Fire Bearer at Hogwarts

Chapter 80 Malfoy and Harry

Chapter 80 Malfoy and Harry
Lihen Bookstore is located in one of the prime locations in Diagon Alley. This is where wizards from almost all of England buy books. Therefore, the business of this small shop is extremely booming.

Ash came here after leaving the Weasleys' house, and he was going to buy a few books on potions, which happened to be used in conjunction with the "Half-Blood Prince" notes.

Thinking of Snape's nickname, Ash couldn't help but think about what his expression would be if he called Snape's name face to face.
Surely you will throw me a death curse, right?Not necessarily... Maybe it's "Shenfeng Wuying"?
He picked out a few books for beginners and a few more senior books, which he was going to finish by Christmas.

This will also make it easier for him to study the Sorcerer's Stone in the second half of the year. After all, he is still planning to give this stone to Som.

Thinking, a little boy bumped into Ash's leg.

Ash lowered his head slightly and saw the boy's blond hair, and the boy also raised his head and looked at Ash unhappily, as if dissatisfied that he blocked his way.

"Are you all right? Draco?" A magnetic voice came, and a blond male wizard in a gorgeous black robe came over. Gemstone ring, he lifted the boy gracefully, and then slowly glanced at Ash.

"Ash Embers?" He slowly said Ash's name, and then slowly stretched out his hand.

Ash looked at him a little strangely. Ash was sure that he had never seen the man in front of him, but he still stretched out his hand.

"I'm Lucius Malfoy." The man said slowly, "You may not have seen me, but I know you."

"I'm one of the school directors of Hogwarts... I've heard a little bit about Dumbledore's recruitment of you." Lucius said slowly, completely aristocratic.

Ash heard the surname Malfoy, and had a slight impression. This is one of the pure-blood families... Ash nodded, and then he was about to leave. He didn't have any sense of identity with these blood theorists.

"Please stay, Embers." Lucius spoke slowly, but his tone sounded like an order, "I have something to ask you."

Ash turned his head and glanced at Lucius, "What's the matter?" He didn't like others ordering him very much. As Rodland's ashes, only the gods could order him.

"Some advice." Lucius thought for a while and said, "Stay away from the Weasleys, Professor Embers, they are not pure-blood families... they are just a group of shabby households, worse than Mudbloods."

Ash smiled softly when he heard his words, he thought Lucius was going to say something... Is that the end?

"I think Mr. Malfoy wouldn't pay so much attention to an ordinary Hogwarts professor, would he?" Ash said casually, "And, I believe that most professors don't care about pure-blood families, either?"

He is not from this world, and he has more control over these powers than he does. In Rodland, Ash has already raised his sword... That is to say, in this society ruled by law... In a society ruled by law, Ash can't get up as he pleases.

Of course, it was mainly because of Dumbledore. If someone like a Death Eater was talking nonsense in front of him, Ash would have cast the Death Curse long ago.

Lucius turned cold when he heard Ash's words. He shook his robe slightly, as if he didn't want to say anything more to Ash. As a pure-blood wizard, he quarreled with a mudblood in the street... It would be too much of a loss.

"Slightly slightly~ Mudblood!" Draco taunted, leaning against his father's legs. As an excellent dude from a pure-blood family, Draco's sarcasm was full of the kind.

But Ash wouldn't get angry with a child, he just smiled, he didn't care about this so-called pure-blood family, but if everyone was like this Mr. Rudos... or Mr. Lucius If there are a lot of souls... Ash clenched his wand slightly, and before leaving Ash swore that he would take the opportunity to make some extra money.

Seeing the two Malfoys walk away, Ash put away his active thoughts, and he hugged the book tightly, because he still has work to do.


No. [-], Privet Drive, in Little Whinging District, is a two-storey cottage. There is a family of Muggles living here. Like all Muggles, they should only have a vision, and they don't even have a line.

But fortunately, their family adopted a boy, a thin, short-sighted boy with a scar on his forehead.

The famous Harry Potter, of course, is only famous in the wizarding world. For the owners of the house, the Dursleys, this Mr. Potter is undoubtedly an outsider.

Oh, it's actually a nephew or something.

"Dudley? It's time to eat!" Petunia, the hostess of the Dursley family, called her son. He stomped hard on the stairs and walked down.

When he reached the stairs, he also kindly called his relatives, "Harry! Come out of your broken closet to eat!" As he said, he knocked hard on the wooden door.

The boy inside was so shaken that he had to get dressed and turn on the fireplace.

"Sit down my baby, and dinner will be served right away." Petunia smiled and put a saliva pad on her son, and then yelled at Harry who came out: "Hurry up and serve the plate, Harry!"

Harry glared at Dudley, and then had to go to the kitchen again under Petunia's obscenity.

"Come on! Come on!" Dudley yelled. "You want to starve me?"

"Soon, baby Dudley..." Petunia reassured, "Come on, Harry! Are you going to starve your cousin to death?"

It seems that the life of the great savior is not very comfortable. He has lived here since Harry can remember, and he has lived in dire straits every day. Although Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon will give him food and drink, the price is that he has to Endures the torment of his cousin Dudley.

Harry was lying in the closet, watching the dust slowly fall, and he started the fantasies he didn't know how many times, he really wanted to get out of here, he could go anywhere, as long as he got out of here.

"Bang bang!" Dudley's footsteps came, he stepped on the stairs deliberately, and then let the dust fall all over Harry's bed, he did this every day, and he never tired of it.

"This life is terrible!" Harry wrapped himself in the quilt. Fortunately, he recently met a new friend, a spider who lived in the closet like him.

Maybe I should give it a name?Harry thought, he watched the spider weaving its web quietly, he woke up suddenly that night three months ago, as if something was about to come, he felt a certain chill, as if someone was about to kill As dead as him.

Then, he saw the spider, "Are you trying to kill me?" Harry muttered, but he still believed that this should be his friend, right?
Mrs. Figg has a bunch of cats as friends...and I probably should have a spider as friends too.

 Thanks to Little Immortal of the White Tower for a monthly ticket, please recommend another ticket! (ω)
(End of this chapter)

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