Fire Bearer at Hogwarts

Chapter 68 The big one is coming!

Chapter 68 The big one is coming!
"Gentlemen and ladies, first of all, I would like to thank the "Gala Gala" skeleton band for their wonderful performance, and the professors for their meticulous preparation." Dumbledore clapped his hands as he spoke, leading the students below to applaud excitedly. Come on.

The Skeleton Band bowed slightly, then left with a rattling sound.

"And then, I wish you all a Happy Halloween." Dumbledore said slowly, he glanced at Snape vaguely, and then continued: "I have lived for more than 100 years...and spent more than 100 Halloweens... Many colleagues said that my spirit is very good, maybe I used some immortality thing.”

Som still kept smiling when he heard it, but those who knew him might have noticed that this gentle smile looked a little weird at the moment.

Dumbledore looked at the students looking at him intently, and smiled slightly, "But even so, I'm not too young... Even if I secretly suck the blood of those bad students every Halloween." The students burst into laughter, and the professors also had smiles on their lips.

After chatting casually for a few more words, he got to the main event.

"Our Professor Embers has brought you an interesting story, using his best spells to show you, so that you can add some fun when enjoying the food." Dumbledore said and clapped his hands .

Following his order, countless delicacies appeared on those empty plates, such as pumpkin soup, pumpkin pie, and pumpkin pastry. Anyway, the content of melon is very high.

After the delicious food was put on the table, Ash's work was about to begin. He stood up and bowed slightly, and then swung the wand in his left hand. The silver-blue mist covered the professor's seat, and with the silver-blue A dark mist appeared, and the candlelight in the auditorium gradually dimmed.

"It's like a Muggle movie theater!" said a well-informed student, and his friends looked at the "screen" intently.

After a while, everyone seemed to be silent in the movie. Ash held the wand in his left hand, and slowly took out another wand in his right hand... This was Phil the owl's wand. His right hand was hanging down, standing in the dark Under the environment, no one noticed his small movements.

"Invisibility." He said silently, and then his figure gradually became transparent with the mist. Although his left hand was still manipulating the screen, taking advantage of several dark scenes in the movie, he gently swung his left hand away from him. An Ash Embers who was exactly like him came out, with a slight smile on his face.

The only difference is that this Ashe's body emits a faint silver light, but it is not so obvious under the thick soul mist.

The cooperation between Biheim and Lothric in the past has allowed them to know many special crystallization magics, including this simple clone spell, which can form a simple double, and its wisdom is determined by the amount of soul injected into it. , Ash didn't save his soul this time.

He injected more than half of his soul into the avatar, because he still needs this avatar to help him manipulate the movie... Bins beside him didn't notice the change in Ash at all, and he was concentrating on watching the picture in the fog.

Ash smiled and patted his avatar on the shoulder, and then slowly left the professor's seat. He slowly passed among the students, and then walked out of the auditorium from the side.

It was all planned by him, when he became aware of the object with a heroic soul... the dim light was his cover, and playing the "movie" for the students was just what provided him. Casting cover.

Obviously, no one noticed his operation, at least he didn't see any changes from the professors through the vision of the clone, and Dumbledore, who he was most worried about, was watching the movie with great interest.

He didn't notice anything wrong the first time.

He smiled slightly, and then used the "invisibility" function to quickly walk through the empty corridors. His goal was the principal's office, and he guessed that Dumbledore might have put that precious thing there.

On the professor's seat, Dumbledore really didn't notice Ash's little tricks. First, he didn't understand this kind of magic from Rodland. Second, his main object of suspicion had already changed from Ash to Thom, who had been fine all along. The professor who was just walking around in the corridor seemed a bit weird compared to Ash who had been doing his duty in class. The third was that he had already cast a spell on the Philosopher's Stone, so that even if a Death Eater got the Philosopher's Stone, He could also take the opportunity to catch all the wandering Death Eaters.

For various reasons, Dumbledore was still watching the movie played by the fake Ash with peace of mind at this time.

But Thom, the Death Eater Ash had always suspected, was not so at ease...

He can indeed be counted as a Death Eater, and he was the last one to join, coming to Hogwarts to steal the Sorcerer's Stone at Voldemort's "request".

But he didn't expect that Dumbledore really hid the Sorcerer's Stone in the school. After the time with Ash, he went to Gringotts secretly, and he didn't find any trace of the Sorcerer's Stone...

He couldn't help suspecting that the Sorcerer's Stone had been taken away by Dumbledore. He had been looking for it in Hogwarts for a long time, but there was no clue about the Sorcerer's Stone... He thought that Dumbledore had hidden the Sorcerer's Stone elsewhere .

But listening to Dumbledore... he realized something... the headmaster's office was the only place he hadn't been.

Dumbledore usually sits in the headmaster's office, and he dare not cross the thunder pool half a step. If the White Devil finds out, then his agreement with Voldemort will be...

Thinking of the Dark Mark engraved on his arm, he couldn't help but clenched his cuffed wand tightly. For his own life and the safety of his family, although Dumbledore's speech was like fishing, he had to take the risk Well, this is probably the closest he's been to getting the Philosopher's Stone this year.

Last time because of hesitation, he was interrupted by that goblin in Gringotts, today he can no longer hesitate... now Dumbledore is in the auditorium, there are no annoying professors and other students running around... just solve the headmaster's office Those talking portraits will do.

Even if you are the White Demon have to see if you have the ability to catch fish when fishing, otherwise your bait will only be swallowed by greedy me. As long as you get the Philosopher's Stone, I will leave tonight.

Making up his mind, Som looked around and saw that everyone seemed to be concentrating on the movie, so he patted Snape beside him, "Professor Snape, I'm going to the toilet."

Don't blame him for being too lame, he didn't know that Ash could perform spells, and he didn't know that the Sorcerer's Stone was really in Hogwarts. Besides, there shouldn't be anyone watching me go to the bathroom, right? ?
Snape nodded without saying anything, he nodded slowly to Dumbledore after watching Thom leave for a few minutes.

Dumbledore also saw Thom leaving, so he nodded at him, motioning for Snape to follow.

Under the cover of darkness, Snape slowly stood up and walked towards the principal's office.

The students didn't notice what happened on the professor's seat at all, they watched the "movie" intently.

Ash specifically picked out a not-so-short Muggle movie. It seemed to be called Flash or something. Flash was still The Shining. He forgot anyway. It was a moderately long horror movie. As for whether it was scary or not, it was not. He thought about it, and he wouldn't look here.

So these little wizards are in bad luck, tonight is destined to be a sleepless night for them, well, maybe the timid professors are also in bad luck...

(End of this chapter)

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