Fire Bearer at Hogwarts

Chapter 434 Dawn and the Last Request (2 in 1)

Chapter 434 Dawn and the Last Request (Two in One)

"Professor Embers..." Harry watched as everything around him was completely destroyed, and at the same time, the darkness in his hands gradually disappeared. He watched Ash hug him subconsciously.

"Harry..." Ash patted his head lightly, "You did a good job..." he said, walking slowly to the dead man in black, and then took off his mask with his hands .

"Minister Francois!" Harry was startled, and he couldn't help but take a few steps back.

"Why..." Harry's eyes widened, and then he thought of the black thing again: "Professor, what is that black thing?"

"..." Ash looked into his eyes, thought for a few seconds and then slowly said: "I call that black thing the is the power born from the most evil emotions in the heart of the human heart."

Ash didn't tell the truth, he didn't want a kid like Harry to know about the Abyss and Rodland... and all of this was not conducive to what he was going to do.

"The most evil power?!" Harry woke up in just a few seconds: "Is that related to Voldemort?"

Looking into Harry's eyes, Ash nodded slightly: "It's indeed related to's all related to him." Ash thought of those Death Eaters who came to stop him before... Obviously, the truth of this matter There is not only the abyss behind it, but also Voldemort's hands and feet.

"Then..." Harry was thinking and suddenly thought of a person Francois had said, although the name was strange... But for some reason, Harry felt that Ash knew who he was.

"Francois said a name we've never heard before." Harry thought for a while and said, "He mentioned that a man named Ashes was by my side... and he did a lot of things."

"But I don't know who Ashes is at all?"

Ash smiled lightly after hearing this: "Harry, isn't Ashes the same as Ash?"

"Ah..." Harry froze for a moment and then smiled softly, as if he and Julian Cedric were thinking too much.

By the way, Julianne and Cedric!
Harry hurriedly said to Ash: "Cedric and Julian, they are both injured."

"I know..." Ash nodded. He sensed the state of the two with his soul when he first arrived, and it didn't matter whether it was Julian or Cedric.

"They're fine." Ashe said, he picked up Francois' wand and flicked it lightly, placing the fainted Cedric and Julian beside him.

"They will wake up in a while." Ash explained and looked at Harry: "You seem to have a lot of questions."

"Well..." Harry nodded slightly, he had too many questions in his mind: "How should we deal with the abyss?" Harry looked at Ash and asked, "Use fire?" What Ash did just now He is still vivid.

"Fire..." Ash nodded lightly, "Using fire to deal with them is the only way...but it won't have much effect."

"Ah?" Harry was stunned. He shook his head and said, "Then what should we do?"

"There is no way for the time being." Ash shook his head, he would have to go to the depths of Ulasiru to truly see the abyss before he could have the answer...Of course, at this time, he already had some answers in his heart.

If Anna is right...

Ash frowned slightly, causing Harry to frown too.

"Professor Embers..." His call woke Ash up from his thoughts. He nodded slightly to Harry and said, "This is not something you should worry about...I will take care of it."

As he said, Ash picked up his wand and flicked it lightly, and he, Harry, Cedric and Julianne all disappeared in a layer of silver mist.


"Dumbledore..." Snape quietly looked at the old man in front of him and nodded, "He has already contacted me."

"Oh...was it three days ago?" Dumbledore put down the chocolate frog in his hand and asked happily, because that day Sirius came to his office and told him about Snape.

"Yeah." Snape nodded slightly, but he couldn't help calling Sirius an idiot in his heart.

"His calculation is very accurate..." Dumbledore nodded slightly and said with emotion: "Do you feel that he has lost the madness of the past?"

"In terms of madness, he won't disappoint." Snape said lightly, "He failed yet again with Mr. Pott."

"François is his accomplice."

"I already know about this..." Dumbledore nodded slowly, and several owl letters told him about it that day.

These letters come from different people, Madame Maxime, Crouch, Sirius!They all told Dumbledore about it from different angles.

It also made Dumbledore deeply suspicious...he is a little worried about England now...if even François is under the abyss...the British wizarding world must have a lot of secrets.

"Dumbledore...his order..." Snape said slowly, although it seemed extraordinarily unreasonable for him to say that, but he also understood that it was necessary...

"I see, Severus..." Dumbledore smiled softly, "We can't keep him waiting too long, can we?"

"Hmm..." Snape nodded. He had always trusted Dumbledore, and when he saw Dumbledore's reply, he slowly walked out of the principal's office.

He also had to rush back to Beauxbatons to attend the award presentation after the Goblet of Fire competition. Hogwarts won the championship... However, in the eyes of Snape, who is getting more and more irritable now, this incident has added more troubles.

Watching Snape leave slowly, Dumbledore shook his head and took another sip of the honey tea on the table. There is not much time left for old guys like me...

He looked at the portrait on the wall of the principal's office and nodded slightly. He didn't know how his own portrait was painted...

"Patter." The door of the principal's room was pushed open again, and Dumbledore was not surprised at all when he walked in.

"Albus, the Ministry of Magic has agreed to your request." McGonagall looked at him and lowered his head slowly, "Are you really going?"

"Of course, Minerva, of course..." Dumbledore nodded with a smile, with a look of complacency: "I've already made an appointment with him..."

"What I want, Minerva, are you ready?"

"It's ready, Albus." McGonagall nodded slightly, although she didn't know why Dumbledore wanted two crickets, but she was still ready.

"Also, Trelawney is ready." When her name was mentioned, McGonagall frowned slightly.

"She's even leaning against a tree now to drink."

"It's okay... Minerva." Dumbledore nodded lightly: "This way she will be less afraid."

As he said that, he laughed: "After all, what she wants to see is the Dark Lord..."


The European continent is different from the overcast and cloudy England. At this time, there is still laughter and laughter here. In this beautiful atmosphere, even the sky is clear and cloudless.

Dumbledore and Trelawney stood on the hill, looking up at the dilapidated castle standing on the edge of the lake.

"Huh..." Trelawney rubbed her hands, and she felt a little nervous when she learned that she was going to meet Grindelwald. However, she had a premonition that this should not be the last meeting.

"Don't be nervous." Dumbledore smiled. "He's actually quite easy to get along with."

Trelawney nodded and followed Dumbledore silently. She didn't know if it was her own illusion, she felt that she saw death in Dumbledore...

"Dumbledore...Principal..." Trelawney stopped Dumbledore: " careful recently." For the first time, she considered her premonition in this way: "You have a terrible Black breath...that represents death..."

"I see." Dumbledore looked at Trelawney unexpectedly, and then smiled softly: "Don't worry too much."

With that said, Dumbledore lifted his foot and stepped into the gate of Nurmengard, which was much cleaner than the last time he came... Maybe it was because of his deal with Grindelwald?

But no matter what, Grindelwald was still in the small house at this time, quietly pondering the sunlight seeping through the cracks.

"Dumbledore, long time no see..."

Dumbledore heard Grindelwald's voice as soon as he entered the hall. His voice was lazy and casual: "Did you bring an assistant this time?"

"Tsk..." Grindelwald smacked his lips and said, "It's a pity that I don't have a lady's seat here."

Dumbledore heard what Grindelwald meant, and he said slowly, "She's here to help me with something..."

"Her name is Trelawney..."

"Trelawney?" Grindelwald leaned on the bed and nodded slightly: "I know this name..."

While the two were talking, Dumbledore had already brought Trelawney to Grindelwald's door.

"Please come in." Grindelwald's voice came from inside. He didn't know if it was Dumbledore's illusion. He felt that Grindelwald's complexion seemed to be much better.

"I don't know if it's my illusion." Grindelwald looked at Dumbledore and shook his head: "I don't think your complexion is very good."

"Things about Hogwarts." Dumbledore took away these unimportant things in one sentence. He sat casually by Grindelwald's bed, and two sixty-year-olds sat on the same bed.

"Professor Trelawney, sit down too." Dumbledore pointed to the small stool in front of him, and made Trelawney, who was a little nervous, sit down.

"What's going on this time?" Grindelwald asked casually, "Is it related to the boy who survived the catastrophe, or is it related to that worried professor?"

Dumbledore shook his head lightly, his eyes just swept across the table, and the latest Daily Prophet was on it, so he smiled lightly and said, "You should know what I want to ask, right?"

"Of course...Of course..." Grindelwald nodded and said, "That restless professor, right?" His strange eyes swept over Dumbledore: "After all, the boy who survived... shouldn't have to worry about it."

"Dumbledore ignored the teasing in the second half of Grindelwald's sentence, he nodded and said: "It is indeed related to him..."

"Don't you trust him very much?" Grindelwald asked casually.

"Before..." Dumbledore said hesitantly, "but I know more things... such as what he wants to do and what he must do."

"Tsk tsk..." Grindelwald nodded, "I still have my conditions..."

"Go ahead." Dumbledore nodded.

"The first one... those crickets are dead... I need two new ones..." Before Grindelwald finished speaking, Dumbledore handed him a small bottle.

"I'm are still so caring." Grindelwald took the small bottle and nodded lightly: "Then...the second condition...I hope..." Grindelwald suddenly paused looking at Trelawney .

"Forget it, let's talk about it when you leave..." He shook his head and held out his hand.

Dumbledore understood what he meant, and he slowly drew his wand from his sleeve.

"Principal Dumbledore..." Trelawney was taken aback, she subconsciously wanted to stop, but she saw Dumbledore's blackened fingers...

"Don't worry about him." Dumbledore handed Grindelwald his wand slightly trembling.

"Okay, Albus, let us stay together." Grindelwald said as he flicked his wand lightly, and a mist slowly appeared.

"Hmm." Dumbledore walked out under Trelawney's surprised eyes.

Merlin on!Dumbledore, you didn't tell me that there is a content about being alone with Grindelwald!Especially when Grindelwald is still holding a wand.

"Don't be nervous, Professor Trelawney." Grindelwald's magnetic voice came: "You will interfere with the prophecy..." Grindelwald's wand turned slightly, and a knife would not know When did Trelawney's finger cross.

"Ah!" Trelawney screamed, and then watched the blood drop float to Grindelwald...

"As a descendant of the greatest prophet, your blood is magical." Grindelwald moved his wand again, and a hair spun and flew out of the wand. Obviously, it was Ash's hair.



"It's over, Dumbledore." Grindelwald opened the door and looked at Dumbledore and said, "He is indeed dead." Grindelwald said lightly.

His words made Dumbledore's eyes go black for a moment, and then he almost fainted on the ground. Fortunately, Trelawney reacted faster and held Dumbledore up.

"Ahem..." Dumbledore coughed and stood firm: "By whom?"

"Tsk... not that strange professor." Grindelwald shook his head: "After all, his wand is very special, isn't it?"

"..." Dumbledore thought about Ash's blue wand and nodded slightly.

If it's not Ash...then it can only be...

"He's holding the Elder Wand." Grindelwald looked at Dumbledore and sighed slightly: "You and I both understand what that means."

"Principal Dumbledore?" Trelawney looked at the two.

"Go to rest first, Professor Trelawney... I can see that you are tired." Dumbledore turned his head and said.

"……it is good……"

Watching Trelawney leave, Grindelwald finally spoke slowly: "One last condition, Albus..."

"You say it."

Grindelwald leaned closer to Dumbledore's ear, and then uttered his last and most egregious request in a voice that only two people could hear.

"..." Dumbledore was silent for a few seconds, then nodded slightly: "I will arrange..."

(End of this chapter)

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