Fire Bearer at Hogwarts

Chapter 226 Dumbledore's Mind (Subscribe)

Chapter 226 Dumbledore's Mind (Subscribe)
The cold wind blew through the treetops of the Forbidden Forest and brought down the fallen leaves of the tall trees in the Forbidden Forest. The little wizards held oil lamps, like stars in the night sky, scattered in the dark curtain.

"Huh..." Ron let out a long breath. He felt that the surrounding area was getting colder and colder. At the same time, even the oil lamp was getting darker and darker.

"Don't be afraid of Ron..." Harry patted him on the shoulder, and he looked into the darkness with the oil lamp, but he couldn't see anything.

But they had been to the Forbidden Forest before, so they didn't panic too much.

Except for Ron, who had been worrying about the spider thing.

Hermione shook her head helplessly looking at Ron's appearance. The doppelgänger had gone somewhere, leaving only the three of them to explore.

"Professor Embers said that there are many red hats in this area." Hermione thought for a while and said, "They like to hide in ravines and ruins."

"In the Forbidden Forest, are there any ruins?" Ron asked in a low voice.

Hermione shook her head: "I don't know either...but Red Hat still likes blood."

"Blood?" Harry frowned, thinking of the voice he heard at Hogwarts...

"We might tempt it with blood," Harry said after a moment's thought.

Hermione shook her head hastily: "This won't's too dangerous."

She looked at the dark surroundings and said, "Blood will attract other terrifying's too dangerous."

"Maybe we can look for the ruins around here..." Harry thought for a while and said, "When we came to the Forbidden Forest last year... it seems that I have seen some ruins."

"Do you remember the location?" Hermione asked.

After thinking for a few seconds, Harry said, "Of course I doesn't seem too far from here."

So, the three of them discussed it like this, and they walked towards the small ruin in Harry's memory, where they thought they would gain something.

As they walked deeper and deeper, the surroundings became darker and darker. The light from the oil lamp seemed not enough to illuminate the Forbidden Forest. Only the moonlight shining through the gaps in the trees could give them some help.

"Hermione, can you use a spell..." Ron muttered, he had just accidentally trampled to death a spider, and he almost fainted from fright.

"It's too obvious..." Hermione frowned and said, "We can't let other things find us..."

"No, isn't there Professor Embers..." Ron couldn't care less about his dislike for that guy, after all, this was his only guarantee in the dark forbidden forest.

"He didn't know where he went..." Harry muttered, "He disappeared more than half an hour ago."

"We can't count on him..." Hermione also thought of the character of that clone, he was obviously the one who could make the move to leave the three of them behind.

"Damn..." Ron muttered, and stepped into the pond without paying attention.

"Be careful..." Hermione reached out to grab Ron, but just as she reached out, she heard the sound of splashing in the pond.

"Come on Ron!" Hermione yelled hastily.

Harry stretched out his hand and grabbed Ron's collar.

"Damn! What's that?" Ron saw the splashing water in the pond. He was so frightened that he flinched while waving his hands.

"Soul arrow shooting!" Hermione took out her wand and swung it, and the silver soul arrow shot from the tip of the wand straight to the spray in the pond.


"Gah!" A strange voice came, startling the three of them, but fortunately, Ron and Harry moved quickly, and Ron crawled out of the pond.

"What's that?" Harry asked in surprise, holding his own wand and his wooden sword in the other.

His last wooden sword was broken, and this was another one Ash had brought him.

"It should, it should be Grindylow..." Hermione thought for a while and said, "They like to live in the pool... and then use their hands to strangle wizards or Muggles passing by."

"My God..." Ron murmured, looking at the puddle that was still ringing.

"Get up, Ron." Harry pulled Ron up, and patted his muddy robe.

"I hope we don't run into spiders again..." Ron muttered.


"Ash, I haven't seen you for a while." Dumbledore's voice came, and he woke up Ash who was writing in his diary.

"Hmm." Ash nodded in agreement with Dumbledore's words, they had indeed not seen each other for a while.

"The dueling club was very good that day," said Dumbledore.

"It's a success." Ash said. Of course, this is not the case of Lockhart. After hearing about Ash's dueling magic class plan, he even wanted to get involved. He proposed to replace the red hat with his Complete Works.

"But I've also heard about Harry." Dumbledore sat beside Ash, and the two of them sat on a stone and looked at the dark Forbidden Forest in the distance.

"That's a talent." Ash thought for a while and said, "And it has something to do with Voldemort."

"Voldemort has had too much influence on the boy." Dumbledore nodded.

Ash nodded clearly and said, "Do you have any idea about the secret room? That kid seems to be very concerned about that matter."

Dumbledore shook his head and said, "No one knows about Slytherin...even the other three don't know, so naturally I don't know much about it."

"Maybe it has something to do with something strange." Ash thought for a while and said, "I heard strange noises in Hogwarts."

"Strange sound?" Dumbledore frowned.

"It might be some kind of animal or person." What Ash said was that he heard a sound related to blood that day, which impressed him deeply.

"Can you be specific?"

"I heard something whispering blood in the middle of the night..." Ash said, "I just don't know what it is."

"It shouldn't be a prank by the ghosts," said Dumbledore.

"This needs to be investigated." Ash said. He stood up and closed the diary. Looking at the bright moon in the night sky, he couldn't help but think about Rodland again.

Soon... He estimated that the soul on his body... He has already collected quite a few...

Seeing Ash's thoughtful look, Dumbledore took out a piece of honey candy from his arms and ate it, then made a chewing sound.

"Ash, can you keep them safe?"

Listening to Dumbledore's words, Ash nodded: "The Forbidden Forest is safe...they are protected by my spell..."

"And the drills helped a lot."

"Have you ever received such training in the United States?"

"No." Ash shook his head: "But I think it's definitely more useful than sitting in a classroom and listening to a writer explain his creative ideas."

Hearing Ash tease Lockhart, Dumbledore chuckled. He clapped his hands and stood up and said, "You always have interesting insights, Ash."

"You're always so wise, Dumbledore." Ash looked into Dumbledore's blue eyes, then nodded slightly.

 Thank you for the monthly ticket support of another pig!Thank you all for your votes! (﹡o﹡)
(End of this chapter)

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