People in Douluo: Playing as Aizen, Summoning Ten Blades

Chapter 130 Amazing Monster, Ichimaru Gin Jedi Strikes Back

Chapter 130 Amazing Monster, Ichimaru Gin Jedi Strikes Back
Ichimaru Gin danced the killing gun thousands of times in an instant, the clanging sound was continuous, the werewolf's hard body was full of pits, and the side facing Ichimaru Gin was full of blood holes, but the werewolf laughed, those blood holes. It was quickly filled, and at the same time, eight gray spirit rings rose from the bottom of his feet.

Seeing this scene, Ichimaru Gin was a little puzzled. What rank is the gray spirit ring?

Not allowing Ichimaru Gin to think too much, the werewolf lit up the third spirit ring, and a bloody color filled the werewolf's sharp claws. At the same time, the werewolf's agility and strength were improved, and he quickly approached Ichimaru Gin, blocking Ichimaru while approaching. Silver God Killing Gun.

It seems to know Ichimaru Gin's God Killing Spear, and it does not let the God Killing Spear pierce the body again at all, but attacks from the side.

Ichimaru Gin, who attacked the werewolf with a knife, couldn't help but provocatively said: "It seems that Aizen Soyousuke told you all my information, it should not only be me, but also other people's information, precisely because he is familiar with my ability. , you dare to fight me."

After speaking, Ichimaru Gin began to observe the changes in the werewolf's expression. Unexpectedly, the werewolf was not provoked by Ichimaru Gin, but lit up the fifth spirit ring. Ichimaru Gin felt that the surrounding air was regularly moving towards the werewolf. The werewolves gathered, and when they looked closely, a werewolf with the same form as a werewolf, condensed by the wind, appeared in front of him. If it wasn't for some dust mixed in, Ichimaru Gin couldn't even see its shape clearly.

I saw the wind wolf flying towards Ichimaru Gin with a strong wind, Ichimaru Gin immediately cut this transparent monster with the God Killing Spear, and retreated while cutting.

After cutting the wind wolf formed by this spirit ability once, Ichimaru Yin noticed that this kind of pure wind condensed thing, and he was not afraid of slashing. revert to the original.

So Ichimaru Gin gave up dealing with this soul skill, but turned around to look at the werewolf, dodging the attack of the wind wolf, standing beside the werewolf, the God Killing Spear extended extremely fast, and slashed the werewolf to the wall with one knife, destroying smashed the wall and flew out.

Then he avoided the attack of the wind wolf and chased out. After seeing the werewolf in the air, the God Killing Spear aimed at the werewolf's head and quickly stretched out, only to hear a ding, and the werewolf was shot by the God Killing Spear and flew to the ground of Wuhun City. , exploded a layer of gray waves.

The feeling of the God Killing Spear stabbed on the werewolf just now was definitely not piercing his head, and the wind wolf behind him also caught up.

Falling faster than the wind wolf, he came to the location where the werewolf just fell, and found that the werewolf was no longer here. Ichimaru Gin looked around, and soon found a close figure. At the same time, the wind wolf also ran behind Ichimaru Gin. When he was about to slash at the werewolf figure with a knife, the figure suddenly disappeared and turned into a wind wolf, so the wind wolf behind him must have turned into a werewolf!
Ichimaru Gin hurriedly turned around, at this time, the werewolf had raised his claws and grabbed it towards Ichimaru Gin's throat.

Ichimaru Gin was knocked out by the claws, and at the same time, his back was hit by the wind wolf, and his body dragged a long bloodstain on the ground. Ichimaru Gin turned over and stood up, raised his hand and touched the position of his throat lightly, When I saw it in front of my eyes, it was a trace of blood, but luckily this claw was not deep, and Ichimaru Gin used his movement to avoid a fatal distance.

"Tsk, I didn't kill you." The werewolf said dissatisfiedly, "I thought you couldn't dodge that claw just now, as expected of a person who dared to come to Aizen Sou-suke-sama alone, such an opponent would be killed. It makes sense."

Ichimaru Gin clenched Shen Shaqiang tightly, frowned and asked, "What the hell are you, and why do you have the power of emptiness and the soul skill of a soul master."

The werewolf smiled, opened his claws, the seventh spirit ring lit up, and in an instant, several phantoms scattered from its body, turning into eight werewolves, and the eight werewolves said at the same time, "I didn't say that. Oh, I am Aizen Sousuke-sama's highest masterpiece, a virtual beast!"

As soon as the words fell, eight werewolves rushed from eight directions, Ichimaru Gin took the knife to his waist and stabbed in all directions like a blooming flower.

At this moment, Ichimaru Gin stabbed countless knives in the direction where the eight werewolves attacked, and the eight werewolves were stabbed in countless holes, and at the same time spit out blood, and said at the same time: "Damn, how could it be so fast? Knife!"

Ichimaru Yin smiled slightly, and asked indifferently: "I remember you said you wanted to kill me, right? What's wrong, can't you do it?"

The werewolf was irritated by Ichimaru Gin's words: "You will regret saying such a thing!"

The eighth spirit ring lit up, and the eight clones condensed together and turned into a werewolf, but the size increased tenfold.

"This is a move to convert all regenerative abilities into combat power. I see what you can do to stop it."

Ichimaru Gin frowned slightly, and pointed the tip of the knife at the throat of the giant werewolf. Suddenly, the figure of the werewolf disappeared in front of him. Ichimaru Gin was stunned for a moment, and a sense of crisis rose from the bottom of his heart. He turned his head to look behind him, and turned his body at the same time. , even with the God Killing Spear stretched out and slashed at the same time.

Behind Ichimaru Gin, the werewolf's huge body blocked the luminous light on Ichimaru Gin's body. Under the dark shadow, Ichimaru Gin saw the werewolf lift up his thick thighs and stepped on Ichimaru Gin, and the turbulent wind pressure knocked Ichimaru Gin's body. Her hair was all messed up, and Ichimaru Gin's eyes opened slightly, revealing a terrifying look.

With a swipe, Ichimaru Gin's God Killing Spear took a step faster, cutting off the werewolf's feet, the God Killing Spear's elongated blade disappeared like dust and smoke, returning to its small appearance, and then Ichimaru Gin jumped up and jumped to In front of the werewolf's chest, the head of this huge werewolf is bigger than Ichimaru Gin's whole person, but the bigger the target, the easier it is to hit.

clap clap...

At the moment when the giant werewolf was about to escape, there were continuous thrusts, and the werewolf's masked head was full of bruises, blood was flowing uncontrollably, the only remaining eye was full of horror, and the whole body fell heavily to the ground, Yang dust.

Looking at the werewolf corpse that was slowly disappearing, Ichimaru Gin wiped the cold sweat on his forehead, "Hey, I almost rolled over, I really can't underestimate this monster, the way of moving just now is definitely a swirl, it should be Aizen Suo Yusuke Infused him with virtual power, and it is the power of the first five-blade level."

After the matter was settled, Ichimaru Yin also gained a lot, at least he understood one thing, there may be such monsters in the virtual circle, monsters with eight rings, and they have not seen it use the spirit avatar.

Wait, could it be that his form is already the appearance of a spirit avatar, or that it is another appearance of a spirit beast with a spirit ring.

This information is very important and needs to be told to Aizen-sama and Urahara.

The next day, Aizen finally arrived at Wuhun City. Looking at this important city for the first time, Aizen couldn't help but feel a little regretful.

The current Wuhun City is full of ruins, nothing like the Holy Land of Soul Masters, and there are riots everywhere, fighting for small things.

Sure enough, after possessing a powerful force, the human heart will be infinitely magnified.

Leaving the carriage and walked into the ruins of Wuhun City, a group of soul masters were walking in front of them. Looking at Aizen, he said lightly, "New here, have you paid the city fee?"

At the same time, he also looked at the two women behind Aizen with great interest, showing a look of joy.

(End of this chapter)

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