Fire Bearer at Hogwarts

Chapter 285 Harry's Preview (Subscribe)

Chapter 285 Harry's Preview (Subscribe)
"Harry, the target of the disarming spell is the other party's wand..." Ash looked at the spell cast by Harry and said, "If you target someone, you're likely to knock him out."

"His wand will fly into your hand only if you use it on the wand."

Ash spoke with a slight flick of his wand.

"Except your weapons."


Harry's wand was now in Ash's hand, and he raised an eyebrow at Harry before returning the wand to him.

There was still about a week before school started. In the previous two weeks, Harry came to Ash to ask questions when he had nothing to do. It was not because he was eager to learn, but because he seemed a bit bored.

At first, he also asked Ash for some dueling magic lessons, and later even expanded to charm lessons, transfiguration lessons, and he didn't even forget potions.

In the end he even brought a weird book and told Ash that it was his textbook for the Care of Fantastic Beasts class.

Well, just by looking at it, Ash could guess that this textbook that eats leather shoes was chosen by Hagrid, and this half-breed giant became the professor of this year's Fantastic Beasts course.

"Harry, pay attention to your posture when practicing the Disarming Charm..." Ash continued: "You have to make sure that you won't be hit by the opponent's next blow when you use the wand."

"Use your body flexibly." Ashe said, he hooked Harry.

"Expelliarmus!" Harry's wand flicked out the silver charm, but Ash just turned slightly and the wand shook Harry's wand in his hand.

"You have to make sure that you are standing sideways facing me..." Ash casually recounted the content of the secret agent class he had eavesdropped on in Biheim: "In this way, you can easily avoid my attack .”

"I see, Professor Embers..."

Seeing Harry nodding, Ash also nodded slowly. It has to be said that Harry is much smarter than Ron, and he is quick and flexible in mastering spells.

But Harry was far less attentive than Ron, he was always frowning and didn't know what he was thinking.

The consultation for the morning was soon over, and Harry and Ash sat quietly in the bar hall and had lunch.

Of course, Ash didn't come to eat. As Harry's "bodyguard", he had to accompany Harry when he ate.

After all, that guy named Sirius wanted Harry's life...

"Professor Embers, I heard from Sister Woka that you were a professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts before, right?" One of the main reasons to be friends.

That is he likes to chat too.

"Hmm." Ash nodded, "That was three years ago."

Look, how much time has passed, Ash didn't expect that he has been in this world for three years.

"I heard that Professor Embers still had a partner at that time, right?" Harry asked curiously. When Worka talked about this matter, he also looked scrupulous and didn't make it very clear.

"Yes." Ash nodded, that very gentle Death Eater.

"Then why doesn't Professor Embers teach Defense Against the Dark Arts?" Harry asked casually.

"I don't want to do it." Ash didn't want to explain too much to Harry. It's not a good thing for a child to know too much about this kind of thing, and he couldn't tell Harry that it was because he killed his partner. Bar?
Hearing Ash's somewhat blunt answer, Harry nodded knowingly. Now that he's grown up, he naturally knows that Professor Embers probably doesn't want to talk about it...

"By the way, Professor Embers..." Harry looked at Ash suddenly thinking of something: "Is this year's Defense Against the Dark Arts professor still Lockhart?"

"It's not him anymore." Ash shook his head, "He continued his journey."

"That's great..." Harry let out a long breath, but he suddenly remembered that when Quirrell was killed, he also thought that the next Defense Against the Dark Arts professor would be very good...

In the end, he welcomed Lockhart... He quickly asked Ash, "Then the new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor... who is it?"

"You don't know him." Ash said casually, gulping down the honey on the table: "But I think he is much more reliable than Mr. Lockhart."

Ash's words made Harry breathe a sigh of relief, all his Defense Against the Dark Arts last semester was learned in dueling magic classes and dueling clubs... which is not a good thing.


"Fudge, you can't send dementors at Hogwarts!" McGonagall was so angry for the first time, and she and Dumbledore around her showed incredible eyes when they heard Fudge's thoughts.

Fudge actually wants to garrison Dementors at Hogwarts.

" know, Hogwarts is full of students." Dumbledore said slowly, "It's too dangerous for the students."

"I know..." Fudge frowned and said, "Of course I know..."

"Dementors don't enter the academy, they just guard the entrance."

"That's also very dangerous." McGonagall said, "After all, even the Ministry of Magic can't completely control the dementors."

"We can completely control the dementors." Fudge said, "Always!"

He looked at Dumbledore and said, "Sirius must be arrested immediately. He has dealt a major blow to the credibility of the Ministry of Magic and Azkaban."

He handed Dumbledore the Daily Prophet in his hand, on which a large banner read: Incompetent Ministry of Magic and Connelly.

And it comes from the most annoying Ms. Skeeter.

"The Ministry of Magic's credibility is being lost," said Fudge. "We must capture Sirius immediately..."

"And then send him to Azkaban?" McGonagall said with a frown, "The insurance is no longer there."

Fudge was silent for a few seconds, then he waved his hand and said, "The Ministry of Magic will take care of this..."

"But at present, it seems that only dementors can completely protect the whole of Hogwarts, and then they can also protect Harry Potter." He looked at Dumbledore and said, "Albus, you know... …This is a necessary measure.”

Dumbledore sighed, and after thinking for a few seconds, he said, "Fudge, I want you to promise... Dementors will not enter Hogwarts."

"I promise." Fudge stretched out his hand and said, "Dementors are just the protectors of Hogwarts."

"Hehe..." McGonagall sneered a few times. She just rejected Ash's request about dementors in the morning, and then she witnessed the Ministry of Magic sending dementors to Hogwarts here in the afternoon.

This literally brings another ticking time bomb into Hogwarts, what, the first one you ask?Of course, it is Professor Ash Embers who can come up with new tricks for McGonagall every year and get a bunch of pure-blood families to write letters of criticism every year.

Dumbledore sighed looking at Fudge's swearing, he could indeed feel that he was drifting away from the Ministry of Magic.

He didn't pay much attention to Voldemort, and turned a blind eye to the threat of darkness...sent the dementors to Hogwarts for the sake of face...Dumbledore looked at Fudge disappointed, then slowly opened the door and walked out.

 Sorry everyone, I overslept at noon today, hehe~


(End of this chapter)

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