Fire Bearer at Hogwarts

Chapter 437 The Murderer (2 in 1)

Chapter 437 The Murderer (Two in One)

"Good morning, Ash." In the early morning, just as the sun was shining on the floor of the dueling magic class office, the door of the office was pushed open, and Anna's head was exposed, wrapped tightly in a robe.

"Should we go?" She looked at Ash and said.

"It's a bit too early..." Ash shook his head, but seeing Anna's eagerness, he could only nod slightly for a while: "Go early, and you can come back early."

As he spoke, Ash waved his wand lightly, and a figure stepped out of his shadow.

"You are responsible for the teaching work these days..." Ash said slowly, he himself did not want to keep a clone in Hogwarts, one reason is that the existence of the clone would greatly occupy the soul.

After all, the release of the spell by the avatar will also consume Ash's soul... Another reason is that if the avatar is separated from the main body for too long, it is very likely that the avatar will develop self-awareness.

It's not like Ash hasn't seen this kind of situation in Rodland...

But after thinking about it, the situation in the British wizarding world is not very optimistic... Even if he has trained those Aurors, they are not the opponents of the larger number of Death Eaters.

Moreover, Dumbledore's health is getting worse and worse, Ash must be prepared for Voldemort to attack Hogwarts...

Ash's clone nodded slightly, and then said: "Don't worry, Hogwarts is safe with me here."

"..." Anna curled her lips: "Are all your avatars so arrogant?"

"Are the women around you so noisy?" The clone also cast a glance at Anna.

"Tsk, it's interesting." Anna wasn't angry, but looked at the clone with interest.

"Okay... it's time for us to go." Ashe said, he took out the new wand he got from Ollivander. This wand looks very similar to the previous wand. A faint light shone.

"Your wand is getting weirder and weirder..." Anna muttered, leaning on her wand and following Ash.

"Are you sure where you can open that talisman?"

"Yes." Ash spliced ​​the two pieces of talisman together in advance. The shapes of the two pieces of talisman are very consistent. It is obvious that they were connected as one in the past.

"That's good...I don't want to spend half a day preparing to find that I can't get in." Anna said while avoiding a few naughty Hogwarts students.

"I have to say that Hogwarts is much more perfect than I was back then."

"You were also a student of Hogwarts back then?" Ash asked casually.

"Of course, every wizard in the British Empire is a student of Hogwarts!" Anna seemed quite proud of that era: "Do you know what the British Empire is?"

"Hmm." Ash shook his head, "It happened more than 100 years ago."

"Tch, that was the glory we had..." Anna raised her eyebrows and said, "Look at Biheim... do you have any glory days?"

"No." Ash shook his head slightly: "Except for a few salary kings and ashes, we seem to have nothing to offer."

"Hmm..." Anna choked on Ash, she said dissatisfiedly: "Our worlds are different, we can't compare them together."

"Didn't you compare them together?" Ash looked at her strangely, and she couldn't bear it because she said a few words casually.

"I won't talk to you about this anymore." Anna pouted and said, "If Artorius is still alive, you are not allowed to look at his soul."

"He should be dead." Ash thought for a while and said, "Anyway, that's what Rodland said."

"Hmph, Rodland?" Anna shook her head: "Even if Artorius said good things about Rodland, I can guess that it must be a terrible place dominated by gods and full of lies."

"It's not domination." Ash thought for a while and said, "Should it be called... management?"

"Cut." Anna shook her head: "True management is not sending people to burn in the stove."

Her words silenced Ash, and there is really nothing to refute... But burning yourself is what the salary kings hoped, and the gods arranged for it... Of course, this is what the world needs...

It's just that Ash already has a lot of doubts about this matter now.

I didn't expect that Ula Xilu was so important...

"And you don't have to worry about Artorius, he is one of the four knights under the king, and he is powerful."

"..." Ash nodded. He was thinking about whether to tell Anna the ending of the remaining three knights, but seeing her happy face, he decided to forget it.

While talking, the two stepped out of the gate of Hogwarts, and Anna began to mutter about other things.

"Ash, did you ever like anyone when you weren't Ashes?" Anna asked with a smile, "I don't believe you were so cold before."

"No." Ash shook his head. When he was studying in Biheim, he focused on his studies... and magic research.

"Tsk tsk, I think your avatar is quite lively." Anna continued, "Is there really no one?"


"There are no ambiguous objects?"


"Don't you have a female magician in Biheim? Or a female companion? I don't believe you like one..."

"Silence and silence." With a flick of the wand in Ash's hand, Anna's mouth was sealed.

"Woooooo!" Anna glared at Ash unhappily, then walked to the other side with her hands crossed over her chest.

It finally calmed down... Ash nodded lightly, he didn't know if it was his illusion, he always felt as if someone was staring at him...

He turned his head to look at Hogwarts, but found nothing...


In addition to this, Ash thought that he still had some kind of bad premonition. He always felt... what will happen in the past few days, which seems to affect the trip of Ulasiru?
Ash shook his head, no matter what Wu Laxilu had, he had to go and see it... This cannot be prevented by a little difficulty.

Soon, the two came to the border of Hogwarts. Ash looked at Anna who had lifted the spell but still didn't speak and shook his head: "Put your hand on my shoulder."

"Cut." Anna snorted coldly, then put her hand on Ash's shoulder.

"Apparition." The two of them came to the entrance of Ulasiru, in front of the lake, in a flash.

Today's place is very different from when Ash came last time. Most of the surrounding trees are dead, and the ground is also disgustingly black.

"I'm not afraid of the erosion of darkness, how about you?" Anna glanced at Ash.

"I'm fine." Ashe said, he put on the silver necklace. With the help of the silver necklace, his surroundings immediately became transparent to the naked eye.

"Silver necklace?" Anna was a little surprised: "You really dug out a lot of things from our house."

"It's okay, the dead won't suggest it anyway." As he said that, Ash opened the passage, and then went straight in.

"What did you say..." Anna muttered unhappily, and then followed Ash into Ulasiru.


Harry sat in Dumbledore's headmaster's office feeling lost, he didn't know why, he always felt weird...especially when he still thought Snape had a connection with the Death Eaters...

Headmaster Dumbledore left with him... Will something happen?
Harry shook his head thoughtfully, and then opened Dumbledore's drawer. He said there was honey candy here... But as soon as he opened the drawer, Harry was stunned, because there was nothing but invisibility cloak.

invisibility cloak...

Harry flicked his invisibility cloak with his hand, with joy in his eyes. Since Sirius appeared, Dumbledore had confiscated the cloak... Unexpectedly, it was in the drawer of Principal Dumbledore.

Looking at the invisibility cloak in front of him, he thought about what happened with Dumbledore and Snape before.

Harry nodded quickly and then put on the invisibility cloak, he wanted to follow to see what Snape was going to do.

Harry did what he said, he put on the invisibility cloak, walked to the elevator, and then left the principal's office with ease.

Walking in the corridor, he was wearing an invisibility cloak while avoiding his classmates walking around, while still looking for Dumbledore and Snape.

Soon, Harry saw two people at the end of the corridor. They were not walking fast, especially Principal Dumbledore. He didn't know whether it was because of fatigue or something. He walked slowly from classroom to classroom. Walked by, and then the eyes kept looking inside.

Harry was able to follow behind the two of them, and then tap and listen to their conversation.

"The children are very serious..." Dumbledore seemed to be chatting with Snape about the students, but Snape seemed a little absent-minded, he just nodded, and then frowned with a feeling of concern.

At the same time, Harry also noticed that Snape had been clenching his sleeves tightly. Obviously... there was something in there!
Must be the wand...

Harry could almost imagine that Snape must have wanted to do something to Dumbledore.

Snape and Dumbledore didn't chat for long, and the two continued to set off. The place they went was very strange. Harry looked at the towering astronomy tower and was full of confusion for a while... and the more he doubted Snape. Come deeper.

Go somewhere where no one lives... Snape, you must want to do something!
"Click." The two walked into the Astronomy Tower, and then Snape flicked his wand gently to seal the door.

No matter how hard Harry approached the door, he couldn't open it.

He thought for a few seconds, then quickly took out his wand and flicked it: "Alahoh hole is open."

"Crack!" The door was pushed open, and then there was a crisp sound.

Harry was taken aback by the voice, he didn't want Dumbledore and Snape to hear it... After all, Harry knew very well that he would definitely not be Snape's opponent...

After waiting at the door for a few minutes, Harry didn't seem to hear anything. He nodded slightly, and then stepped up the stairs quickly. Snape and Dumbledore had been up for a few minutes, and the bad feeling in Harry's heart It is also getting more and more prosperous.

The stairs in the Astronomy Tower were spiraling, and Harry poked his head out to see if he could see Dumbledore, but apparently he failed.

No matter how he looked, he didn't see that familiar figure.

Therefore, he had to quicken his pace and walked upstairs.


"Hogwarts..." Dumbledore stood on the top of the Astronomy Tower, looking at the Black Lake in the distance.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" He said, turning to Snape. "I hope it stays alive."

"We all hope so," Snape said slowly.

"Well..." Dumbledore nodded: "It's always like this..."

His blue eyes looked lightly at Snape and said, "Everyone will think you're a traitor... Severus."

"But it's all worth it." Snape's eyes gradually became firmer, he seemed to think of the past, or, he thought of someone in the past.

"Emerald green eyes...sometimes it's always a coincidence, isn't it?" Dumbledore smiled slightly, he knew exactly what was going on in Snape's mind.

"..." Snape shook his head silently, then walked up to Dumbledore.

"It's time..." Dumbledore nodded and walked to the edge of the Astronomy Tower: "After all, I'm getting old... Sometimes I want to watch for a while..."

"..." Snape didn't speak, he just looked at Dumbledore silently.

"Please, Severus." Dumbledore's blue eyes showed tenderness for the last time, and he looked at Hogwarts for the last time.

He closed his eyes gently, feeling the breeze in his ears, he seemed to be back decades ago, he looked at him with a seemed to be back on the top of a mountain in Nepal, he was facing his magic wand...then, the wind Taking him again to Godric's Hollow, the two no longer young looked at each other at last.

In the end, he saw himself standing with a boy, who raised his head and asked him softly, "Are you a wizard?"

"Heh..." Dumbledore suddenly laughed, because he found that the memory was particularly clear at this time.

He remembered saying, "Yes, Tom, we're all wizards."

"Avada Kedavra."

The wand flicked slightly, and the green light passed through those memories, reflecting on the faces of Dumbledore, Snape, and Harry who had just poked his head out.

Dumbledore, as if transformed into that phoenix, slowly fell back from the Astronomy Tower. I don't know what he was thinking at the last moment, but the last thing he saw... was Hogg Watts.

"No!" Harry watched Dumbledore fall slowly, he screamed and pushed open the door of the Astronomy Tower.

He looked at Snape, the mixture of anger and fear on his face made him tremble as he raised his wand.

"You, what did you do?!"

"Potter..." Snape looked at Harry with a lost look, seeing the disappointment and anger in those emerald green eyes, he seemed to think of something, but soon his eyes became firm, and his voice became low .

"Passed out!"

His shot had never been so fast, and an angry Harry was hit by the curse and fell to the ground.

Watching Harry faint, Snape heaved a sigh of relief, put away his wand, and with one last look at Hogwarts, he walked slowly down the Astronomy Tower.

"Huh... what's going on?" The avatar Ash sitting in the office looked puzzled, why suddenly...had so many souls?
He raised his head and looked out of the window in surprise, only to see a phoenix flying through the air with a mournful cry.

(End of this chapter)

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