Fire Bearer at Hogwarts

Chapter 373 Brave (for subscription)

Chapter 373 Brave (for subscription)
"Gentlemen and ladies, please be quiet." Mrs. Maxim, the dean of Beauxbatons, clapped her hands lightly. She stood behind the Goblet of Fire with her wand raised high.

"The process of participating in the selection of the Goblet of Fire heroes is very simple." She looked at the interested little wizards and said, "First of all, the selection from now on is about the selection of heroes from the age of 14 to 15."

"You just need to write your name on the note and throw it into the Goblet of Fire."

"Hi, Harry... I heard that those Waggadu students can turn into animals." Ron whispered to Harry, "I heard that this is their unique cultivation method."

He pointed to a group of dark-skinned wizards sitting in the distance and said, "They should have a great advantage."

"Durmstrang's students are better at black magic." Hermione said, "Their school will teach them simple black magic."

"Simple black magic?" Harry shook his head lightly. He didn't know of any simple black magic.

"So you want to participate in the Goblet of Fire?" Ron asked, "I want to participate!"

"If I become the hero of the Goblet of Fire, Fred and George will think highly of me!"

"Me?" Harry shook his head lightly: "I don't want to participate." He couldn't help but feel upset recently. Although he didn't have nightmares anymore, he was still full of worries.

"Really?" Ron patted Harry on the shoulder: "Stop thinking about Voldemort, it would be interesting to be a brave man."

"Hermione, are you here?" Harry looked at Hermione.

"I'll take part." Hermione nodded slightly. She glanced at Ron and said, "This reckless guy will definitely get hurt if he goes by himself."

"How can there be?" Ron curled his lips and said, "I'm very good at spells."

"You know only dueling spells?" Hermione shook her head and said, "You definitely need my help."

"Cut..." Ron shook his head and looked at Harry: "So are you going?"

Harry looked at his two friends, lowered his head and thought for a few seconds, then nodded lightly: "Then I... shall I join?"

"Why do you still feel a little reluctant?" Ron shook his head and said, "We'll throw the name in later..."

"You?" Came a mean voice, and a blond-haired Malfoy came over. He sat down beside the three of them, and then waved his hands in a rather playful way: "You still want to be brave?"

"I've heard a lot about it, the brave are all pure-blood wizards."

"You people... just forget it."

"What does it have to do with you?" Ron stared at him and asked, "Do you dare to sign up?"

"What dare not?" Malfoy said with his head held high, "I am the noblest pure-blood wizard."

"Noble pure-blood wizard?" Harry shook his head. "I haven't forgotten when we beat you to the ground."

Harry's words stepped on Malfoy's tail, and he immediately stood up and shook his head and said, "That was before...not this time!"

"Just wait." He tossed his robe, and pulled Crabgore and a girl beside him to leave.

"Who's that woman?" Ron asked.

"Miss Parkinson." Hermione said, "She's also a pure-blood wizard."

"Cut...pure-blood wizard?" Ron shook his head contemptuously, completely forgetting his identity.


"I didn't expect that we would have to wait?" Fred shook his head.

"No way, who called us "advanced" 16-year-old wizards?" George looked at his younger brother and shook his head and said, "The strong always come out at the end."

"Pfft." Woka next to the two couldn't help laughing. She looked at Julian and said, "Do you want to sign up, Julian?"

"Me?" Julian still looked indifferent, "I don't want to participate."

"Oh, why?" Fred asked curiously, "George and I are going to sign up."


"Boring?" George was stunned: "Obviously it will be very interesting."

"At that time, as long as we become brave, we can promote our brave lollipop!" Fred took over the words and said, "This can make a lot of money."

"The Brave Lollipop?" Woka frowned: "Could it be the lollipop that makes people's heads grow bigger?"

"Of course it is!" George nodded and clapped hands with Fred: "But we haven't forgotten that there is your help inside."

"We'll advertise you too."

Volka shook his head quickly: "I don't want to get a bad name in Beauxbatons."

"Then do you sign up, Woka?" Julian's cold voice came, Woka turned her head and found that her red eyes were full of peace.

"Should I also join in the fun?" Woka thought for a while and said, "I won't be selected anyway."

"Okay." Julian nodded slightly, then lowered her head and began to think.

"Look, the first warrior has appeared!" Seeing the boy standing up from among the students, George and Fred widened their eyes.

"It's Neville?" George was a little surprised.

"I didn't expect that!" Fred also shook his head.

Neville stood up among the crowd with trembling legs, and then walked towards the Goblet of Fire a little nervously. It was obvious that everyone's discussion made him a little scared.

"Mr. Longbottom, are you going to participate in the Goblet of Fire election?" Dumbledore looked at him with a smile.

"Yes, yes, Principal Dumbledore." His stuttering made all the little wizards chuckle.

Especially the students of Durmstrang, they showed a more or less contemptuous look.

"Then you need to pay attention. Once you become a brave man, you have to take part in the test." Francois reminded: "You must not give up halfway through the game."

"I, I know..." Neville nodded, and quickly threw the note into the Goblet of Fire.

Watching the note in the flames gradually disappear, Neville nodded, then clenched his fists to give himself a little confidence.

Following Neville's success, the young wizards from other colleges also started to take action, and Harry's trio also walked up with the note.

"Are you going to participate too, Harry?" Dumbledore was a little surprised, he thought Harry would not participate.

"Of course, Headmaster Dumbledore." Harry smiled, he was quite confident in himself...

That would be great! "Francois nodded: "The Boy Who Lived!"I am very optimistic about you! "

As more and more people participated, the number of young wizards aged 14 to 15 participating in the Goblet of Fire reached a terrifying number.

"There is a quiz with a prize!" The voices of George and Fred rang out among the little wizards: "Only one Silver Sickle can participate."

"The maximum bet is 1 to 10, and the maximum bet is 1 to 10!"

(End of this chapter)

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