conversation just now, they knew another thing, that is, the leader of their own family was actually a great priest on Sea God Island!

However, this matter is very contradictory. They have heard about the great priest of Sea God Island. He is a level 99 Ultimate Douluo, how could he be his leader.

You know, it wasn't long before my leader was promoted to Title Douluo, so it couldn't be that level 99 Ultimate Douluo.

Although they were very puzzled, it was impossible for them to attack Ulquiola, so they returned to their jobs and continued to sail the boat towards the depths of the sea.

Standing on the bow, Bo Saixi pointed to the front, and said: "If my guess is correct, Tang San should plan to hunt and kill the Deep Sea Demon Whale, and then obtain the last spirit ring for his Clear Sky Hammer, and then he will Become a god."

(End of this chapter)

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