Fire Bearer at Hogwarts

Chapter 53 The Confinement of the Weasleys

Chapter 53 The Confinement of the Weasleys

"Good evening, Mr. Weasley." Ash looked at the two standing at the table and nodded, coming a little earlier than he said.

"Good evening, Professor." The two brothers nodded with a smile, without any sense of guilt about being punished. Not only that, they also smiled and looked at the decorations in the office. The painting behind Ash was what they were most curious about.

"Professor Embers, who is that painting?" George asked boldly.

Ash was slightly taken aback, and he put down the quill in his hand, "The painting I bought in Diagon Alley." He didn't want to explain anything, "You guys came half an hour earlier."

"Hmm." Fred nodded. The two twins did it on purpose, and they had nothing to do anyway. Earlier, it was impossible to get some things from Ash, such as the improved duel pace.

The two didn't know that it was actually a cover thrown by Ash to promote the spy.

"It's good to come half an hour earlier." Ash nodded and didn't delve into anything further. He was going to go to the Thestrals to continue his research on the materialization of the soul.

"You guys stay here and do your homework for a while." Ash stood up and wrapped his robes. "Anna will watch you, and go to Professor Snape at eight o'clock. He is waiting for you."

After finishing speaking, Ash left. He had too many research topics recently, and none of them could be solved in a few days. Therefore, he had to find a breakthrough as soon as possible to facilitate future research.

"I see." Anna in the portrait sighed, she realized that she had become Ash's nanny, or a maid?I used to watch birds, but now I watch students.

"Cuckoo!" Phil, who was standing in the cage, screamed in dissatisfaction. He didn't expect that he would laugh at these two troublemakers before, and he followed in a blink of an eye.

Ash was very dissatisfied with his study yesterday. He still wouldn't say sorry after reading the book for two days, and even pecked at the dictionary to pieces.

So this unscrupulous Ashes withheld Phil's nuts.

"You study hard too." Ash said coldly, and then closed the door of the office.

"Hey." George looked at his younger brother with a smile on his face, and Fred looked at George with the same expression.

After waiting for more than ten seconds to make sure that Ash would not come back, the two happily stood up and walked around the office without paying any attention to their homework.

"You two your homework well." Anna reminded, she was still hoping to make a request to Ash, so she put her hands on her hips and stared at the two troublemakers fiercely, but due to her height and appearance, , only gave a very cute illusion.

George and Fred didn't pay attention to her at all, they were smiling and fiddled with the keel specimens hanging in the office.

"Look at this bone..."

"It's kind of like little Ronnie, hahaha."


"Enough! You two little bastards who haven't grown all their hair!" Anna shouted angrily, and she slapped the table, causing dust to fly in the portrait, "If I tell Ash, he won't let you two go A daring fellow!"

Hearing Ash's name, the two of them restrained themselves a little. It shouldn't be restrained, they just focused their interest on Anna.

"Is your name Anna?" George asked. "Should we call you Ms. Anna?"

"No no no!" Fred shook his head, "Maybe it's Grandma Anna?"

"My name is Anna Florent, you two brats remember that."

"Guess I'm George, or Fred?" George asked with a smile. He stood with Fred, and they looked exactly the same.

"Hehe." Anna sneered, "If I were your parents, I would take a knife and cut off one of your ears!"

"In this way, we can thoroughly recognize who is who!"

George and Fred smiled at each other, and then continued, "Ms. Florent... I'm curious about your relationship with Professor Embers~"

"I haven't seen this painting the last time I came here." Fred shook his head, "Could it be that it was newly bought last week?"

"That's too new, isn't it?"

"Much newer than Dad's car..."

Anna looked at the two talkative boys and shook their heads helplessly, causing Phil to start laughing almost uncontrollably.

"Wait, you dead bird!" Anna cursed, "I'll pluck you a little bit and drink the soup sooner or later!"

"As for the two of you, hurry up and learn, or keep your mouth shut." Anna said holding back her anger, she didn't expect the mess Ash left her to be so tormenting.

"She's very emotional!" George muttered in surprise, "Have you ever heard of the Florens family?"

"No, not at all!" Fred shook his head, "I know Florida!"

"what is that?"

"An American place name? Or the name of an American Muggle leader..." Fred didn't remember clearly.

Seeing that there was no one else chatting, Anna grinned sneeringly, "George Weasley and Fred Weasley, I've heard of you two... make some small inventions every day, and then play pranks on your classmates? Maybe someone will like it You, but I believe that if it were me, I would find an opportunity to send you to see Merlin."

"Nonsense." George shook his head, "Everyone likes us very much!"

"That's the truth." Fred also nodded.

"Hehe." Anna smiled sarcastically, "That's their disguise, 'If only George and Fred could study hard~' Guess who said that?"

"Sometimes I wish George and Fred would disappear!"

"They cost Gryffindor points again!"

"Damn red-haired Weasley~"

"Weasley? What a broken house..."


"Angelina, stop playing with the two Weasleys!"

As Anna continued to narrate, the two brothers who had denied it at the beginning became silent. They could hear the shadow of their classmates in every sentence... The portrait in front of them must not remember so many names.

In other words, these words may really be said by their friends.

"Hey, gentlemen of Weasley... do you understand your situation now? Only each other? Hey hey hey." Anna sneered and shut up. She didn't come to persuade the two little guys to be kind, she just Shut up these two.

"Is it true what she said?" whispered George, irritated by the words.

Fred nodded slightly, "I, I don't know either." He looked at his hands and recalled what he had done before.

Sneaking up on Lee Jordan with a big dung egg... putting chocolate frogs in Angelina's school bag... giving Cedric a try on their prank wand... pouring water in the hallway in winter for Filch to wrestle...

It seems that they have indeed done all kinds of evil things...and they almost lost their lives in sneaking into the Forbidden Forest recently...if it wasn't for the help of Professor Embers...they thought of Ash who was very angry at that time.

"We, are we too playful?" George muttered.

Fred shook his head, but said nothing.

The playful nature of the Weasley brothers is actually nothing, but their mischievous behavior does always bring danger to their friends or is a bad joke... It's not that the two of them are bad-hearted, it should just be that they can't grasp the degree, When they grow up, they will naturally start to change, but if they can calm down early and put their temper on developing their own products and learning magic spells, it is estimated that there will be more achievements in the future...

 Ask for tickets for collections!

(End of this chapter)

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