Fire Bearer at Hogwarts

Chapter 236 It's Time (Please Subscribe)

Chapter 236 It's Time (Please Subscribe)

There is a bathroom on the second floor of Hogwarts, but generally no one wants to go to the bathroom here, the reason is very simple, there is a ghost living here.

But unlike those other gnarly stories, the ghost who lives here is a young student.


She will use water to deal with all the little witches who come here to go to the toilet, and at the same time, she will use that gloomy cry to scare others.

Of course, that's why the three of Harry came here.

They were sitting around a small cauldron, and Hermione was making the Polyjuice Potion from Vorka.

"I'm Goyle, Harry's Crabbe." Ron asked a little strangely, "What about you, Hermione? Who have you become?"

Hermione shook her head and said, "I picked a little Slytherin witch. She went to Hogsmeade to play, and she will definitely not be here today."

As she spoke, she picked up three hairs on the ground and added them to three bottles of pink liquid.

Under the curious eyes of Harry and Ron, the three bottles of beautiful liquid began to change rapidly, and gradually began to solidify and even turned into a shape like mud.

"Oh!" Ron frowned in disgust: "It's disgusting, isn't it?"

"Like a lump of mud..." Harry muttered too, not wanting to drink the stuff at all.

"Think of the good." Hermione said, "At least Senior Sister An Luo turned them into strawberry flavor."

"Ah..." Ron felt even more chilly, and he stretched out his hand and slowly picked up a cup of potion.

"The smell of Goyle." He frowned and opened his mouth, then downed the bottle of potion in one gulp.

"How does it taste?" Harry asked concerned, but also a little worried.

"Smell..." Before Ron finished speaking, he vomited violently, and he hurried to the sink and began to vomit.

"Didn't you agree on the strawberry flavor?" Harry muttered as he picked up the potion, there was no way...for his own innocence!

It's done!

Harry was stunned, and then drank the liquid in the bottle in one gulp... At first, there was a familiar strawberry smell, which can be said to be like a drink, very delicious, but immediately, a disgusting smell came up, Like a rotten bottle of salad dressing with some rotting fish in it.

This nasty flavor mixes with strawberry...

Well, it's disgusting just to describe it, Harry didn't even have time to think about it, he retched, and immediately ran to the sink, and became a faucet brother with his good friend Ron.

"Merlin..." Hermione muttered, but when she thought that she had become a normal little witch...she thought the taste would not be so bad.

She took a deep breath, then slowly picked up the cup.

Drank it all in one was tasted pretty good...Hermione didn't feel too sick.

"Huh..." Harry wiped the corners of his mouth and got up from the sink, but when he raised his head, what he saw was not his own face, but a big square face.

Crabbe, one of Malfoy's henchmen, had been put in the closet by Harry and Ron.

Ron on the side also raised his head, but the first thing he saw was his own appearance, he turned into Goyle's appearance.

Not bad... He nodded and patted Harry who had turned into Crabbe along the way.

"Very successful, Harry." His voice had become exactly like Goyle's.

"How are you?" A mean female voice came, and a girl with short hair came over, holding a book at the same time.

"Hermione?" Ron froze for a moment, he seemed to have a little impression of the girl Hermione turned into.

"Pansy Parkinson?" asked Ron, who also seemed to be a pure-blood wizard.

"That's right." Hermione nodded. "She fell asleep in the library before, and I pulled the hair out of her."

"Looks like a poodle..." Ron muttered, but he seemed the only one who heard it.

"Okay, now that we're all disguised, let's go quickly." Hermione said, "The time will last about three hours."

"It is said that it could have been longer, but what Senior Sister An Luo gave us was diluted."

Ron and Harry didn't pay attention to Hermione's science, they were teasing each other.


"Goyle? Crabbe?" They had just reached the door of the Slytherin lounge when they bumped into Draco, who was looking up at the three of them.

"What did you do? Didn't you just have dinner?"

"Oh..." Draco saw Hermione disguised as Pansy, and asked a little strangely, "Didn't you go to Hogsmeade to buy honey?"

"Oh... something happened, I came back early." Hermione quickly explained, her words made Draco frown, he shook his head suspiciously, and didn't say much.

"Let's go, it's not very safe outside recently." With that, Draco walked to the door of the Slytherin lounge.

The four walked into the lounge, and Draco immediately jumped up and sat down on the sofa, patting the seat at the same time.

"Sit down," he said.

The three looked at each other and sat on either side of him.

"My dad sent me a little Galleon." Draco said casually, "I'm going to buy something for pranks."

"Don't you think Weasley, Pott has been getting more and more arrogant lately?"

"Especially after that Duel Magic class." Draco said dissatisfiedly: "Professor Embers is too partial to them."

His words made Ron frowned subconsciously, and Hermione beside him quickly pulled him back.

"When did your relationship get so good?" Draco frowned at this scene, and he gave Ron a dissatisfied look.

Harry beside him quickly said, "What about Hermione? That..."

"Mudblood!" Draco said, not noticing that Ron beside him was almost full of anger.

"She will die sooner or later." Draco said with satisfaction: "Don't forget the Chamber of Secrets! It will kill all Mudbloods!"

"Can you tell me more about the Chamber of Secrets?" Hermione asked pretending to be curious.

"Didn't I say it once." Draco frowned, but he didn't care. Instead, he continued, "But I've been fine recently, so I'll tell you again."

He coughed lightly and said, "My dad said that the Slytherin chamber of secrets is very dangerous...and there is a monster in it."

"Monster?" Harry muttered in surprise.

"That's right!" Draco looked at Harry's surprise, nodded in satisfaction and said, "A monster! You know, it was released once before!"

"It was released before?" Hermione was also a little surprised.

"Of course!" Draco said, "The incident was quite serious, and a student died!"

"Myrtle, you may not know, it's her."

"Then who opened the door?" Harry muttered, and by coincidence, Draco heard his doubts.

His expression became a little pale, but after a few seconds, it seemed that he had finished thinking, and Draco opened his mouth and said slowly, "Actually, I think I might know who opened the secret room."

(End of this chapter)

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