Fire Bearer at Hogwarts

Chapter 88 Jess Kruger of Catalina

Chapter 88 Jess Kruger of Catalina
"Roar!" A huge fire dragon with a gray and white figure was standing on the ruins of the castle and roaring. It looked around and saw devastation everywhere. This is its territory, and it is the well-deserved king of this land.

"Ow!" It vibrates its wings, and the strong wind blows away the rubble on the ruins. It has been here for a while, and this is the highest place in a hundred miles, and there are hardly any people, neither those annoying people. There is no armor villain, and there is no undead who makes people sick when they smell it.

It curled up slightly, its huge body bent over the nest, and it was ready to take a good rest after having a good meal.

Sleep may be a beautiful thing.

It didn't notice that there was a strange knight standing not far away. He was wearing a set of white armor, and only a small gap was exposed in the onion-like helmet.

His name is Jess Kruger of Catalina, a warm-hearted guy, he heard that there is a fire dragon doing evil in this area, it is definitely not for dragon wine, he is just for chivalry.

"Hi! The guy over there..." Jess Kruger heard someone calling him quietly. He turned around and found a young man with a bald head.

"What's the matter? My friend?" Jess Kruger's honest voice came, and he walked forward and hugged the bald man without any pause.

"Ahem." The bald man broke free from Jess Krueger's embrace, and said in a sharp voice, "I'm Patch, oh, a person with the same sense of justice as you!"

"I heard that there are countless treasures in the dragon's lair...the kind that shines with golden light..." Paqi almost muttered, he scratched his bald head, "fortunately, the fire dragon fell asleep ... My friend, aren't you curious about that treasure?"

"Treasure?" Jess Kruger muttered, looking at the huge dragon, "That dragon is the treasure."

"Oh!" Patch gave him a surprised look, "No, no,! Soul! And dragon eggs are..."

"Dragon egg?" Jess Kruger's expression changed, "Is it a mother?"

Patch froze for a moment, "Um..." He thought for a while, "It should be..."

"Then it won't work." Jess Kruger said regretfully, "How can I kill the mother in front of her child?"

"Even if it's for the blood of the fire dragon." He muttered and glanced at the giant dragon. Although it was a pity, he turned around without pausing.

"Thank you, Patch!" He patted Patch on the shoulder, "Thank you for reminding me! You are my friend." Then, Jess Kruger took out a small pot from his arms, "Friends should Have some wine."

He didn't allow Patch to refuse, so he slapped the jug on his chest.

Patch's face was a little ugly... He didn't expect to meet such a guy... Although he had already made a lot of money with this giant dragon, but... He looked at the weird long sword in the knight's hand...

This thing must be worth a lot of money, right?
"No, no, no... It seems that I remembered it wrong." Patch slapped his head, "Its child seems to have been stolen."

"It's too miserable..." Jess Kruger sighed, "How can I hurt it again... Wait a few days until it recovers from its sorrow."

"I..." Patch rolled his eyes, "No, no, I misremembered! It seems to be a male dragon!"

"Male dragon?" Jess Krueger's eyes lit up when he heard it, "Then we really can't keep it...a wicked dragon."

"Great, great..." Patch rubbed his hands, "Then you go get its treasure... go, as long as you don't wake it up...hehe..."

Jess Kruger ignored the smirking Patch, and he took a mace from the left hand side of the armor.

"Friend, you wait for me here first, and I'll come back as soon as I go."

After all, he jumped forward and jumped into the edge of the dragon's lair. He had no intention of hiding at all, and slammed on his shield, "Wake up! You monster!"


This made Patch, who was holding the stone, feel a little embarrassed... He also planned to secretly use the stone to wake the knight up when the knight was approaching the dragon... In this way, he only had to wait for the angry dragon to do its work.

But he didn't expect that the Onion Knight would be direct...

"Aww!" The giant dragon slowly opened its eyes, and what it saw was a round guy.

"Roar!" It raised its wings violently and roared, it seemed that it got up very angry.

Its red vertical pupils stared fiercely at the guy in front of it, looking for dead maggots... I don't know if this uncle is sleeping?When it reached out with its front paws, a black shadow like a dark cloud slammed towards Jess Kruger.

"Heh!" Onion Knight dodged the slap with a right roll. He has agility that doesn't match the chubby figure.

"Ha!" He swiped his warhammer fiercely, hitting the dragon's claw, shooting out a little spark, and then rolled again, he avoided the other claw of the dragon.

"Aw!" The dragon didn't expect this little bug to be playful, and it didn't spew out flames immediately when it became interested. It pulled back violently with its front paws, leaving a horizontal line on the ground The scar plowed three furrows on the ground.

"Bang!" The shield in Onion Knight's hand slammed, and a white ripple instantly appeared on the ground, and then exploded quickly.

"God's wrath!" The Onion Knight roared fiercely, and the shock wave generated by the miracle instantly shook the dragon's front paws away.

The Onion Knight took advantage of the situation and rolled over, rolled to the side of the dragon's head, and then slammed down with a lightning-like hammer. He was only the size of the dragon's head, but the hammer with the power clenched in his hands hit a thousand pounds.

The giant dragon's huge body was like a bird hitting a mountain peak. It raised its dragon head high, and then roared fiercely. The Onion Knight was not idle, and he immediately hit the dragon's back foot with a hammer. , The sound of metal and iron clashing shook Patch's head in the distance.

"Bang!" The dragon lost its balance in an instant, its huge body lay down on the ruins, its red eyes were full of surprise.

It didn't expect this chubby guy to have such terrifying power.

"wahhhhhh!" Onion Knight roared and jumped. He hit the dragon's chest like a missile, and smashed the dragon scales on his chest with a hammer.

The giant dragon felt the pain. It exerted force on its hind paws, and then its wings vibrated. It flew high from the ground and threw the Onion Knight on its chest down.

"Aww" it roared up to the sky, the broken wound on its chest left streams of dragon's blood, it didn't expect that it was injured in front of the Twolegs.

It stared viciously at the knight under it, a stream of red heat converged on its chest, and the scorching flames could be seen through the scales.


The flames hit like a storm, and the roiling heat wave caused the air to become distorted. I won't play with you anymore, just die!The dragon spewed flames angrily, and the flames instantly engulfed the figure of the Onion Knight. The red flame made Patch put down the binoculars and rubbed his eyes instead.

The flames raged like a fiery snake, and rolled over the earth like a flood. The dragon didn't stop breathing, and it wanted to turn the knight into a ball of coke.

There is a hint of pleasure in the red eyes, which is the innate wildness in the blood of the dragon.

This is what provoked my uncle...


A roar came, and a white sword aura hit like a storm, and the billowing air waves separated the flames. Even if the giant dragon fully exerted its talent, it could not match this powerful sword aura.

The air waves separated the flames on the ground, and then rushed towards its wide-open dragon mouth. The flames ejected from the mouth were cut in the middle by the air waves, like chopsticks that were cut and tilted to both sides. Finally, the sword The qi hit the giant dragon's head fiercely, and even the dark clouds in the distance dispersed. It seemed that even the storm would crawl under the sword qi...

"Bang!" The moment the air wave hit the giant dragon, the flames stopped abruptly, broken scales flew in all directions, scorching dragon blood swayed like a waterfall, and together with the sparks that burst out like fireworks, the land fell down for a while. It rained scarlet.

Under the baptism of blood rain and sparks, Onion Knight slowly put down the strange sword in his hand, he stared at the body of the giant dragon falling from the sky, and a thick voice came slowly.

"The evil dragon slays!"

 Thanks to Dongfang Zixue for a monthly ticket!thanks thanks!

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(End of this chapter)

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