Fire Bearer at Hogwarts

Chapter 22 Walking with the Spider

Chapter 22 Walking with the Spider
"Good morning, gentlemen." Ash said, looking at the trembling first-year students in the audience.

"I'm Ash Embers..." he introduced, "You should all have heard my name."

Indeed, and it's not a good reputation... The little Badger and the little eagle in the audience should have the same thoughts.

First, I heard from my senior in the morning that the professor would demonstrate the three terrifying Unforgivable Curses... Those terrifying descriptions frightened the freshmen.

The second-year seniors in the afternoon told them to run three laps around the Quidditch pitch... To be honest, they were a little daunted by this subject.

Not everyone has the determination to die.

"Our courses this year are mainly related to black magic and dark creatures..." Ash picked up the books on the table and said, "The textbooks for the first grade should be the best among the three grades... at least better than those for the third grade. "

"I want to ask ladies and gentlemen... Does anyone know what black magic is?" Ash looked at the students in the audience.

"Miss Zhang..." Ash pointed to the oriental girl who raised her left hand high, "You answer."

"Black magic is dark is very harmful to people, and requires strong emotions from the user." Qiu Zhang's answer is very good.

"Five points for Ravenclaw." Ashe said, he asked Qiu Zhang to sit down. "Yes, Miss Zhang is right. Black magic is a very harmful and dangerous thing."

"But our class today has nothing to do with it..." So why are you asking this question Hey!
Ash went to the back of the podium and pulled down the blackboard, revealing the blocked iron cage.

The iron cage was banging non-stop, as if there were some terrifying creatures inside... The black cloth covering it successfully aroused the curiosity of the students.

"Everyone can come and guess who our teaching aids are." Ash said with a smile.

"Cornish elf?" said a Ravenclaw girl, who seemed to have heard of her senior's class experience: he took the poor Cornish puppy away with a killing curse. Genie, I really cried to death.

"It's not... the elf is very noisy, very noisy." Ash emphasized twice that he really didn't like this kind of creature.

"Thestrals! It must be thestrals!" A little badger raised his hand and said, it seemed that he knew quite a few magical animals.

"Unfortunately, not." Ash shook his head, "It seems that no one can guess what it is."

Ash smiled, and with a wave of the wand in his left hand, he lifted off the black cloth covering, revealing the excited and aggressive eight-eyed spider inside.

The scary, man-sized spider startled the students, most Muggle-borns had never seen a spider this big... they shrieked and huddled behind their desks, and to Ash's disappointment none of them The student thought about pulling out his wand.

"We were terrified..." Cho Chang recalls.

Ash shook his head in disappointment, and then waved his wand. The light from the wand made the students quiet. These students saw the calm professor regain some sense.

Ash looked at these students seriously and said, "I'm very disappointed..." He tapped the desk with the tip of his wand, "We are Defense Against the Dark Arts class..."

"The core of defense is counterattack," Ash said. "I hope next time in class, someone will pull out a wand... screaming won't get you out of it."

Ash's wand hit the iron cage, causing the eight-eyed spider to hit the iron cage angrily, and the students retreated subconsciously.

"Don't be afraid...if you face them, if you are afraid, you will die without a place to die." Ash said, "This is an eight-eyed spider...from the Forbidden Forest."

"I will definitely not go to the Forbidden Forest in the future..." said a little badger next to Qiu Zhang.

"But don't be too afraid of them." Ash said with a smile, "They're just some spiders, spiders..."

"The only thing I'm afraid of is the soles of my shoes..." His words made the students chuckle, breaking the atmosphere of fear.

"There is also a magic spell...'flaming flames'" Ash waved his wand, and the red flames burned on the tip of the wand. He approached the eight-eyed spider with his wand, causing it to back away in fright.

How arrogant she was just now, how embarrassing she is now.

"The purpose of our class today is to observe this eight-eyed spider and think about what you should do if you encounter it in the wild."

"Use insecticide!" said a Muggle-born eaglet. "That's what my father did with cockroaches!"

"Very good idea." Ash nodded, "Ravenclaw adds five points."

"We can use the 'Spider Charm!'" The reply was clearly from the wizarding world.

Ash smiled and looked at the answerer: "What is the spell to repel spiders? Does anyone know?"

His question silenced everyone, these first-year little wizards can't even master the Levitation Curse...

"I suggest you make a note, the incantation of the spider exorcism is 'Alanya Atmi'" Ash said lightly, then waved his wand to activate the incantation.

The eight-eyed spider trembled even more, it was much more frightened than facing the flames just now.

"Look at that spider!"

"It's like those newborn sparrows."

Ash watched the students' discussions become more and more heated, and nodded with a smile, "The next step is to observe. The students whose names I named come to observe closely one by one."

"Woka Anluo."

A short-haired girl with black curly hair came up, and the sign was a little wizard from Hufflepuff.

She walked up to the podium with a little fear, and looked at the eight-eyed spider that was driven away by the spider-repelling spell, and her legs even trembled a little.

"It's okay, take it easy." Ash comforted, and then stretched out his hand to pull the girl over, "There's nothing to be afraid of, right?"

The girl's face recovered slightly, and she looked at the spider carefully, "It's like a blueberry cake." She whispered.

"A good metaphor, I'm a little hungry, Miss An Luo." Ash joked, this is a routine he watched on "The Complete Works of World's Cold Jokes" yesterday.

Woka smiled and jumped down. It seemed that she was not particularly afraid of eight-eyed spiders now.

"Next person……"

Soon, it was Qiu Zhang, this girl from the east made Ash very curious.

"Professor..." Qiu Zhang was also a little nervous, after all, everyone was a little scared in the face of terrifying dark creatures.

"Don't worry." Ash stood in front of Qiu Zhang, making sure that no accident would hurt these children.

Qiu Zhang took a closer look, and suddenly asked, " won't let him go all of a sudden, will you?"

"Hmm..." Ash pretended to think for a while, "It's very possible."

After saying that, he suddenly let go of his left hand, and the eight-eyed spider immediately rushed over, and hit the iron cage amidst the screams of the children.

"Bang!" There was a loud noise, and Ash looked at the frightened students with a smile. He was still a little disappointed that these children were still empty...

Oh Cho Chang pulled out her wand...

Ash nodded in satisfaction, and let the brave little girl go down, "The next one..."

Soon, a class ended like this, and the little wizards in the first grade saw what dark creatures were, and knew how to deal with eight-eyed spiders... Although Ash still asked them to write two-foot papers each.

"Professor Embers is so bad!" said a little girl, looking quite taken aback by Ash's nasty joke.

"I didn't expect him to actually let go!" said another girl, who was so frightened that she threw the book out.

Qiu Zhang looked at his roommate with a smile, "But Professor Embers has a different kind of charm..."

"Yes, yes, yes!" her roommate received, "Do you still remember that melancholy look? It's so handsome!"

"It's a pity that he wears sunglasses all the time in class!"

"it's a pity……"

It seems that these young wizards are enjoying this class... Of course, it may be people who like class.

(End of this chapter)

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