Fire Bearer at Hogwarts

Chapter 420 Little Actions (2 in 1)

Chapter 420 Little Actions (Two in One)

"'s safe..." Harry sat on the ground and rested for a few minutes before getting up slowly. He wiped the sweat from his brow, and then wiped the snake-scale sword on his hand with his sleeve.

Then it was time to meet up with his teammates...Harry nodded slightly and began to fumble in his pockets, where he had kept his whistle.

But it was obvious that Harry only touched a hand of air, and a hole.

"Oops..." Harry patted his shriveled trouser pocket with a headache, it's over...Without whistle, he could only wait for Cedric and Julian to whistle.

Harry waited for a few minutes, except for the silence in the air, he could only hear the occasional tremor from the ground.

Could it be that the brave team killed some monster?Or maybe it was a fluctuation caused by some spell, but in any case, Harry felt that he couldn't wait anymore...

If... just if... Cedric and Julianne are eliminated, it's up to you!

Harry clenched his fists and picked up his wand, striding towards the direction of the maze where he had last heard the whistle.

So... what are Cedric and Julianne doing?

"Shenfeng Wuying!" Julian swung her wand, and the invisible blade hit a plant trap, helping Cedric who was trapped, and then she lowered her body to avoid a stone thrown by a red hat.

Obviously, although Julian and Cedric rejoined, they also encountered trouble.

For some reason, the vines in the area they were in seemed to be alive, and these vines were always attacking the two wizards from every corner.

"Fire!" Cedric swung his wand, and a ball of flame flew towards the vines immediately.

"Cedric!" Julian on the side quickly grabbed Cedric, then waved her wand and used "clear water like a spring" to extinguish the flames.

You know, this is a vineyard, if the flames spread, it will be dangerous!

"Buzz!" The red hat threw another flying stone, and Julian had to swing the wand to smash the stone in the air.

Looking at the jumping red hat, Julian even wanted to cast a killing curse for a while, but fortunately, Cedric reacted quickly and knocked down the red hat with the spell.

As the surrounding plants quieted down, the two finally had a rest...

The long battle made them quite tired.

"I don't know what's going on with Harry?" Cedric said in a breath, "This doesn't look like a maze at all, it's more like a torture chamber."

"And it's still the torture chamber of Azkaban." Julian agreed with Cedric's point of view very much.

While the two were talking, there was movement from the maze ahead, and the two quickly stood up and held their wands.

Cedric stood in front of Julian, holding a snake-scale sword in one hand.

"Are they really here?" Suddenly, the two heard a voice speaking, and the owner of this voice was was Harry!

"Harry?!" Cedric looked around the corner in surprise, but the first thing he saw was a fairy with wings.

"This is?" Cedric was stunned for a moment, but Julian beside him reacted quickly. She nodded thoughtfully, and then looked at Cedric.

"This is the little fairy being chased by Krum."

"She has come to repay her favor."

"Cedric, Julian!" Turning the hallway, Harry was overjoyed to see the two tired faces. He trotted up to them and said, "I thought something happened to you!"

"We're fine." Cedric smiled and patted Harry on the shoulder: "We should thank him a lot."

Cedric's eyes were on the little fairy, and his eyes were full of gratitude.

"That's right, thanks to her helping me find you." Harry nodded and said, "I've lost my whistle."

"Then, we should look for the amethyst." Cedric said, looking deep into the maze: "I don't know... have they found it?"

The situation of the other teams is actually not good. One of the students of Beauxbaton College was forced to leave the game because of the shot by the security guard.

Although he shouted from the sidelines that he could still fight, it was obvious that Beauxbaton had already fallen into decline anyway.

The students of Durmstrang College seem to be more at ease. They are proficient in black magic and can easily defeat these monsters. Moreover, they have a "Xixiu" who is constantly searching. It may not be long before they will find the purple crystal.

As for the Waggadu Academy?
Their students seem to have a different idea from other colleges. They didn't join together, but walked through the maze one after another. Not only did they each carry a Niffler, but they also turned into animal forms to keep searching.

Their changes made Ash, who was on the sidelines, feel envious. He wanted to chat with the dean of Waggadu College several times, but unfortunately, he had too many tasks, especially when Dumbledore came. after.

He also helps Aurors train and keeps an eye on Malfoy and Harry.

This is not a good job.

Ash shook his head and continued to follow Harry and the others on the broom. Although they didn't sniff the way, the little fairy seemed to know where the amethyst was, and she was leading Harry and the others towards the center at a very high speed.

As for the predicament in the maze, it is not a problem for the assembled three. Whether it is the eight-eyed spider or the red hat, basically they will not be opponents of the complete team.

As time passed, Harry's team of three had almost reached the center of the maze, where the amethyst was.

"Is it the front?" Harry asked looking at the elf in front of him.

"Chichi." The little fairy nodded, and then flapped her wings and flew into the air, "Chichichi!" It was obvious that she was saying goodbye to Harry, and she seemed to be a little afraid of what would come next.

Seeing the little fairy leaving timidly, Julian frowned almost instantly: "There must be something guarding the gem."

"And it's a very dangerous thing..." Cedric also nodded slightly and turned the corner at the front.

Soon, what the three were worried about appeared. They saw a slightly wide courtyard, and in the middle of the courtyard was a large statue.

I have to say... This statue reminded Ash of the statue he saw in Haierbo's Crypt. I don't know if there is any connection?Or is it that the people who make golems are all aesthetic?
But no matter what, the stone statue slowly raised the big ax in its hand as Harry and the others arrived, and then looked at the three of Harry with its red eyes.

And that purple crystal lay quietly on its chest.

"We were all fooled..." Julian shook her head slightly: "The most difficult thing is not finding the amethyst at all..."

"The most difficult thing is how to get it." Francois smiled lightly, and then took a sip of coffee. He glanced at the three principals and an acting principal who were paying attention, and then gently opened his sleeves.

I don't know if it's the illusion of the audience present, they feel that the surroundings seem to be a lot gloomy, especially the dark clouds in the sky are extraordinarily thick.

Almost half of the sun was blocked in just a few minutes.

And when the sun disappears, the sight is most affected.

Ash frowned and could barely see what was going on in the maze. Harry's trio was already wrestling with the stone statue.

This stone statue resembles a medieval soldier, with a wide range of attacks, and then continued to sweep and chop.

Relying on its huge size, it easily made Harry and the others dodge.

Obviously, in order to get that amethyst, what the three of them need is not a strong attack but outsmart.

You know, the name of this chakra is also wisdom.

"Bang!" The three of Harry avoided a heavy blow again, and then the three of them swung their wands in the next moment, and the flying spells hit the stone statue, but it seemed that they had no effect at all.

And with the disappearance of the light, the visibility of the three people is getting lower and lower... They can hardly see the movement of the stone statue clearly.

Ash, who was flying in the air, also frowned. Almost instantly, he smelled that disgusting smell... a smell related to the abyss.

The darkness in front of me is inseparable from the abyss.

Ash frowned, now that he couldn't see the situation in the maze, he might as well find the abyssal magic circle by himself.

All of this must have started to work because of a magic circle.

Ash did what he said, and he immediately left the field with a broom. Because of the cover of darkness, no one seemed to notice that Ash left his post without authorization.

The smell of this abyss is like a lingering stench, which is linked to the flames on Ash's body all the time.

I don't know if it was Ash's illusion, but he felt more and more that what Anna said should be true... The statement that the abyss came from the flames convinced him more and more.

As the smell of the abyss grew stronger, Ash had already left Beauxbatons. At this time, he was flying over a field, surrounded by nothing but the forest.

Moreover, the smell of the abyss also faded at this time. It is obvious that those who release magic are also very vigilant...

The dark curtain formed by the sediment in the abyss... Ash still remembered the name of this magic, which was mentioned in the scroll that Anna gave him.

It can cover the light... breed darkness... but it requires a lot of preparation and a big abyssal magic circle...

Abyss magic circle... Ash thought of this and suddenly came to his senses...Since the abyss and flames are accompanied by each other... then all he needs to do is... He nodded slightly and took out an embers from his pocket, and then he looked at the glass bottle flick wand.

Accompanied by a crisp sound, the glass bottle shattered, and the flame leaped out like an elf, releasing warmth in Ash's hand.

Feeling everything coming from the palm of his hand, Ash nodded slightly, and then he also felt that the flame seemed to be pulled by something, slowly moving towards an unknown place.

"I found you..." Soon, guided by the flame, Ash found a group of souls deep in the forest...

And these souls are surrounded by that disgusting smell of the abyss.

Ash approached them quickly from the air, and soon saw the black-robed wizards gathered in the open space. They wrapped their hoods and looked at the magic circle in front of them, and then swung the staff in their hands from time to time, making the black Sediment keeps accumulating.

"Heh..." Ash sneered, and immediately raised his wand.

Since these guys like the abyss so much... Treat them with the abyss for yourself.

Dark droplets.

Ash flicked his wand, and countless dark substances spewed out from the tip of the wand, and then scattered in the air like raindrops, hitting those black-robed wizards.

At the same time, Ash's wand turned again, and a crystallized soul gun condensed on the tip of the wand.

"Buzz!" With a wave of his arm, the crystal gun shot out, and then quickly split and exploded in the air, causing the shattered crystal fragments to sweep the entire open space. For a time, flowers bloomed one after another in the dark Silver blue flowers.

These silver-blue flowers are deadly, constantly harvesting the souls around them. Although there are many wizards who want to resist, Ash almost kills those wizards with the high mobility of the broom. The lucky ones left.

As the flowers bloomed and the green light danced, there were fewer and fewer black wizards who could still act in the square, until finally, the surroundings became quiet.

Feeling that there are fewer and fewer souls underneath and more and more souls on his body, Ash smiled lightly and stopped the magic.

At this time, there was no life in the square at all. No matter what reason these black wizards went to believe in the abyss, they were all lying on the ground as equals, twitching from time to time.

Ash nodded and landed slowly. He stepped over the corpses of these people and slowly came to the center of the magic circle.

Obviously, there is no darkness injected at this time... But Ash will have to wait for a while before the darkness disappears completely.

This is obviously more dangerous...

Ash shook his head lightly and then raised the embers of fire. As he gathered his hands together, the flames slowly exploded in his palms, and then turned into dots of fire and rushed to the sky.

In the end, Ash waved his magic wand and lightly drew it, the embers left a long red road in the darkness, and finally converged in the center of the magic circle.

With the injection of embers, the abyss began to crumble. How could an unmanned magic circle compare to a flame with wisdom?
As the embers burned, the magic circle slowly disappeared.

Ash flicked his wand lightly to expand the flames, so that the corpses of these people would also disappear into the sky and turn into ashes.

So... I am almost the same as them?
Ash shook his head slightly and then flicked his wand. His figure disappeared here, and then slowly appeared above the maze.

With his appearance, the darkness began to gradually disappear, and soon, the dark clouds disappeared without a trace, and the sun once again shed light from the sky.

Feeling the sun slowly shining on him, Ash nodded slightly: "Praise the sun."

(End of this chapter)

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