Fire Bearer at Hogwarts

Chapter 273 Premonition (for Subscription)

Chapter 273 Premonition (for Subscription)

"Ashemir..." The girl softly called out to the undead team members who were kneeling beside the old wolf.

Her tone was a little apprehensive.

"What's wrong?" Ashmir turned his head slowly, he was just praying to Running Wolf.

"I have a certain premonition recently..." the girl said with a headache, "It makes me feel uncomfortable."

"Hunch?" Ashmir was stunned for a moment: "From the Sun King? Or something else..."

"The Sun King." The girl nodded: "I saw him in my dream...and then I saw a pair of open hands."

"What do you mean?" Ashemir frowned slightly. He was not very good at these nonsense things, and he preferred to reason with a big sword in his hand.

"Someone is coming." The girl said, "And they want to take something..."

"Take it..." Ashmir reacted quickly, and he immediately realized that it was the medal, engraved with the medal of running wolf.

"I understand." Ashemir nodded, he grabbed the hot medal, and then slowly put the medal into his arms.

"No one can get this medal, no one can take this token from the last undead team."

Seeing Ashemir's attitude, the girl sighed worriedly, "I don't know what happened... He has already..."

The girl's words made Ashemir also sigh, and he slowly stood up and muttered, "It's time for the Gulus to be alert again."

"Don't let anyone get close to here..."


"Fortress Farland is ahead." Rhodean poured the hot wine from the jug into his stomach, and then patted his stomach with satisfaction.

"Then we're almost at Lothric." Standing beside her was a chubby knight, the Onion Knight, who was holding the great sword in his hand.

"Keep up the enthusiasm!"

Listening to Onion Knight's words, Bald Patch pouted: "The warm-hearted guy..."

"Don't mutter Patch." Rhodean patted him on the shoulder: "Would you like a drink?"

Patch chose to keep up after Ashes and Rhodean rescued the Onion Knight. He claimed that he had made a lot of investment in the Onion Knight.

Of course, it was mainly because the Onion Knight liked him very much, and Rhodean didn't mind because he had helped him.

The one-month journey has brought the two of them closer, at least Rhodean thinks so.

"I don't want to..." Patch shook his head, he scratched his bald head and said, "Drunkards and nuns are the most annoying existences."

"How do you say?" Rhodean asked casually, "I don't think nuns are in the same category as me."

"Indeed..." Patch nodded: "You are a sweetheart who can consume."

Listening to Patch's words, Rhodean laughed, and then wiped the long sword in his hand.

"I heard that Fort Faran is not very safe recently."

"In addition to the patrolling abyss knights, there are also Gulu inside."

Rhodean's words made the Onion Knight nod: "Gulu is not an easy character to deal with, my friends, you must protect yourselves."

"Cut." Patch curled his lips, his legs and feet are very good, at least he runs very professionally.

The three talked and laughed and slowly approached the distant forest, and Ash, who was located in the Hogwarts world, also gently took a letter with a snake pattern from the bookshelf.

"Huh..." Ash gently blew off the dust on it, and then threw the envelope to Phil who was beside him.

"Cuckoo! Don't just throw unnecessary garbage to Phil!" Phil frowned and threw the envelope aside, then crushed the nuts in his mouth.

Ignoring Phil's complaints, Ash gently opened the folded letter.

Just as he expected... the letter was from a Slytherin.

One of the Big Four at Hogwarts.

"Helbo, I personally think I should warn you again... Even if you need human body for experiments, you can't start with Hogwarts students."

"Whether it's Slytherin or Hufflepuff...not even Gryffindor."

Ash was taken aback for a moment, he didn't expect that this letter was actually a warning letter, judging from the style of writing, Slytherin must have been unhappy when he wrote this letter.

"And I want to tell you, that brat in Gryffindor knows where you are, you'd better not provoke him, nor my bottom line."

"A snake will stare at its prey at all times while a lion will crush it with force."

Tsk tsk... Ash didn't expect that Slytherin who has been edited by later generations could also write such a letter. It can be seen that he hates Haierbin to a certain extent.

However, how did he know about the human experiment?And how did he know about Haierbo's stronghold?
Ash became more and more curious...

"Oops..." Phil's exclamation came suddenly, and Ash turned his head immediately, only to see that Phil's eyes were watery, and her hand was firmly made of a stone. Basilisk sculpture bites.

"Save Phil!" Phil looked at Ash, "It's going to eat Phil!"

Looking at the sculpture that was only the size of Phil's arm, the corner of Ash's mouth twitched slightly, and then he flicked his wand lightly: "Torn apart!"

The spell hit the sculpture precisely, and then blew it to pieces, but Ash's spell skills were very sophisticated, and Phil was not injured by it.

"Ouch! Cuckoo!" Phil sat down on the ground, and then clutched his fingers.

But Ash's focus was not on her. On the contrary, Ash saw a rusty key being lightly inserted into the sculpture.

In other words, Hai Erbo hid the key in the sculpture... But because of Phil's mistake, Ash frowned and picked up the key.

It's been in there for at least a few decades... Ashe looks at the erosion on it and is almost certain of that theory.

But what does this key unlock?

More doubts arose in Ash's heart, first about Slytherin's secrets, then about Gryffindor and Haibo... Now it's another key that doesn't know where it came from...

"Googoo?" Phil looked at the key and said in confusion, "The pattern on the stick looks like a snake."

a snake?Ash froze for a moment, he raised his wand to light up the light, and then took a few careful glances...

It is a serpentine script, a special script derived from Parseltongue.

Under Ash's careful identification, he gradually understood the meaning above.

"The key that can open the lower level of the hall, Ross, you can't forget it anymore."


It seems to be the assistant that Hai Erbo mentioned... It seems that this is Rose's key, but he said that he can open the lower floor of the laboratory.

Interesting... Ash looked at the useless books on the shelf, and then casually threw the key to Phil.

"Hold the key."

"Cuckoo? Is this the key?"

Ash stopped abruptly, and he quickly told himself in his heart that Phil is just an owl, it's normal not to know, it's normal not to know...

But thinking of Phil who just got his hands stuck in the sculpture, he couldn't help but sigh.

"Phil, first of all, this is indeed the key... Also, next time you get stuck, you can try to transform back into an owl."

"Master is so smart! Gu Gu!"

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(End of this chapter)

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