Fire Bearer at Hogwarts

Chapter 376 All Thoughts (For Subscription)

Chapter 376 All Thoughts (For Subscription)
Sure enough...the people valued by Dumbledore are really extraordinary...

Robert frowned as he watched Ash keep knocking down members of the Wizarding Party one after another, while he could only back away slowly.

He realized that the strength of the wizard in front of him was not trivial... It was not something that a research-oriented scholar like himself and most members of the Wizarding Party could deal with.

To deal with him, not Ludwig... also needs the help of Mr. Raven.

"Retreat, retreat." Robert nodded to everyone in the Wizard Party, and then he walked out slowly.

Watching Robert walk out of the wizard, Ash did not wave his wand. On the contrary, Ash looked at the master of black magic in front of him with great interest.

"Mr. Stingley, what do you mean?" Ash looked at the members of the Wizarding Party who fell on the ground around him and shook his head: "Sometimes our cooperation requires sincerity, not a magic wand."

Speaking casually, Ash waved his wand lightly, and the wands of the fallen wizards slowly floated up. As Ash recited the spell, these wands all made crisp sounds at the same time.

Ash destroys the wands.

Looking at Ash's movements, Robert still had that bland look, not so much blandness as overly calm.

"Professor Embers, I have to start thinking about... the issue of the wizarding party." He said to Ash in a friendly manner: "These are the meanings of Mr. Qiqiu, the wizarding party..."

"I still hope to cooperate with Professor Embers."

It has to be said that apart from black magic, Robert does have his own characteristics...that is thick skin.

Listening to what he said, Ash nodded slightly.

"Maybe we weren't enemies in the first place."

After finishing speaking, Ash flicked his wand lightly and left.

Robert was left in a mess and heaved a sigh of relief.

If Ash insisted on doing it just now... I guess he would die too... But now, it seems that he has other thoughts in his heart.

Robert naturally heard what Ash said when he left, he nodded in thought, and finally sighed slowly.

The promise I made at the beginning really threw myself into the fire pit.

Dumbledore... Embers...

One is more difficult than the other.


"Lord Dark Lord..." In the dilapidated castle stood a man with pale skin and a thin cloak.

Hearing the visitor speak, he slowly turned around to look at him.

"Why bother me?"

Hearing Voldemort's words, the wizard controlled by him with the Imperius Curse immediately knelt down and said, "The abyss has sent a message..."

"He is willing to give you a strength..."

"Hmph..." With a flick of Voldemort's wand, the follower flew out. Looking at the follower who hit the wall and groaned in pain, Voldemort shook his head.

"What's in his power... Do you think I don't know?" He asked sharply, his voice full of anger scared all the wizards to hang their heads.

No one dared to offend the Dark Lord, even if he was not yet fully fledged.

Looking at these wizards with their heads down, Voldemort was silent for a while, and he said slowly, "Where is Harry Potter?"

"My Lord Dark Lord...he is at Beauxbatons at this time."

"The French Academy of Magic?" Voldemort frowned, it was not his sphere of influence, and he was not familiar with it.

"Who is around him?" He thought for a while and asked.

"Dumbledore... Ash Embers." The dark wizard lowered his head and said, "They are all in Beauxbatons."

Voldemort nodded slightly when he heard his answer: "It seems that... the British wizarding world is the emptiest time at this time..."

As long as the annoying Dumbledore is not around, Voldemort has the confidence to rescue his own men.

After all, Voldemort still trusts those former believers more than these guys from unknown forces in front of him, but Voldemort's trust is like water in a plate.

Only a drop or a few drops of the difference.

But Voldemort can only think about it now, because for him now, entering Azkaban is undoubtedly a dream, after all, his current state is not good.

To get the abandoned castle in front of me, it still came from the "help" of several old wizards.

It's just that they all went to see Merlin now.

I need to accumulate strength, and then rescue the Death Eaters... and finally kill Harry Potter.

Voldemort believed that as long as he killed Harry Potter, it represented his victory.

"Go down." Voldemort waved his wand, driving all the wizards behind him out, and then he moved his wand again, and locked the door.

The sound of the hollow door closing echoed in the castle, and it also echoed in the homes of many pure-blood families.

Among them is Malfoy. For some reason, Mr. Malfoy feels that he has become more and more irritable recently, as if something is about to happen.

The last time this happened was when I was about to meet Weasley's poor family.

Looking at the darkening sky outside, Malfoy gently picked up a piece of letter paper on the table.

Then wrote the recipient's name in delicate and elegant handwriting.

"Ash Embers..."


"My lord, that damned Tom Riddle refused the blessing of the abyss again..."

"Should we...?"

Looking at the maggots in the audience, the old sage immediately shook his head: "Stupid guy..."

"The great abyss is not only interested in his strength, but what he wants is a handy weapon."

"He will come to us." The sage nodded and said, "And it won't take long."

"Understood, Your Majesty."

After saying that, the maggot man was about to leave, but the sage stopped him immediately.

"Let Osiris come to see me..." the sage said: "Her mission is not completed... I can see that the damn Lothric knight and the undead team are still alive."

"The talisman is still in his hand."

"Yes, Your Majesty..."

As the maggot man left, the other sages all looked at the old man, and they began to make noise like a honeycomb.

The issues they were discussing were also very simple, related to the people of Londore.

"That girl has left Aredel, this is an opportunity." The obese sage grabbed the unknown food and made a noisy sound from his mouth while chewing.

"We should kill her that those Londor guys don't always think of another way." Another thin sage also nodded.

"The two women in Londore just found out about it."

"When they find the girl... probably only see the dead body."

"Jie Jie Jie..." Their laughter made the leader shake his head.

"A bunch of idiots...that's one of King Gwen's bloodlines..."

"Don't you understand...we are dedicating her to the great master?"

Speaking of this, the sage raised his head and looked at the abyss torrent above him.

"It's coming soon, everything is coming soon..."

"As long as Ashes doesn't get the talisman ahead of time..."

"When he wakes up, everything will be settled."

(End of this chapter)

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