Chapter 211 Loneliness and Death

Facing Lijiebaluo, Stark had no choice but to use the power he gained after reaching level [-] and becoming a god.

At that moment, the expanded domain enveloped half of the Star Dou Great Forest.

After escaping, Tang San was taking care of Bi Ji, the three-headed Scarlet Demon Mastiff and Xiao Wu, but Mr. Xiong couldn't make it through in the end. At the last moment, he sacrificed to Tang San and became the seventh son of Tang San's Clear Sky Hammer. soul ring.

And what Xiong Jun asked Tang San to do was to kill everyone in the Star Cross Knights!

Tang San agreed to Mr. Xiong's request. Even if Mr. Xiong didn't say anything, he would avenge the Silver Dragon King who protected him from leaving after becoming a god!

However, the moment Stark was liberated, the entire Star Dou Forest felt the terrifying power of that domain.

Immediately, he felt very lonely, as if he was the only one standing on the land full of corpses. It felt very scary. On this endless plain, he was the only one, eternally alone!

Xiao Wu couldn't help hugging her body, and said tremblingly: "It's so cold, so scary, third brother, hold me tight, don't leave me!"

Tang San went immediately when he heard the words, hugged Xiao Wu, and comforted: "I'm here, I won't leave you!"

It feels like the world has become extremely dark, but looking up at the sun, the sun is still so dazzling. The sun that should be warm can't feel any temperature, only infinite loneliness!

In a trance, within Tang San's field of vision, there was nothing again, Xiao Wu disappeared, Bi Ji disappeared, everything disappeared, the Star Dou Forest became a desert, and he was alone in the desert As he walked forward, Ziji's magic pupil flashed, bringing him back to reality.

"This power! Who is it?"

Li Jiebaluo looked at the surrounding desert, and asked in doubt: "Is this your power? It doesn't seem to have any effect on me."

However, Stark had disappeared, and Stark was nowhere to be found. A flash of light appeared, and Lijebalo immediately looked and saw a perfect body like him, but the perfect body The man in it is Stark.

"So this is your ability. It's ridiculous to become me. Do you think you can beat me when you become me? My strength is unique. No matter how much you imitate, you can't be like me!"

Stark said lightly: "Yes, one may not work, but so many?"

Suddenly, there were countless more Starks in the state of God's Judgment around Lijiebaluo, "What!"

"Your strength is really not simple. You have copied so many, but it is nothing more than that. It is impossible for you to defeat me!"

After all, the hole in the wings released a penetrating light, shattering the surrounding clones, "Look, they are vulnerable in front of me!"

Stark didn't answer Lijiebaluo's words, the clones around him did the same movements as Lijiebaluo, and shot the same light towards Lijiebaluo!
In an instant, thousands of rays of light penetrated Lijiebaluo, most of these light beams did not cause any damage, but the speed of light that did damage caused Lijiebaluo to suffer a lot of injuries.


Li Jiebaluo looked at the wounds on his body in disbelief, it was so dazzling in his eyes.

"The pack of wolves bite!"

"Among the wolves, you seem to be the alien who wants to become the wolf king. Then you have to defeat all the wolves who disobey you to ascend to the throne. Don't you feel angry when you are hurt by your own strength?"

Lijiebaluo looked at Stark with hatred and yelled: "You hateful guy, I will tear you apart!"

As he said that, the ferocious bullets were continuously released, smashing the surrounding clones one by one.

Compared with Lijiebaluo, these clones are too fragile, and they are all killed by Lijiebaluo with one blow.

However, these tens of thousands of clones are not just watching, they are also constantly shooting fierce bullets at Li Jiebaluo.

Although the power is much smaller than Lijiebaluo's, the number is unprecedented. Tens of thousands of bullets shot through Lijiebaluo like a torrential rain, hitting Lijiebaluo's body Leaving large and small craters.

"At the end of the pack of wolves and the lonely king, if a wolf king is to be born in the wolf pack, he must step over the corpses of countless companions. If the last king is not born, the battle will not stop."

"Then the next thing is, the wolves are everywhere!"

Tens of thousands of clones began to fuse, becoming hundreds of strengthened clones.

"The best among wolves was not convinced and made you king, so he stood up and challenged your authority."

The strengthened clones fired more powerful bullets at Lijiebaluo, and even fired consecutively. Even hundreds of clones were not weaker than tens of thousands of clones.

Faced with such a powerful offensive, Li Jiebaluo could hardly resist, his whole body was pierced through, as if he had become a sieve.

However, Lijiebaluo is not to be outdone, the holes in the wings emit a dazzling penetrating light, and they are connected into one piece, shooting 360 degrees around without dead ends, like a sun, emitting sunlight to illuminate the darkness, a strengthened clone They were defeated one after another.

Even the strengthened avatar in front of Lijiebaluo, it only resisted for a moment before it became fragments.

Li Jiebaluo is also feeling bad, his injuries are getting more and more serious, if he does not deal with them, his life will be in danger.

Stark's lonely voice came, "Do you feel that you can't hold it anymore, you have to know, once you succeed, you will die."

"The birth of any king is based on countless corpses. Only you know how many of your kind you can defeat and how strong you are, and I am just your guide. Let's walk this lonely road together. .”

As he said that, Stark showed his real body, and at the same time Lilinette was standing beside him. At this time, Lilinette looked at Stark with a displeased face, and said, "Hey, are you It’s not that I don’t want to live anymore, use this move!”

"Uh, I can't help it. The opponent is so powerful. If I don't need it, I will die a long time ago."

Lilinite shook her head frantically, "If you don't listen, don't listen, you are going to die, and I want to accompany you too, bastard!"

Stark sighed, touched Lilinette's head, but was pulled down by Lilinette, couldn't help but smiled, and said, "Then don't die."

After Li Jiebaluo killed all the clones, he was also very weak.

"Hehe, your avatar is gone. A counterfeit is a counterfeit. You can't do anything about it. Don't try to kill me. It's absolutely impossible!"

Stark beckoned to Lilinite, and Lilinite reluctantly came to Stark's side and became Stark's pistol, a rifle with only one bullet.

"When the battle ushers in the final moment, in one-on-one, the final king will be determined and enjoy the fruit of victory called loneliness."

The only shot, the fate-determining bullet, was fired by Stark towards Lijebalo's eyebrows.

"The battle ends here, who is the king, the void is desolate and arbitrary!"

(End of this chapter)

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