Fire Bearer at Hogwarts

Chapter 3 Welcome to Hogwarts

Chapter 3 Welcome to Hogwarts

Ash came here with the strange powder Dumbledore had given him, and he thought the flames would be was just lukewarm.

"Mr. Embers." Dumbledore greeted him, then walked to his side with a smile, "You came a little early."

"Introduce me, this is the vice-principal, the head of Gryffindor, the professor of transfiguration: Ms. Minerva McGonagall." Dumbledore introduced another person in the principal's office to Ash, a serious women.

"This is Mr. Ash Embers." Dumbledore also introduced Ash.

Ash glanced at the serious Mag, but didn't feel a great soul in her, so he just nodded his head as a gesture.

"Please sit down, Mr. Embers." Dumbledore smiled and let Ash sit at the exquisite table, and he sat opposite Ash.

"Because it's not yet time, and Mr. Thom hasn't come yet, we can have a casual chat first." Dumbledore pointed to the tray on the table, and motioned Ash to taste the tea on it.

Ash didn't reach out his hand. What's so good about tasteless liquid? He just looked at Dumbledore and asked slowly, "When can I join the job?"

"You need to pass the interview first." McGonagall said, although she didn't like this American who was wearing sunglasses and was a bit rude, but she still didn't understand the principle of not being angry, so she decided to have a chat. good.

"I'm not the only one who submitted my resume?" Ash asked a little puzzled.

"And Mr. Thom, he also hopes to become a professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts, a few days earlier than you." Dumbledore explained, "If you all pass, then I plan to let you each take a few grade."

"Understood." Ash nodded.

"Would you like to try Bibby's more flavored beans?" Dumbledore pointed to a small open box, which looked like a few had been eaten.

Ash wanted to refuse, but seeing the expectant expression of the old man, after thinking about it, he picked up one and tasted it.

It is still familiar without any taste, like chewing a piece of garbage residue, the difference is that the multi-flavored beans are crisper.

"Don't tell me what it smells like..." Dumbledore said, "Let me guess..."

"Booger smell?"

Ash looked at Dumbledore coldly, wondering what kind of strange smell it was.

"It doesn't seem to be..." Dumbledore looked at Ash's calm expression and thought for a while, "Could it be strawberry?"

This time the taste is much more normal... Ash nodded subconsciously, and Dumbledore smiled, saying that he is a master of Bibi's multi-flavored beans.

Then he also picked up a multi-flavored bean and stuffed it into his mouth, "Oh!" He said in surprise, "It smells like snot..."

"Dumbledore!" McGonagall reminded the principal, telling him not to be too playful.

"Hehe." Dumbledore smiled, "Life is like Bibi's flavored beans sometimes, you never know what will happen in the next moment." His words were obviously addressed to Ash, and at the same time he Looking at Ash's expression with a little scrutiny.

Ash nodded, without any superfluous expressions. He has never been very good at language arts. Sometimes he only said a few words a week, and most of them were cursing the monsters who attacked him.

"Coax!" There was another soft sound, and a well-wrapped wizard appeared.

"Mr. Thom." Dumbledore said lightly, and beckoned him to come and sit down.

The appearance of this competitor made Ash instantly alert, but it was not because of this job, but because of the smell of souls in him, many souls... Although not as good as Dumbledore in front of him, it is by no means less .

While he was thinking, Dumbledore had already introduced him to Mr. Thom.

"Cotter Som." Mr. Som reached out his hand and shook Ash's hand in a friendly way, but it was still a little strange to see Ash wearing sunglasses.

"Mr. Embers is... a blind wizard?" he asked in a low voice.

"No." Ash explained coldly, although there was no hostility, it also made Som feel that he was in a bad mood.

"Sorry, I'm sorry." Som apologized softly, and said that this was his first thought.

Watching the two gradually quiet down, McGonagall stood behind Dumbledore and slowly took out a test question.

"This is a NEWT exam question for the Defense Against the Dark Arts class." McGonagall introduced it, and then handed the paper to the two men. "We first want to test the hard standards of the two men."

After that, she pointed to the two quills on the table.

"Go ahead, gentlemen."

Som nodded and picked up the quill and began to write quickly.

Ash's movement of picking up the quill is not slow, but it looks quite elegant, and he has the feeling of a magic master. As the youngest magician of Biheim Dragon Academy, he is also continuing to collect the king's soul. Ash, who conducts research, is especially good at using the quill.

He sometimes joked to Fireproof that it was his second "weapon".

"Brush brush..."

In the quiet principal's office, the only sound left was the sound of the quill writing.

After about ten minutes, Ash stopped answering the paper. To him who has a god's backboard, this is no different from copying, but these novel answers that came out of his mind still made him feel very interesting.

Dumbledore glanced at him appreciatively, then turned his head to look at McGonagall, as if to show the accuracy of his vision.

About 10 minutes later, Som also finished his paper. He touched the sweat on his forehead, and looked at Ash with admiration.

"Good job, gentlemen." Dumbledore handed the paper to McGonagall, motioning for her to correct the answers, and then he sat up straight and said, "Let's have a casual chat next."

"Mr. Thom, why did you join Hogwarts?" He stared at Thom's eyes with his blue eyes wearing half-moon glasses, reminding him that he is the well-deserved leader of the wizarding world today. .

"Eh." Som was stunned for a moment, his eyes dodged a little, "I want to repay my alma mater..."

"So you gave up your job at Gringotts?" Dumbledore suddenly became mild again.

"Yes." Som nodded, then looked at Ash and said, "And I heard about the curse."

Ash didn't speak, but felt a little puzzled in his heart.

"Curses don't exist..." Dumbledore concluded the curse, even though Ash didn't even know what a curse was.

Som was stunned for a moment, and he had no choice but to nod to express that he had heard what others said.

"What about you, Mr. Embers?" Dumbledore looked at Ash with a smile, but there was no seriousness in his tone, "And why do you always wear a pair of sunglasses?"

Ash listened to Dumbledore's question and smiled, then took off his sunglasses, revealing his pair of green eyes, he squinted his eyes as if he was not used to the strong light, even though the headmaster's office was not very bright. bright.

"Beautiful eyes." Dumbledore commented, but there was no change in his attitude.

"So why does Mr. Ash want to go to Hogwarts?" He repeated his question.

Ash said flatly that he came to learn magic.

Thom opened his mouth and seemed a little puzzled, but he glanced at Dumbledore, who was as immobile as a mountain, and didn't speak.

"I think there are some differences between British magic and American magic." Ash explained again, this is what he thought of when he came here, and he just replaced Biheim with the United States.

"Hmm..." Dumbledore hummed in disbelief.

"Pass, Dumbledore." McGonagall brought two test papers and said, "The two gentlemen answered perfectly."

Dumbledore didn't even look at the paper, he pondered for a moment, then waved his wand and brought two books from the bookshelf.

"This is your textbook... Originally, the Hogwarts textbooks were chosen by the professor, but because Mr. Embers is from the United States, and the courses for grades [-], [-], [-] and [-] are very tight..."

Dumbledore handed the two books to Ash and Thom respectively.

"Dark Power: Magic Defense Guide", Ash glanced at the textbook in his hand, and turned a few pages full of curiosity.

You can go back and study it carefully. The knowledge given by the gods is only the most basic information in this world, and the details about the minutiae are not clearly explained.

"Then are we hired?" Som asked after accepting the book, looking a little excited.

"Yes, two professors." Dumbledore nodded, ignoring Magna's questioning expression, "Professor Embers, Professor Thom..."

He stretched out his left and right hands respectively, "Welcome to Hogwarts."

(End of this chapter)

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