Fire Bearer at Hogwarts

Chapter 75 Woka's troubles

Chapter 75 Woka's troubles

The night was getting darker, and the lights of Hogwarts were particularly conspicuous in the dark. Even so, the students were just going to have dinner. After Halloween, the British night in December came especially early.

Woka rubbed her eyes and put down the "Three Hundred Stories Werewolves Have to Tell". She thought this book would be the kind that explained potions or the current situation of werewolves... It turned out that it was actually a book about The complete collection of werewolf jokes.

"My God! None of these three hundred stories are useful..." She lay on the table, almost limp.

"It's time for us to eat, isn't it?" Qiu Zhang picked up the book that fell on the floor with a smile, "It's past seven o'clock now."

"Okay..." Woka shook her head and stood up slowly. She supported her stomach and couldn't help muttering: "Has no one really studied werewolves or wolfbane potions?"

"Maybe you should ask Professor Snape..." Cho Chang said with a smile.

"Ah!" Worka patted his forehead, "It would be better to kill me if you ask him..." Obviously, the half-blood prince Snape was not loved by the "princesses".

Or maybe, there is only one princess in his heart.

But no matter how you say it, Volka will not ask Snape, "He will sarcastically say that I am a troll!" Volka chewed French fries, but still couldn't help muttering to Snape. Pu's dissatisfaction.

"Are you still looking for Professor Embers in a while?" Qiu Zhang asked casually.

"Of course..." Woka nodded, "Wait..." She seemed to realize something.

"Professor Embers should understand this too, right?" There was a smile in her brown eyes, "There is a way!" She wiped her mouth and ran out with her schoolbag.

"I'm going to find Professor Embers." The figure of Fei Ben left only this sentence for Qiu Zhang.

"Hey..." Qiu Zhang shook his head dumbfounded.


Ash was writing a lesson plan for tomorrow's class at this time, and he brought back his pair of sunglasses after Halloween. This kind of dim vision made him more comfortable.

"Hey~ the wontons are here!" Phil was practicing the spell while holding the wand in his mouth, shaking his head, but it seemed to have little effect.

"Bang bang." Woka knocked on the door very fast, and she couldn't help but want to ask Ash about the Wolfsbane potion.

"Please come in." The professor's cold voice came from inside the door, and Woka immediately pushed open the door of the office with a smile.

"Good evening! Professor." She greeted energetically, and then ran to the sofa to put down her schoolbag.

"What's the matter, Miss An Luo?" Ash turned his head slightly, "Today is the first day of vacation, do you have any homework?"

Well, he forgot that he also assigned foot papers to the little ones in first grade.

Volka smiled and nodded, but what he took out from his bag was not parchment, but a red notebook.

"Professor, I have a few questions about potions!" She pushed the notebook onto Ash's desk, "Can I?"

Ash sighed... I didn't expect these students to even ask themselves about Potions... What the hell did I do? Brother Weasley just came to ask him about a few spells, and Vokka immediately He ran over and asked about Potions, which he was least good at.

But for a first-year student... Her question should be very simple, I still have to use those first-year potions...

Just thinking about it, Ash saw the eye-catching wolfbane potion on the notebook...

Is the difficulty too high?
He glanced at Woka blankly: "Isn't this the potion that the first grade should learn?" The same indifference as usual did not reveal the embarrassment in his heart.

"No." Woka shook his head, "Didn't the professor tell us the story of the werewolf this morning..." She pointed her fingers together, "I think they are very pitiful, and I want to help them."

"So you're going to refine Wolfbane potion?" Ash closed his notebook and looked at Woka seriously: "This is very dangerous. As a first-year student, you..."

"I want to improve the wolfbane potion!" Worka whispered, but her words not only stunned Ash, but also made Anna in the portrait behind Ash almost froze...

"Heh..." Anna pursed her lips and laughed, but seeing Volka's determined look, she stopped laughing.

"..." Ash was silent for a moment, thought for a while and said, "This is too difficult for first-year students, you should accumulate more experience."

This somewhat embarrassing speech was considered a "brainstorm" for Ash... If he had just arrived, he probably could have said: "You are too good... just practice more."

Ash's extremely low consolation speech made Worka's eyes darken. She really wanted to help those werewolves.

"Hurry up and finish your homework... I'll tutor you when you have more experience..." Ash shook his head lightly as he spoke, and then looked at his own lesson plans. He really didn't have any comforting words.

Anna in the portrait shook her head slightly as she watched Volka with her head down, and then coughed lightly. Her emerald green eyes looked at Volka gently: " are amazing."

"Huh?" Ash froze for a moment.

"?" Woka raised his head silently.

"Hoo?" Phil's beak was bald.

"You can think of this when you were in the first grade..." Anna said gently, "When I was in the first grade, I still thought about it every day..."

"I just..." Woka clenched his fists, "I'm just very moved by the story of Professor Embers..."

"But you have to know, Woka, the road needs to be taken step by step, and the meal needs to be eaten at one bite." Anna said with a smile, "Aren't you still young? It's rare to have this kind of just need to be careful After a few years of accumulation, you must know that improving wolfbane potion is something that many masters cannot do."

"But..." Woka stared blankly at the red notebook.

"You are very smart, Woka, maybe in two or three years, you will be able to accumulate enough experience. Rescuing werewolves is a great ideal and goal, but you should also understand that even Dumbledore, when he was in the first grade You can't beat Grindelwald..." Anna's words seemed to have an effect, and Worka's disappointed eyes slowly became firm.

She looked at Anna solemnly: "Sister Anna, what should I do?"

It seemed that she was a little flustered by the shout of Anna's sister, and Anna said without pausing: "You can ask Professor Embers for some simple knowledge of potions first, and build up your skills first, can't you?"

Ash was stunned, he turned his head and glanced at Anna, no, he is already busy enough... I have to teach three grade students, I have to take care of an owl, I have to study that slate with Binns, I have to study The fusion of soul magic, to study the Sorcerer's Stone, to save the world, and now I have to teach the little girl Potions?

Anna was stared at by Ash, she also realized something, and quickly said with a smile: "Of course, Professor Embers is very busy, you can ask Snape for advice..." Before she could finish speaking, she saw Voka shaking her head again and again .

"Professor Embers...can I ask you about this?" Woka's brown eyes were filled with tears, and she looked at Ash seriously, even with a hint of crying.

Ash opened his mouth and wanted to say no, but for some reason, he looked at Volka's brown eyes... He thought of the little girl in Rodland...the little girl who cried for him to find his grandfather...Amy...

He sighed slightly... "Okay, but I'm not particularly good at it either..."

I don't know why, but there are emotions in people who should be ruthless... It's really confusing.

 Restore the original update today~⊙ω⊙
(End of this chapter)

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