Fire Bearer at Hogwarts

Chapter 45 Eye-opening dissertation guidance 【Please recommend for collection】

Chapter 45 Eye-opening dissertation guidance 【Please recommend for collection】

"The author of the following paper is John Sculley." Ash said and picked up the paper.

But what made him frown slightly was the content of the article... He shook his head slightly as he looked at the paper, which was less than three lines long.

"Who is Mr. Sculley?" he asked.

Then a boy with blond hair stood up timidly, he was holding the hem of his clothes with both hands and looked quite disturbed.

"Professor..." He whispered, his voice was as thin as a mosquito, which aroused the doubts of some students.

"Mr. Sculley, why is your thesis only three lines?" Ash asked. He looked at the content and continued: "And the content seems to have nothing to do with the topic of our thesis..."

"Hold, I'm sorry, Professor." John lowered his head and didn't know what he was thinking, while the girl sitting next to him was quietly holding his hand as if to comfort him.

Ash frowned and said, "Please stop after class, Mr. Sculley." After speaking, he put the paper on the other corner of the table.

"The next paper is..." Ash carefully deciphered the scribbled handwriting, "It's Groot Vince."

"It's me!" shouted a burly boy, flicking the red and yellow scarf around his neck.

Ash nodded and continued to read: "When facing a dark wizard, you must judge his strength... I divide the strength of the wizard as follows: first, the worst strength, represented by Slytherin students..."

This sparked a chuckle from the other students, Ash signaled for everyone to be quiet, and then continued to read: "The next is Hufflepuff, then Ravenclaw, the strongest class of students should be us Gryffindors. "

"Woohoo!" several brave little lions whistled.

"Five points deducted from Gryffindor." Ash said lightly and continued to read: "Then the Aurors of the Ministry of Magic, they are only a little better than the students! Then there are the dark wizards, most of them are not as powerful professors of the college."

Ash stopped when he read it. He looked at Groot Vince, who was blushing, and said, "Dividing strength is also a way...but it's just a division. Strength." He looked around, "Most professors should not be his opponent..."

"What about you, Professor?" A little lion asked boldly, "George and Fred said that you can defeat dozens of eight-eyed spiders."

His words drew nods from the other students, who seemed to have known about it overnight.

Ash smiled slightly, causing the indoor temperature to drop several levels, "My words..." He thought for a while, "Shouldn't they be on par?" After finishing speaking, he didn't care about these excited students but went on to say, " And your thesis contains a stereotype in the division of strength..."

Ash didn't know why these Gryffindor students hated Slytherin so much, but he continued: "So this paper lacks a certain degree of authenticity, have you checked the information in the library?"

"Ah." Groot was stunned for a moment, "There is no professor."

"That's what you need." Ash casually commented a few more words before turning to the next paper.

"The author of this paper is Al Leonard." Ash nodded slightly, he was a little impressed by this rigorous student.

He looked at the weak-looking child wearing glasses and nodded slightly, then lowered his head and muttered: "When facing a dark wizard, you first need to ensure your own safety. You can throw your belongings or Garen on the ground to attract his attention." Attention, because according to the data in the book "The Rise of the Dark Wizard", most of the dark wizards are relatively poor, and they need money."

Ash paused, and then gave Leonard a look of admiration, "This is something everyone can learn from...Mr. Leonard did a great job writing a thesis based on the library's reference materials."

Leonard's face was reddish, and he looked very happy.

Ash continued: "If money can't attract these dark wizards, what is needed is to use all available things, such as releasing red fireworks magic to ask for help... or pretending that one's parents or teachers are nearby, the probability of successful escape Very low, according to the "Dark Wizard Crime Collection", only about 11.00% of people can escape the pursuit of the dark wizard."

"Use wisdom to fight for it." Ash nodded, "Very good idea."

"Five points for Gryffindor," Ash said.

"Mr. Leonard's thesis has some value, but when facing dark wizards, what we need most is to maintain a calm heart. We must first think about whether there is anything around us that can be used." Ash said after considering the words : "Under certain conditions, complex terrain, turbulent rivers, some prank props...even animal dung can be used."

Looking at the students who looked a bit ugly, Ash continued: "When using these things, we need to remember the most important point, that is not to put ourselves in danger, such as Knockturn Alley... such as the Forbidden Forest."

Obviously, Ash is borrowing from those two mischievous Weasley brothers.

Soon, the class was over, and the students walked out of the classroom talking and laughing together, and they started to think about how to stay rational under the Cruciatus Curse.

"So, Mr. Scully..." Ash looked at the two people who stayed in the classroom and frowned slightly, "This is..."

"Professor, I am Susan Meadow." The girl said with a slightly red face, "I, I am very worried about him..."

Ash nodded slightly, didn't say anything more, but continued to look at the boy with his head down and asked, "Mr. Scully, why didn't you finish your thesis properly?"

"Sorry, Professor." Sculley whispered, but he didn't say why.

Ash sat in front of him, thought for a while and stretched out his hand to touch his head, "You can tell me something, and I will help you, okay?"

Although his tone was still cold, Ash swore it was his gentlest tone.

Susan next to the boy slightly opened her mouth to say something, but looked at John Sculley with his head down, and just sighed.

"Miss Meadow, do you know what happened?" Ash asked, and he keenly noticed that this girl seemed to know something.

"Susan..." As soon as John opened his mouth, Ash looked at him seriously, "I'm not asking you, Mr. Scully."

"John, John..." Susan thought for a while and continued, "He was bullied..."

"Who?" Ash was taken aback for a moment, he didn't expect that there were still people bullying students in school.

"Yes, yes..." Susan's expression became a little strange, and John raised his head to reveal his black eye circles, "It's an owl...Professor."


ah?Ash was stunned, he didn't expect the answer to be this.

John also seemed to feel very ashamed. He was bullied by an owl, and he was afraid that he would die of a joke if he said it.

 Please recommend and collect, everyone!If you have any questions, you can speak freely in the comment area, the author will study the comment area 24 hours a day! O(≧▽≦)O


(End of this chapter)

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