Fire Bearer at Hogwarts

Chapter 453 Time Like Flowing Water (2 in 1)

Chapter 453 Time Is Like Flowing Water (Two in One)

"Harry...they've evacuated." In the deep forest, a team consisting of Ron, Hermione, Harry, Julian and Cedric was hiding in it.

Their appearance is quite different from before. Harry and Ron have become young people now, and they no longer look immature. Cedric even has a short beard. Looking through the binoculars, he observed the black-robed wizard leaving in the distance.

Julianne and Hermione have also matured a lot, and it can be seen that they have more tenacity than two years ago.

"These guys are getting closer and closer to us." Ron muttered, "Maybe we should make some noise in Milan to attract them."

"Forget it Ron." Hermione shook her head and said, "Have you forgotten how Professor Moody and Professor Flitwick died?"

Her words made everyone bow their heads, and they didn't want to think about that day very much.

"But we can't hide forever." Ron muttered, "It will be dangerous when they find Hogwarts."

"Mr. Robert's research has already made progress, hasn't it?" Harry thought for a while and said, "We just need to wait for the completion of the device that can convert the energy of the abyss."

"You'd better not have too much hope." Julian curled her lips: "Father's research is only at the level of resisting the abyss."

"As for transformation, there may be a long way to go."

"That's enough, isn't it?" Harry encouraged his friends: "His strength is getting weaker, isn't he?"

"That's the truth." Ron nodded in agreement with Harry's opinion. Since the end of the Battle of Beauxbatons two years ago, Voldemort has rarely shown himself. It is said that he suffered a fatal chest wound, and he has not been seen until now. better.

"Then we can't take it lightly." Hermione said slowly, "He has already controlled Germany, France, and England..."

"And if he shows up again..."

"Then I will fight him." Harry said slowly, and he slowly pulled out the long sword at his waist. The faint golden light from the long sword illuminated the faces of several people.

"Sometimes I really should thank Professor Embers." Hermione looked at the sword and shook her head slightly.

Her words made everyone fall into silence and thinking. Ever since that war, Ash had mysteriously disappeared. Some people suspected that he was dead, but more people believed that he was just injured.

Of course, Anna told everyone that he just went home.

But in any case, after he left, what he left was distributed to the students of Hogwarts. These students who got his weapons or remembered him formed an army against Voldemort. They called themselves Ash Guard.

"It's okay, Professor, he must be alive, but he's not with us." Ron said slowly, and he also carried a big sword behind his back, which was exactly the moonlight sword he used to kill the basilisk. .

"Okay, it's time for us to leave." Cedric put down the binoculars and said, "It's time to take these supplies back."

Cedric was referring to nothing else. He was talking about the food supplies on Harry's back. In the face of Voldemort's continuous invasion, these Hogwarts students and the wizarding party began to leave in order not to bring disaster to the Muggle world. City.

And in order to prevent more and more traitors from betraying the new base, they had to disperse into small gathering points one after another.

Although there are not many people in these small gathering points, they have to find their own way in the face of increasingly scarce supplies.

Soon, Harry and his team returned to their headquarters, a secret base underground.

This was a manor once built by the Wizarding Party, but the manor was destroyed during Voldemort's invasion, so...a gathering place was set up underground under the ruins.

"Harry..." Seeing him bring people back, everyone in the gathering area nodded slightly at him. This boy who survived another catastrophe without losing his fighting spirit has become the spiritual pillar of everyone.

This gathering place brought together wizards from England, France, Italy, and Germany. These people who did not want to be enslaved by the abyss united with Harry.

"Harry, the supplies from the Magical Congress of America have been intercepted by Death Eaters." Ginny had just returned to the gathering place, and Ginny told Harry a bad thing.

"There are a lot of food in those supplies, and of course there are a lot of magic materials."

"Can you organize a team to get it back?" Harry asked slowly.

"I'm afraid not." Sirius said. The past two years didn't seem to have changed much for him. He always looked a little scruffy. He drank the water in his glass and said, "The last sneak attack has already happened." Got the attention of the Death Eaters."

"They are now more vigilant. If too many people are sacrificed." Sirius shrugged: "It is not very cost-effective."

"Hmm..." Harry nodded slightly, and then said, "Then we can only cut short for a few days."

After finishing speaking, he put down the long sword on his waist and walked into a tent.

There are bottles and jars and various instruments here, and at the same time, there is a girl who is busy with something with her head down.

"Sister Volka?" Harry called out the girl's name: "How is your research going?" "

"There has been a lot of progress." Woka said without raising her head. Her short hair has grown very long now, almost covering her entire back.

"It would be even better if you could provide me with more materials." Volka said and gently dripped a few drops of an unknown liquid into the crucible.

"Now it can cure the slight erosion of the abyss." Woka looked at the potion in the crucible and said, "But it is still difficult to get rid of the more serious erosion."

"Hmm..." Harry nodded and walked to Worka, then picked up the small bottle and said, "That's it?"

"Yeah." Volka nodded and asked after thinking, "Have you tried the potion I gave you?"

"easy to use?"

"It's very useful." Harry nodded, "Those Death Eaters didn't notice us at all."

"That would be great." Woka extinguished the fire in the crucible and said, "You need to save those invisibility potions, there are only five or six bottles in total."

"Yeah." Harry nodded and left the tent, he was going to deliver these things to their courier.

But when he reached the door of the tent, Harry's heart began to feel uneasy again, wondering if she would like to see him... Harry swallowed, and then knocked on the door.

"Gee, who?"

A familiar voice came from inside.

"It's me, Harry."

"Cuckoo, Phil doesn't like you." Phil's voice came: "Cuckoo, don't come in."

Sure enough... Phil's answer was within Harry's expectations. Ever since Professor Embers disappeared, Phil began to show estrangement to everyone. Except for Voka, Anna and others, she didn't even want to see anyone .

"Ahem, Phil, Volka's experiment was successful. She has temporarily developed a potion that can remove the mild abyss."

"I hope you can bring them to Professor McGonagall."

"Coo coo coo." Phil's voice came from inside: "Leave the door open, coo."

"Okay." Harry nodded lightly. It was a blessing that Filken helped them deliver the items. In the current situation where the Death Eaters' minions are all over Europe, only an owl with the ability to cast spells like Fil can deliver letters and supplies.

Because ordinary owls have become the prey of the Death Eaters, they will not let any owl leave these places alive.

And the fireplace was forced to close because of the suspected traitor, and the surroundings of the gathering places were also cast with spells that prohibited apparition, and only a small number of portkeys could travel between the gathering places.

Of course, there is also Anna who masters crystal teleportation, but she is now with Professor McGonagall.

Not long after, the door of the tent was slowly opened, and Phil, who was the same as before, came out with a long sword on his back. After not seeing Harry, she slowly picked up the potion on the ground and walked back into the tent.

It has been two years since she lost contact with her master. In the past two years, she has traveled to and from Britain, France, Italy and even the United States countless times.

It's just that she didn't find any trace of her master...

Anna told her that Ash had gone home, but Phil didn't understand, isn't the master's home Hogwarts?

Phil clutched Ash's wand in the house, the only thing she'd found in the explosion.

She could feel that the master's soul still remained on it, and she also believed that the master could come back...

Phil picked up a few nuts on the table and ate them into his mouth, then flapped his wings behind her, and she turned into an owl.

She's going to deliver something for Harry Potter.

Damn Harry Potter... the master disappeared because he was protecting him, didn't he?
Phil left the underground base with the package and flew out from the gap in the forest canyon. Her goal was the headquarters of the Wizarding Party near Rome, which was considered a relatively safe place.

But not long after she flew out, she saw a strange person.

It was a girl from the gathering place. She came from Durmstrang College in Germany, but for some reason, she was not heading towards the gathering place at this time.

Instead, her target appears to be an area controlled by the Death Eaters.

Got it!

Phil immediately wanted to fly over to stop the girl, but before she had time to land, she felt a powerful dark aura.

With her keen perception, she quickly stopped flying low and started flying towards the sky instead. She could feel whose breath it was, even after many years.


"What!?" Harry looked at Phil in front of him and couldn't react for a while.

"Is Voldemort coming?" The faces of the others were more or less panicked.

"That's right!" Phil nodded and said, "I can feel his breath, cuckoo, I guess he's coming soon!"

"Right now?!" Ron immediately pulled out the moonlight sword behind him.

"Harry, you evacuate first." Sirius said immediately: "I and others will cover you."

"That's right." Cedric also nodded: "If Voldemort really came, it would be very dangerous."

Harry looked at their faces and shook his head slightly: "Maybe we don't need to evacuate, isn't this a chance?" He said, "Voldemort has no Horcrux...and is injured."

"This is our chance to kill him!"

"As long as Voldemort is killed, we will be victorious."

Harry's words stunned everyone.

"It's too risky," said Hermione.

"I suggest you evacuate first." Cedric also expressed his opinion.

However, both Sirius and Julian nodded slightly.

"I think it's okay." Sirius thought for a while and said, "He certainly didn't expect that we would be waiting for him here."

"If there is a sneak attack, we are sure to kill him." Julian also said.

"Then do this!" Harry said, "Let's lie in ambush on the top wall of the cave, wait for him to enter the cave, and then attack."

As he said that, a flash of determination flashed in his eyes: "If there is no way to kill him, we will directly collapse the entire cave."

"And die with him."

"A good plan." Sirius said affirmatively: "We need the spirit of adventure now."

"But..." Hermione was about to speak, but she saw the determined expression on Ron's face, so she smiled slowly and shook her head: "Okay, okay... then let's take a risk."


"Great Dark Lord, why do you want to lead the team yourself at this moment?" Several Death Eaters knelt down and looked at Voldemort strangely.

"Hmph." Voldemort sent the two of them flying with a flick of his wand. He looked at the two bold guys and said, "Because I can feel... Harry Potter is there."

"Master, it's better for me to catch him and offer it to you." Snape said slowly, he looked far calmer than other Death Eaters.

"No need, Severus." Voldemort smiled and shook his head: "I said, I would kill him with my own hands..." Voldemort felt the stabbing pain in his chest, and had to stop speaking later.

His eyes swept over the two Death Eaters, and then he said, "Seal the entire cave and don't let anyone leave."

"Yes, Master!" The two Death Eaters scrambled out of Voldemort's sight, watching them leave, Voldemort felt that everything was under control again.

Just kill Harry Potter... then it's all over.

Although he didn't know why, he didn't die under his death curse, but Voldemort could clearly feel that Harry must die this time.

Snape beside him sighed inwardly, he hadn't delivered information for a long time... and he didn't know what happened to Harry and the others.

But... his hand holding the wand trembled slightly, no matter what... Voldemort had to be killed this time, because Snape could sense that Voldemort had already started to make new Horcruxes.

If a new Horcrux appears again... then everything before will come to naught.

(End of this chapter)

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