Fire Bearer at Hogwarts

Chapter 219 Parseltongue (for Subscription)

Chapter 219 Parseltongue (for Subscription)
The appearance of the silver soul arrow made all the young wizards startled. They looked at Draco in surprise, especially the first-year students. They had heard about the spell created by Professor Embers for a long time. They had already heard about it. Just want to get to know each other.

The silver soul arrow was thrown out and flew straight towards Harry.

But Harry didn't panic, he held the wooden sword calmly, and then raised it quickly, "Bang!" The wooden sword lived up to everyone's expectations and blocked the soul arrow.

But at the same time, the price was that the wooden sword was broken in half, and the flying sawdust flew everywhere.

"You have nowhere to escape Pot!" Draco said confidently, flicking his wand: "Soul Arrow Shoot!"

Another silver soul arrow was thrown out, and Harry, facing the curse, only had a half-broken wooden sword in his hand.

"Damn it!" Ron yelled, and Hermione beside him even drew out her wand decisively.

And Ash, who was watching this scene, was also about to chant a spell silently. Obviously, if this soul arrow hit Harry, it might not be a minor injury.

Of course, Harry didn't know that so many people cared about him, so he raised his left hand neatly, and threw the wooden sword violently.


Amidst everyone's astonishment, the wooden sword hit the fired soul arrow in the air, and successfully blocked it.

"I just said he's not bad as a batsman..." George said, also shocked by Harry's operation.

"Nice job Harry!" Ron reacted quickly at this time, and he raised his hand to applaud his proud good friend.

"Good job, Harry!" Lockhart also realized at this moment, he didn't even have time to take out his wand just now, he applauded for Harry.

"Damn it..." Draco looked at the crowd around him resentfully... He waved his wand again: "Go out!"

A black cobra flew out of its wand and stared straight at Harry.

"Ah!" A few timid little witches even screamed, while the other little wizards also looked at this scene with pale faces.

"Damn out!" Harry flicked his wand, which was one of the few spells he knew. However, the red spell didn't hit the nimble cobra, and it easily dodged Harry's spell.

"Let me deal with it," said Lockhart loudly, raising his wand to the cobra and shouting, "Exorcise the cobra!"

A black spell flew out of the wand and hit the cobra. However, it did not disappear as quickly as everyone expected. On the contrary, the cobra became extremely huge after a bang, with thick wrists. His body instantly became the size of a human waist.

"What is he doing?!" Ron said in horror, and the other students screamed loudly, even Draco, who cast the spell, was taken aback. He didn't expect Lockhart to help him Make the snake so huge.

"Hiss..." Suddenly, something unexpected happened, and Harry suddenly spoke a string of strange words from his mouth.

It was as if a snake was talking, and the huge cobra seemed to have heard Harry's words. It turned its gaze to Harry, and felt like it was listening.

But Ash was very clear-headed, Harry was telling the snake to go away...


Ash looked at Harry in surprise. He naturally knew about this talent. With the help of the gods, Ash also mastered this skill. Of course, what he didn't expect was that Harry could do it too.

Everyone who saw Harry talking was startled, but what made everyone more frightened was yet to come.

As Harry spoke, Professor Embers, who was silent for a few seconds, also made a "hiss" sound, and at the same time he waved his wand.

A reddish-brown spell was thrown out, turning the snake into a ball of ashes in everyone's surprised eyes.

"Parseltongue?" a well-informed little wizard muttered, "Heir of Slytherin?"

His words instantly caused thousands of waves. Not only did the little wizards look at Harry, but many people's eyes were fixed on Ash.

"Professor Embers is a Parseltongue?" George said in surprise, "I thought those things were just a joke."

"Isn't it more shocking that Harry has a Parseltongue?" Fred complained, "Woka, don't you know this?"

"How do I know these things?" Woka was also very surprised, "Professor Embers is really knowledgeable..."

Looking at everyone's strange eyes, Harry was still confused for a moment. He didn't know that he had just talked to the snake.

"Harry, come down..." Hermione whispered, and she called Harry down.

And the occurrence of this scene temporarily interrupted the Dueling Club for a few seconds.

"Everyone, please be quiet!" Lockhart said loudly, and he managed to silence the students in the discussion.

"Parseltongue is an innate talent," he explained. "It has absolutely nothing to do with the Chamber of Secrets."

Very good, he succeeded in deepening everyone's associations. Ash had never doubted a person's IQ before, but he saw it today.

As the center of the storm, it was naturally Harry. After all, he was the only person present at the scene where Mrs. Norris was killed, and Ash was more like a profound professor.

Isn't it normal for a professor to do this?
"Harry can't really be the heir of Slytherin?" several lion cubs muttered.

Ash even saw a brave lion cub take a photo of Harry with a camera.

"What's the matter with you?" Harry, who was sitting in the seat, still had a strange expression on his face, and almost everyone around him looked at him with strange eyes.

"You were talking to snakes just now?" Ron thought for a while and said, "Do you understand their language?"

"Isn't that obvious?" Hermione said, frowning. "Harry is a Parseltongue."

"Parseltongue?" Harry was even more confused, "I don't know what Parseltongue is."

"But you just talked to the snake, the voice we heard..." Hermione thought for a while and said, "It's like a snake."

"This is horrible," muttered Ron.

"Everyone, please be quiet, the next showdown will follow." Lockhart said quickly: "Ron Weasley will play against..."

Harry didn't listen to the rest, and he felt bad all over.

Parseltongue, and Slytherins are Parseltongue too!
I can't really be the heir of Slytherin, can I?
His entire face darkened, but it was more like an expression of displeasure in the eyes of others.

"Be careful..." said a little lion, "Don't make him unhappy..."

"He's going to petrify us..." another student said.

It seems that no one cares about the duel on the field at all.

Damn, no one cares how I beat my opponent?

Ron couldn't help shaking his head watching the discussion in the audience. He just defeated his opponent neatly, which should have won a lot of applause.

Of course, Ron can also realize that the publicity caused by Harry's Parseltongue is too dangerous... so dangerous that it may make Harry leave Hogwarts.

"But I really don't know!" After class, Harry sat on the steps with a sad face, and the other two also looked sad.

"We have to prove Harry's innocence!" said Hermione, "and the only way is to find that guy!"

"The guy who petrified others!"

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  It’s still being updated after school starts. Isn’t such a hard-working Gugu Chicken worth the support of the monthly pass?
(End of this chapter)

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