Fire Bearer at Hogwarts

Chapter 381 A Little Story (For Subscription)

Chapter 381 A Little Story (For Subscription)
In the early morning, just after dawn, Dumbledore called Ash and the others together. He looked seriously at the professors in front of him and nodded slightly.

"A guest came to Hogwarts yesterday." He said, "It's just that this guest is quite special.

"Special?" Hagrid scratched his head: "Is it a dragon?"

"It's not Hagrid." Dumbledore shook his head, and said through Snape's white eyes, "She's a lady...and she asked for Ash by name."

"Huh?" Ash was a little surprised. He didn't expect this matter to be related to him. He frowned and thought about it. Women...maybe Rhodean, Cassana and others...but how did they come to Huo? Gwartz's?
"What does she look like?" Ash asked.

"I can't see her face clearly." Dumbledore shook his head: "And she also had conflicts with Professor Flitwick and Minerva."

"Are they fighting?" Snape frowned.


Looking at the nodding Dumbledore, Ash fell into deep thought. Cassana and Rhodean will definitely not conflict with the Hogwarts professors... Moreover, even if they want to come to him, they will definitely notify him in advance... …

From this point of view, the identity of this uninvited guest is a bit interesting.

"Does she have any characteristics?" Ash asked.

"Her wand is different from ours." Dumbledore thought for a while and said, "Minerva told me... her wand is a huge stick."

"Stick?" Hagrid scratched his head and seemed unable to think of what it was.

"It's like something out of a Muggle movie." Dumbledore explained in a more informal way: "The kind of staff that wizards hold."

"Staff..." Ash was sure that she should be from Rodland...but...Ash suddenly thought of Urazilu. When he went to Urazilu last time, he felt a soul.

And Anna's muttering... Ash remembered Anna's muttering about the Florens family.

Could it be that what relationship does that woman have with the Florens family?
Ash nodded slightly, affirming his guess.

"What do you think?" Dumbledore asked.

"Shouldn't she be a Death Eater?" Snape said, "I've never heard of such a maverick before." But saying so, he glanced at Ash.

Clearly, Ash is the maverick guy.

"Do you know her, Ash?" asked Dumbledore.

Listening to Dumbledore's question, Ash shook his head lightly: "I don't know." It was impossible for him to tell these people about Rodland. To kill multitudes, to use their souls to kindle an unquenchable fire.

It's so abstract, and it's magical.

"Hmm..." Dumbledore nodded thoughtfully, and then said, "This matter needs further research..."

"But another matter needs to be resolved immediately." Dumbledore looked at several people and said, "The second batch of brave men in the Goblet of Fire will be selected soon."

"When the game starts, according to the requirements of the French Ministry of Magic and Beauxbatons, there must be a professor who will be the rescuer during the game."

"The purpose is to prove the fairness of the game."

Dumbledore looked at Ash as soon as he spoke, it was obvious...he wasn't going to bother Snape and Hagrid anymore.

"Then let me do it." Ash nodded slightly. He happened to be a little curious about those people from the French Ministry of Magic. He was still deeply impressed by what they did to the Goblet of Fire that night.

Until now, he has not seen what these people want the Goblet of Fire to do...

Maybe we have to wait until the situation of the second batch of heroes comes out?

Watching the professors leave one by one, Dumbledore shook his head.

There was a strange thought in his mind, something he had pondered ever since he saw Ash's strange dueling spells.

But when he went to Ilvermorny, Ash Embers's name was literally on the graduate list...

This made him have to dispel this doubt... But now this incident made him start to doubt again, because he did not tell the professors that the spell used by the woman was a duel spell.

"The silver magic gun..." Dumbledore shook his head lightly, he had already thought of many things...


"The weather here has never changed." The handsome young man sat on the grass and smiled softly at the girl beside him: "As long as the family fully explores this ruins, they will be able to obtain unimaginable wealth."

As he spoke, he picked up a gear pocket watch and looked at it: "Damn it... the time here is still so chaotic."

"Oh, Royce, don't think too much." The girl said with a light smile, "Didn't we come here for a spring outing?"

"That's an excuse for other families." The young man said, "We are here to find treasure."

"Then we are also explorers?" The girl said with a smile, and picked up a cup of black tea from the small table beside her.

"Didn't you learn a lot of spells at Hogwarts?" The young man looked at the girl and said, "Can't you show it?"

"That kind of thing..." The girl shook her head, but looking at the young man's curious eyes, she carefully looked around and said, "I can't use a spell in front of Muggles like you."

"Don't worry, am I not your cousin?" The young man said dissatisfied: "And the word Muggle is too hurtful."

"I know..." The girl shook her head, "But they all call you that."

"No...they call you a Squib?"

"Squibs?" The young man was stunned.

"Because your parents are wizards." The girl thought about it and said, "Anyway, that's what they call them."

"What a bunch of mean guys." The young man shrugged, but he probably didn't take it to heart.

After all, as a Muggle, he was already very successful. In the thriving British Empire, he had already become the captain of a line sailing warship.

Even Her Majesty the Queen honored him...

Naturally, he thought God had just traded his natural talents as a wizard for being a soldier.

"Looking good." The girl coughed and cleared her throat, then raised the wand in her hand.

"Wingardim Leviosa."

With a light wave of her magic wand, the teacup in front of her floated gently, and the young man couldn't help applauding.

"To be honest, I thought you would perform a more powerful spell." The young man smiled and said, "Let the teacup float, just like those charlatans on the streets of India where the queen belongs."

"Maybe they are also wizards?" The girl stood up with a chuckle, and then looked at the big tree at the end of the sky in the distance.

(End of this chapter)

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