Fire Bearer at Hogwarts

Chapter 65 The Eve of the Halloween Chapter

Chapter 65 The Eve of Halloween
The well-dressed "three people" sat in the office for a while, and they had to wait until the o'clock before going out. Ash didn't want to be surrounded by students on the road.

"It's almost there." Ash looked at his pocket watch. It was already six o'clock, and the dinner party was about to start in an hour, so he and Binns couldn't wait here any longer.

"Then let's go... I haven't been to the auditorium for a while." Binns said and floated out first.

For a split second Ash wondered how long he called a while.

Phil stood on Ash's shoulder, excluding its habit of grunting a few times, it looked like a qualified bat.

There were not many students in the corridor, and they were all gathered in the auditorium at the moment. Of course, except for Mr. Filch who was managing order in the auditorium, the other professors were not there.

They gathered outside the auditorium according to Dumbledore's request, and Ash saw a lot of strange costumes from a distance...

The most conspicuous one is the giant Hagrid. Although he is not considered a professor, he is still very active in participating in this activity as one of the employees. He is wearing a big purple robe and staring at a huge pumpkin head...

It seems he planted it himself?Hagrid had talked about it with Ash, his famously loud voice had a strange muffled voice thanks to the pumpkin.

Like a big drum.

Besides Hagrid, the most conspicuous one should be Dumbledore. He is not short [180], and he is wearing a huge black bat wing... To be honest, Dumbledore Ash dressed as a vampire bat is still very interesting. Want to laugh out loud...

There is also a bat-like mask under the crooked nose... Well, you still know how to play, principal.

Except for the two most distinctive ones, the other professors didn't give in too much.

Flitwick is wearing a red pointed hat. There is no doubt that with his size advantage, he has far surpassed other competitors in cos red hat...

Mag also changed her serious look. She wore a huge lion mask, which looked like a running lion. If she hadn't chatted with Flitwick, Ash wouldn't have known it was that A vice principal who dismissed his teaching plans three times in a row...

"Embers?" Thom's voice came, and he looked at Ash with a puzzled expression, "Professor Binns?" He also saw Binns disguised as a servant.

"A vampire?" Thom smiled gently, obviously recognizing Ash's character.

"What are you?" Ash looked at Som a little strangely. Som was wearing a black-purple robe that was a bit ostentatious, and a silver-white wig on his head...and even wore a fake eye of different colors. He looked at Ash with a smile in his eyes.

"Gellert Grindelwald?" Binns asked suspiciously, he saw Thom's outfit at a glance... To be honest, it's quite similar, except that it lacks that mad and evil aura.

Is it Grindelwald?Ash didn't know Grindelwald's appearance, but looking at Thom's attire... it can only be said that Lord Dark Lord seems to have his own unique aesthetic.

"Oh! Embers!" Hagrid saw Ash, he laughed and walked up to give Ash a hug, "Is it a vampire? Oh! And little Phil!" He stretched out his wide palm and smiled slightly. Helped Fufeier's bat head.

"Nice dress, Embers." Dumbledore said with a smile, "Of course, Binns and Phil are also good."

"Cuckoo!" Phil yelled twice happily, and Binns looked at Dumbledore's expression with a little playfulness.

It seems that Professor Thom doesn't seem to know about the deeper relationship between Dumbledore and Grindelwald... Binns subconsciously glanced at McGonagall, but it's a pity that McGonagall is wearing a big mask, so it doesn't look like she has any interest in this matter. What opinion.

"You guys are late, so let me tell you again." Dumbledore said gently, he flapped his bat wings twice, "At seven o'clock...the ghosts will be the first to attack to create a sense of terror, Then we went out one by one..."

"One by one?" Ash froze...but he didn't feel embarrassed, it was Snape...yes, Snape.

Snape's face was dark, but he didn't change much. He was wearing a classic black robe, and he also wore a big, funny black hat with a playful pumpkin head coat of arms on it.

What kind of dress is this?Ash looked at Snape curiously, "Professor Snape, you are..."

"Dark wizard." Snape said slowly, gnashing his teeth as if this kind of attire already made him very uncomfortable.

You are too perfunctory... Ash thought Binns would be perfunctory enough to change his suit. He didn't expect to be perfunctory with the emperor Snape, but when he thought of Dumbledore's persuasion, he didn't say anything more Stimulate Snape.

Looking at Snape dressed as a "dark wizard", Ash resisted the desire to chat with him, and started chatting with Dumbledore instead.

"Embers, you and Binns go in together, since you are a combination." Dumbledore said and looked at Thom's outfit and smiled.

"Som will follow me?" He said slowly, without any other thoughts.

Som nodded, then smiled gently, pushing his glasses, he smiled and chatted with Ash.

"You're well dressed, Embers." Thom patted the pumpkin on Ash's shoulder, then reached out and wanted to touch Bat Phil.

"Cuckoo! I won't let you touch it!" Phil jumped to avoid Som's "attack", and his immature voice made Som laugh dumbfounded.

"Your one is also good." Ash said, I knew he would be a dark wizard too... Voldemort is good, a black robe, saving money and trouble.

At least it was much more comfortable than this suit, he smoothed out the folds of the suit in dissatisfaction, and then helped Som straighten the neckline.

Thom left with a smile and chatted with other professors, and Ash chatted with Hegbins as a matter of course.

Hagrid was telling Binns about the origin of the huge pumpkin on his head, "I've been planting this big pumpkin for several years! There are red hats every year... Oh, sorry Professor Flitwick, I didn't mention you... ..."

"I'm going to make pumpkin pie with the filling inside! Or improve the rock cake, do you think the orange rock cake will be more appetizing?" Hagrid asked enthusiastically. He looked at Ash and continued: "When I'm ready, please try it."

Uh, Ash really wants to say no... It's not that the rock cake is too bad... It's just that this thing is too hard. Ash suddenly remembered the Midril who devoured the darkness... he was swallowing the rock cake the ashes?

"Remember your title?" Hagrid said with a smile, remembering the nickname given to Ash by the drinkers at the Leaky Cauldron.

"His title?" Binns also looked at Ash curiously.

Ash's face darkened... Hagrid's mouth is really big...

"They call him the Maw of the Fearless..." Looking at Hagrid who was chatting with Binns, Ash wished for a moment that Dumbledore could quickly arrange for the Forbidden Forest keeper to play...

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(End of this chapter)

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