Fire Bearer at Hogwarts

Chapter 442 The Big One is Coming (2 in 1)

Chapter 442 The Big One is Coming (Two in One)

Time passed quickly, and in a blink of an eye, the spring breeze had just blown through Hogwarts, and the breath of summer had already arrived. The Forbidden Forest of Hogwarts was dyed red, as if to welcome the summer generally.

The past few months seem to be a relatively easy life for all wizards with righteous hearts. The attacks of the Death Eaters are getting weaker and weaker, while the Aurors of the Ministry of Magic are getting stronger and stronger. Under the leadership of Rauch, they sabotaged the offensives of the Death Eaters time and time again.

Sometimes one can't help but feel that maybe the day of victory is approaching.

However, Harry's heart has been feeling oppressed. He has been having nightmares for the past few days. He always sees Voldemort and the burning Hogwarts.

But Sirius just smiled and told him not to worry, the Order of the Phoenix was ready to destroy the Horcrux found in Gringotts.

And Harry's task is to find the Horcrux in the Room of Requirement. Harry has also mobilized his classmates for this matter these days.

But obviously... everyone didn't gain anything from this Horcrux.

It is buried in the vast ocean of the House of Requirement, and there is no trace of it.

"Harry?" Harry hadn't been sitting here for a long time when Hagrid's voice came. Since Dumbledore's death, the half-blood giant suffered the most. He has been depressed for a long time, and he only recovered last month Come on.

"Are you thinking about him?" Hagrid seemed to be mistaken, sitting next to Harry with a rock pie in his hand.

"Hmm..." Harry nodded slightly, and he was embarrassed to tell Hagrid that he was thinking about other things. He admitted that he did miss Dumbledore, and then continued: "I'm still thinking about the Horcrux."

"Oh, nothing to worry about Harry." Hagrid said with a smile. "His Death Eaters were beaten by the Aurors of the Ministry of Magic, and there is only one Horcrux now, we don't know where it is." .”

"We have already won half of this war..." Hagrid slowly got up, and then punched the tree next to him: "When the time comes, we must let the traitor Snape taste The price of betrayal."


"They may think that their war is half won..." Voldemort was followed by dozens of Death Eaters. They were walking on the streets of Godric's Hollow, and at their feet lay a dozen proud men. Ro.

"But they don't's all just a joke..." Voldemort said as he swung his wand, killing the Aurors on the ground.

"Go, find Dumbledore's tomb...and tell me." He said to the Death Eaters under him. After months of torture, the old Batty finally revealed the exact location of Dumbledore's tomb...

It also allowed Voldemort to resume operations that had stalled for so long.

The purpose of Voldemort's coming here is to seize the Elder Wand, and by the way... also to get Dumbledore's body.

Those guys from the abyss needed Dumbledore's body. Although Voldemort didn't know why, he naturally wouldn't stop it.

"Severus, you go to investigate Dumbledore's old house." Voldemort said slowly: "Bella, you go to investigate the Potter's house..."

That's right, Godric, one of the gathering places for wizards, is the residence of many wizards. There is even a statue of Harry in the square here. Of course, this statue was destroyed when Voldemort first came.

He watched his two capable men leave. Voldemort chose to close his eyes and stand quietly in the middle of the square. He knew that the Ministry of Magic would not come. Naturally, the Order of the Phoenix would not know all this. , he began to think about what would happen after he got the Elder Wand.

Soon, a Dark Mark was lit in the air, and Voldemort flicked his wand and disappeared in place.

Looking at a group of Death Eaters kneeling on one knee in front of him, Voldemort nodded slightly, and then set his eyes on an ordinary tombstone in front of him.

"Buried here is Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore." Voldemort chuckled as he looked at the long list of names, and terrible laughter enveloped the area .

"Master..." Bella and Snape, who saw the Dark Mark, also slowly appeared here, and the two quickly lowered their heads when they saw Voldemort laughing.

Voldemort looked at the tombstone, the expression in his eyes began to change constantly, and his smile became more and more rampant. Finally, he swung his wand at the tombstone.

A spell flashed from the tip of the wand and hit the tombstone directly.

Snape's eyelids twitched slightly, and Dumbledore's tombstone was smashed to pieces by Voldemort just like that. Along with his movement, the other Death Eaters also began to laugh wildly. This is how it ended.

Voldemort moved his wand again, the soil was quickly peeled off, and an ordinary coffin slowly flew out from it. From the outside, it was impossible to know that this was Dumbledore's burial place. There was not even a single pattern on the plain coffin. , consisting of only the most common contour lines.

"Click." Voldemort gently pushed the coffin away, and he saw Dumbledore inside. Dumbledore closed his eyes calmly, as if he was not suffering any pain, and there was no expression on his usual gentle face.

Voldemort's eyes flicked to Dumbledore, then to the wand resting on Dumbledore's chest.

The wand looked like an old stick, but Voldemort knew full well that it was one of the Deathly Hallows... and one of the most useful.

A death wand made of thestral tail hair and elderberry.

The Elder Wand...

Voldemort slowly stretched out his hand to pinch the wand, and then chuckled. The terrifying power was almost transmitted from the end of the wand to his whole body. Although there was still a bit of stagnation, this terrifying power had already satisfied Voldemort. up.

He looked at the Death Eaters around him and nodded: "It's time to take action, kill Harry Potter...and then destroy Hogwarts."

"Assemble all, we have great things to do," said Voldemort, with a cruel smile on his face, and disappeared with a flick of his wand.


As Voldemort left, the other Death Eaters also left, waving their wands.

Only Snape stayed at the end. He looked at the messy cemetery and sighed softly, then slowly swung his wand to restore everything to its original state. Before leaving, he took one last look at Dumbledore's face Tombstone, eyes stayed on the line of small characters under the name for a long time.

"May good always triumph over evil."

Snape shook his head slightly. He wanted to inform the Order of the Phoenix of what had happened here, and then tell them that Voldemort was ready to take action.


"The weather on Tuesday, May [-]: sunny..." Ash, the avatar, was sitting quietly in the office writing his diary, when suddenly, the door of the office was pushed open.

Sirius looked at him anxiously and said, "We should go. Kingsley told us that something happened to the Ministry of Magic."

"Voldemort attacked the Ministry of Magic?" the clone asked, looking up, not looking in a hurry.

Seeing his unhurried appearance, Sirius nodded immediately: "That's right, and the Death Eaters are very powerful, they have already defeated many Aurors."

"Are they going to die?" Ash said slowly, his finger resting on his wand.

"That's right," said Sirius, "we should be leaving..."


"Even if they die, shouldn't they choose Hogwarts?" Ash, the clone, said slowly, "Is there anything worthy of them in the Ministry of Magic?"

"Maybe they just want to kill Crouch?" Sirius shook his head: "I'll go there first, you'd better hurry up too..."

"..." Watching Sirius leave, the avatar Ash had bad thoughts in his heart. As Ash's individual consciousness, he had the closest memory to the time in Biheim... He was deeply impressed by the intriguing school days.

It also made him suspicious...he didn't think the Ministry's defenses could be breached so easily, and he didn't think... Voldemort would be foolish enough to attack the Ministry.


The clone Ash shook his head lightly. He didn't think such a thing would happen... But if it happened, then Hogwarts might usher in the biggest crisis.

When the time comes to face the main body will be difficult for me...

Thinking of the order that Ash left him, he nodded slightly, and then immediately walked towards the principal's office.

Along the way, he met many students, including Harry.

"Harry, follow me." He immediately waved to Harry.

"What's the matter, Professor?" Harry was sweating profusely after finishing his own training.

"Go find Professor Moody and tell him to go to the principal's office. Tell any professor you meet along the way."

"What happened?" Harry was taken aback, he felt that something big was about to happen.

"A bad thing." The avatar frowned and said: "From now on, don't leave the main castle of Hogwarts, and then always follow those Aurors who protect you."

"Okay, okay..." Harry was nodding his head when Ash had already stepped out.

He walked quickly, and he arrived in front of the principal's office within a short time.

"Lonsky feint."

As Ash said the password, the door of the principal's office opened slightly, and Ash stepped on the platform that appeared immediately.

"Ash?" Mag looked puzzled at Ash who suddenly appeared: "Is there anything?" Since Dumbledore's death, Ash hadn't come to the principal's office for a while, and Mag thought it was because of Ash. The sadness in my heart also changed a lot for him in a short time.

"Minerva, the Ministry of Magic is under attack. They have asked the Order of the Phoenix for support. Now, except for you and Moody, all members of the Order of the Phoenix have gone to the Ministry of Magic."

"Even the Aurors who were patrolling in large numbers left."

"..." McGonagall frowned slightly listening to Ash's words: "Has Voldemort appeared in the Ministry of Magic?"

"I don't know." Ash shook his head: "This is what Sirius told me..."

"You didn't go... Do you feel there is a problem?" McGonagall responded quickly.

"That's right." Ash frowned and said, "They most likely want to attack Hogwarts."

"But..." Mag thought and shook his head: "If what happened to the Ministry of Magic is true, then if a large number of Death Eaters attack the Ministry of Magic...they shouldn't be able to spare so many people."

"But... what if the Ministry of Magic's information is false?" Ash said slowly, "Suppose someone secretly changed the Ministry of Magic's information."

"It's unlikely." Mag shook his head: "And the power of the Death Eaters..."


The door of the principal's room opened again, and Moody, Harry, Flitwick, Hagrid, Slughorn, and many Hogwarts professors all walked in. They looked at Ash and McGonagall with puzzled expressions. .

"Ash, you take them all..."

"Well." Ash nodded, his brows still furrowed: "Don't you find it strange that after a small defeat, Voldemort quietly hid, and then let the Ministry of Magic confront his men? Whack?"

"He may not be hiding, but dormant." The avatar said slowly: "I know the power behind him better than you... Obviously, he is far from losing his power."

"And today he used tricks to take away a large number of Hogwarts' protective forces... Obviously, he is going to attack Hogwarts."

"But Harry is protected by the blood curse, so he will be fine." McGonagall said slowly, "Even if he attacks Hogwarts, he can't kill Harry, and he can't even touch Harry."

Ash shook his head slowly: "The power in him is far from being blocked by the spell of love..."

"It was despair that devoured everything."

All the professors were stunned by Ash's words, and they looked at Ash in a little panic.

"That's enough, Professor Embers... I suggest we wait for news from the Ministry of Magic..."

"Minerva, Ash was right."

Suddenly a gentle voice came, and everyone fell silent. They all slowly looked at the largest portrait on the wall.

Dumbledore was looking at Mag: "We should do all the protection work."

"Especially when facing him."

Dumbledore's eyes were clear and wise: "Ash is the one who knows them best among us, doesn't he?"

The clone nodded slightly: "You can still say a few good things..." His muttering was not heard by others, if he heard it, he would probably be kicked out of the principal's office on the spot.

"Albus, what do you mean..." McGonagall looked at Dumbledore and asked.

"Stop teaching jobs...then, prepare for war."

As soon as Dumbledore finished speaking, Hermione and Ron ran in, holding a letter in their hands.

"Professor McGonagall, this is a letter from the undercover agent!"

Yes, the letter was from Snape, but somehow it took several days for it to reach Hogwarts.

The two handed the letter to Mag, with panic in their eyes.

Mag took the letter, glanced at it roughly...then shook his head slightly.

"All professors...Aurors...senior students are ready to fight."

(End of this chapter)

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