Chapter 231 Once!
Hearing Aizen Soyousuke's contemptuous words, Qian Renxue was furious from the heart, regardless of the danger, a huge golden phantom emerged from behind her, exactly the same as her real body.Holding the angelic holy sword high, Qian Renxue's eyes were full of evil, and she said four words angrily, "Angel, judge."

The surrounding air trembled violently, Aizen Soyousuke looked at the changes around him, couldn't help but smiled, and still didn't give up.In this short period of time, Qian Renxue's counterattack had been completed.

A ray of clear golden light fell from the sky and fell directly on him. This ray of light was not from Qian Renxue, but from the sun hanging high in the sky.The Light of Judgment, one of the mysteries of the God of Angels.Possesses extremely terrifying lethality.

Aizen Soyousuke watched the incomparable blazing heat fall towards him, the Reiatsu shield on his body released an extremely strong purple light, resisting the invasion of this golden light, but, blocking this trick, Aizen Soyousuke It's not that easy anymore.

Under the blazing light, Aizen Soyousuke's body surface was burning with red-gold real sun fire, which covered the whole body, burning Aizen Soyousuke from all directions.

After seeing Aizen Soyousuke's attack, Qian Renxue stretched out her recovered left hand, tightly grasped the lower end of the angel's holy sword, held the sword with both hands, and moved towards Aizen Soyousuke's body with lightning speed attack.

If Aizen Soyousuke is a god whose attributes tend to be dark, he will be severely injured if he is hit by this light of judgment. The light of judgment is condensed from the holy fire of light, which can cause huge damage to any dark force. Unfortunately, Aizen Soyousuke's attribute is neither dark nor light, very neutral, and the intensity of the blow is not great.

And seeing Aizen Soyousuke's expression, he knew that no harm was done at all.

That's why Qian Renxue immediately moved on to the next move. As the host of the Light of Judgment, she can clearly understand that her Sun True Fire is not strong enough, she needs to evolve to achieve greater results.

The sword of the angel in his hand draws a cross towards Aizen Soyousuke, leaving a red golden cross star on Aizen Soyousuke's body, not only causing damage to Aizen Soyousuke with angels, but also Can enhance the power of Judgment Light.

"Angel, purify!"

The light of judgment exploded suddenly, forming a huge red-golden energy ball, which completely enveloped Aizen Soyousuke, and the temperature limit climbed, thousands of degrees, tens of thousands of degrees, hundreds of thousands of degrees!

Because of the power of miracles, Qian Renxue used a power she had never imagined. Under the influence of Qian Renxue's continuous input of angelic power, the real fire of the sun, and the power of miracles, the red golden light ball became bigger and bigger, The temperature was getting higher and higher, and Qian Renxue wanted to completely burn Aizen Soyousuke by virtue of the continuously superimposed power.

Feeling the baking like the sun melting around his body, and the rising temperature, Aizen Soyousuke had a very flat expression.

Such a temperature is nothing to fear for him who can defend against the Remnant Fire Taidao, but among them, the miraculous power of the Spirit King is the culprit that caused him harm.

It's not that Aizen Soyousuke doesn't want to kill Qian Renxue all at once, but it's simply impossible to kill Qian Renxue all at once now.

Qian Renxue, who possesses miraculous power, is not someone who can be killed by just attacking. As long as Qian Renxue still has the slightest thought of resistance, the slightest thought of wanting to live, she can recover again and become stronger .

The higher the damage, the greater the improvement Qian Renxue gets, and the more difficult Aizen Soyousuke's next actions will be. That's why Aizen Soyousuke cannibalize Qian Renxue step by step.

Relying on Qian Renxue's lack of absolute trust in the power of miracles, which completely wiped out Qian Renxue's determination, as long as Qian Renxue gave up resisting, gave up launching miracles, and thought that no matter how she resurrected, she would not be able to defeat her, then she would Only then did Qian Renxue be solved.

"Bindao 81, Duankong!"

A transparent wall suddenly appeared in front of Qian Renxue's eyes, blocking Qian Renxue's continuous pouring power, no matter how Qian Renxue released energy towards Aizen Soyousuke, she couldn't pass through that wall, and then, Qian Renxue Renxue saw Aizen Soyousuke swiping his sword, which dispersed the light of judgment and the real fire of the sun that had lasted for a long time.

Just when Qian Renxue was surprised, Aizen Soyousuke bypassed Duankong and approached Qian Renxue. The purple light Zanpaku knife fell and was blocked by Qian Renxue's angelic sword, but the huge power held Qian Renxue back. Ren Xue pressed forward and walked hundreds of meters before stopping.

Moreover, Qian Renxue's holy angel sword also had a crack, and it was about to break, did it break?

Aizen Soyousuke's power cut through his Angelic Holy Sword!
This is good news. Qian Renxue's divine sense is watching Aizen Soyousuke. Seeing that Aizen Soyousuke's attack doesn't work, the angel's costume shines brightly. Enhancement, just in the blink of an eye, made up for the cracks on the angel's holy sword.

Then, Qian Renxue released the real fire of the sun again, trying to seal Aizen Soyousuke again.

Seeing that Aizen Soyousuke was about to be sealed off, a huge black coffin was about to rise from the ground, trying to seal Qian Renxue firmly, however, just as the black coffin had a sign, it shattered.

Aizen Soyousuke frowned, looked at Lingwang, and saw a smile on the corner of Lingwang Aranran's mouth, and opened and closed his mouth, "First time!"

Aizen Soyousuke got a little anxious, and his figure suddenly disappeared, making Qian Renxue's attack miss. Under Qian Renxue's astonished gaze, his body twisted suddenly, as if he had been hit hard on the neck by a stick , his head hit the ground directly, and there was a deafening roar, and the ground within a radius of [-] meters collapsed for more than three meters.

A mouthful of blood spat out from Qian Renxue's mouth, her eyes were full of incomprehension, the gap should be narrowed, why is there still so much difference.

However, after one stick, the follow-up that Qian Renxue thought was still not coming. There was a clanging sound of golden swords intertwined in her ears. She immediately used miraculous power to recover her body, stood up, and looked towards the place where the sound came from. Go, Aizen Soyousuke has already fought with Aizen.

Seeing Aizen Soyousuke's slash like a storm, Qian Renxue was dumbfounded. It turned out that Aizen Soyousuke didn't use all his strength to deal with him just now. Compared with Aizen's attack, he dealt with his own attack. Slashing against oneself is like wiping brittle glass.And the slash attacking Aizen was like beating stubborn iron with all its strength.

Facing Aizen Soyousuke's onslaught, Aizen was overwhelmed, and his body and body were covered with scars.

It can be seen that Aizen Soyousuke's patience has run out, and up to now, Aizen has only activated omniscience twice, and there is only one more omniscience and omnipotence to the infinite number of times against Aizen Soyousuke, but this last time, How can not be triggered!
(End of this chapter)

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