Fire Bearer at Hogwarts

Chapter 457 Merry Christmas (single chapter)

Chapter 457 Merry Christmas (single chapter)
The autumn wind quietly took away all the hustle and bustle, and gave the quiet and peace to the winter. With the first snow falling slowly on the land of Britain, the annual Christmas came again.

"George, Fred, can you help me drag the Christmas tree in?" Mrs. Molly's voice came from the kitchen to remind the two brothers who were still fighting in the living room to come and help.

"Good mother!" George nodded and pulled Fred up.

"Come on, Fred, we want little Ronnie and the others to feel the 'warmth' of home."

Fred nodded: "That's right, who told them to come so late?"

The brothers opened the door and walked into the small courtyard of the Burrow, where there was a fallen pine tree that Fred and George had cut down at Hogwarts the other day.

"By the way, why didn't Volka come?" Fred put his hand on the pine tree and asked, "Are you still busy with potions class?"

"Otherwise?" George shrugged and said, "She doesn't like Professor Snape's dark classroom. She is applying for a new classroom recently."

"Tsk tsk, I don't think Principal McGonagall will approve it." Fred said casually, "I heard that Hogwarts is planning to build a new dueling magic classroom."

"Professor Florent told you?" George thought for a while and asked, "She didn't tell Walka."

"She came to the shop that day, and you weren't here." Fred opened the door and carried the pine tree inside.

"Well, it seems to be my problem~" George said with a smile, and together with Fred struggled to set up the tree.

"Nice pine tree," said Mrs. Mollie, laughing.

"Of course, Mom." George and Fred said in unison, "It was cut from Hogwarts."

"You guys still have the energy." Molly blinked and said, "Arthur said he won't be back until night."

"Oh~ what a poor Secretary Weasley!" The brothers made a funny expression.

Molly was about to speak again when there was a knock on the door.

But it was pushed away with almost no pause.

"Oh! My little Ronnie!" Seeing the people who came in, both George and Fred looked happy. They looked at Ron with the kind of eyes that came from within...well, happy!
Ron saw George and Fred take a step back subconsciously, and Hermione behind him pressed his shoulder.

"Oh?" George and Fred also saw Hermione, and they immediately bowed pretendingly.

"Director Granger, Law Enforcement!"

"You two..." Ron shook his head and walked in with Hermione. There were still snowflakes on their shoulders, and it was obvious that they had rushed all the way.

"Oh? Ronnie is back?" Mrs. Molly's voice came: "There's Hermione, right?"

Ron smiled slightly and said, "The two of us."

Hermione nodded slightly at him, then took off her scarf and walked into the kitchen. It was obvious that women could chat more easily than men.

"Oh! Ronnie, I heard that the Ministry of Magic's Auror team is being trained by you, right?" Fred asked curiously, "Did you really train them with trolls?"

"Isn't it a fire dragon?" George scratched his head and said, "I heard it was a fire dragon."

"It's not that exaggerated." Ron shrugged and said, "I use an eagle-winged ogre."

His words made both George and Fred laugh, after all they could already imagine the faces of the Aurors when they were being chased.

"Patta." The three had just chatted a few words before the door was pushed open again, and Walka walked in together with Ginny and Harry. The three of them had obviously met on the road.

Seeing Woka coming, George quickly stood up and gave her a hug: "Has Principal McGonagall agreed to change the classroom for you?"

Volka looked quite happy, she nodded with a smile and said, "She discussed it with Professor Snape, and the Defense Against the Dark Arts class is now in the basement."

"He still can't forget his old place." Harry said casually, but he looked quite tired, as if he had just experienced some torture, and he looked at Ron with a trace of resentment.

"Oh, don't be like this, Harry!" Ron smiled and hugged Harry: "You are the head of the Auror office, and I'm here to help you improve your combat effectiveness."

"So you let them run ten kilometers in the snow?" Ginny pouted and stood in front of Harry and said, "Ron, I warn you..."

Listening to what the two of them said, everyone laughed.

Soon, with Mr. Weasley returning with Percy, the Christmas dinner at the Weasley family began.

"Where's Sirius, aren't you with him?" Ron asked casually.

"He went to the Order of the Phoenix meeting." Harry thought for a while and said, "After all, they haven't seen each other for seven or eight years."

"Yeah, it's been seven or eight years..." Ron muttered, his hand gently resting on Hermione's: "I didn't expect it to be so long."

"Yeah." Harry nodded too, "It feels like it just happened."

Seven or eight years have passed since that war. During these seven or eight years, the righteous people have returned to their homeland. With the reconstruction of Hogwarts, Beauxbatons and other colleges, as well as the Ministry of Magic in Britain, France and other countries, the whole of Europe The wizarding world seems to be back to its former self.

It's just that this wizarding world is younger and more dynamic than before.

The British Ministry of Magic now has the youngest director and director in the world, and is truly the youngest Ministry of Magic.

It is true that the recovery speed of the wizarding world is very fast. Seven or eight years of effort have basically healed the scars left by that war, but there are still many Death Eaters still fleeing.

But all this seems to have nothing to do with the beauty of the present.

"By the way, has there been any movement at that door recently?" Woka asked after thinking about it.

"No." Harry sighed and shook his head: "Although Phil has been guarding there, there has been no movement at that door in recent years."

"I heard that it was opened a few years ago." Hermione interjected, "It is said that something escaped from it."

"A strange crystalline lizard." Harry thought for a while and said, "Professor Embers hasn't come to claim it yet."

"Have you handed over to the Department of Magical Beasts Control and Management?" Volka asked curiously.

"Hmm." Harry nodded, "Mr. Scamander seems to be very interested in him."

With the chatting of several people, the Christmas dinner soon ended. For them, all these celebrations could not compare to a warm fireplace.

Feeling the warmth of the fireplace, several people leaned together and chatted casually.

"I don't know, what are Charlie and the others doing?" Ron thought about it and said, "Is Fire Dragon so busy?"

"It's not just about the fire dragon, Gringotts is also very busy." Percy said, "Gringotts is directly discussing cooperation with the Ministry of Magic, the purpose is to reduce the use of crystal anchor magic to enter the vault privately." Behavior."

"No wonder Bill didn't have a vacation." Ron shook his head and looked at Hermione who was chatting with Volka and Ginny.

"By the way, have you considered having a child?" George asked with a smile, holding a glass of pumpkin juice in a rather formal manner.

"No rush." ​​Ron shook his head: "We've been very busy recently."

"That's right..." George nodded, "It's really busy..."

"What are you busy with?" Fred patted his brother with a smile: "You've been running out recently, okay?"

"Outside?" Percy frowned: "Is it the Muggle world?"

"No, no!" George quickly waved his hand, "Don't listen to Fred's nonsense."

The laughing discussion of several people made both Mr. Weasley and Mrs. Molly smile.

"You made the right choice to bring Ash." Mrs. Molly said with a smile.

"Well~ I think so too." Mr. Weasley nodded.


It was snowing heavily at Hogwarts, and the school was filled with the atmosphere of Christmas, but these things seemed a bit old to Professor Binns.

The ghost professor turned on his record player again, and then lay on it quietly listening to the music.

"Bang bang bang." There was a sudden knock on the door, which made him frown slightly. You know, no one usually looks for him.

"What's the matter?" he asked slowly.

"Patta." The person who knocked on the door seemed to ignore him and pushed the door open and walked in.

Seeing the person who pushed the door and entered, Binns was taken aback for a moment.

The man stood at the door, holding a pot of blue hibiscus flowers in his hands, and then smiled: "Merry Christmas, Professor Binns."

Professor Binns looked at him with a slight smile on his face.

"Merry Christmas, Ash Embers."

(End of this chapter)

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